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***Official Mike Ashley Euro express thread***


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Looks like £10m of the pocketed Carroll cash being spent here on a very decent player


Nah, Chez says that was to cover losses from the 2 years previous.


This is either club commercial income for the current financial year (Virgin money money?), future player sale income or Mike Ashley's own money getting spent.


I'm guessing it was more a sideswipe at Leazes' obsessive mantra than a forensic testing of where the funds have come from

It was, good call. It's a bit quiet on the Leazes front now, bit like when we win games


I've been out, I'm not on here all day. Are you drinking, or working ?


I don't post during games, or immediately afterwards, because I'm actually at the game btw. :icon_lol:

For two or three days?


1350 quid for a season ticket for 3 years, and a season ticket for about 35 of the last 45 years, says I don't need to tell you or anyone else what going to a football match is all about or justify it.

Edited by LeazesMag
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Delete his account while you're at it.

Cock off bambaclat, stick to goading an old man, it's an easier target for you.


didn't you say you would adopt the forum policeman role when people are misposted etc .?


Do you think I give a toss what the grey man thinks too

Course I will,and I think you'll see I have defended your position once or twice. However, you've not stopped falsely attributing positions to people. You still claim people are pro-Ashley, when in fact (as has been proven by a poll) the overwhelming majority are vehemently 'anti-Ashley'. Stop doing this and people wouldn't be so quick to dismiss your diatribes. Oh and don't say you don't care what Manc-mag says, if you werent bothered by him you'd not mention him in threads where he's not posted, nor would you reply to his every contribution.


I reply because he has absolutely nothing to say, and I feel sorry for him because he thinks he's a smart arse and won't admit he's disagreed with me for years despite everything I said would happen, is now happening. I understand it isn't quite clear to some chumps but don't think he's that stupid, he's also obsessed with me.


People ARE pro-Ashley, whether you like it or not. I'm only giving my judgement anyway on the future of the club and the setup of the club, and I'm 100% correct too.


:lol: ....he also happens to be obsessed with me.




He replies to me even though I've got him on ignore if the quote pyramids are anything to go by. :lol:


Ditto. I kind of feel a bit sorry for him. I wonder what pleasure he gets posting the same bile here very day when it's clear as day no one is interested. Not a happy home life I reckon.


It won't be long before half the board have him on ignore. Shame. He wasn't always such a crushing bore.


what a shame I bored you so much you are now repeating everything I said that "bored you".


What a hypocrite.


I hope Fish has noted the jibe about my private life, you never did answer my question when i asked you if you know my mate in Dulwich did you ? I wonder why. Do you have any mates ?

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Come on then Leazes, what do you make of us spending £10m on Cisse?


He's previously stated that we would never spend that sum of money on a player again under Ashley, so he's been proved wrong in that particular prediction.


Who ends up out the door is another matter entirely of course and it's way too soon to be getting ahead of ourselves there. It doesnt really make any difference though, his mantra is about spending £35 million to the penny, as though football finances began the day of the Carroll sale.

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Expecting the speculation for the next fortnight is that this deal has gone ahead because we've already agreed Tiote's transfer fee to Chelsea/Man U.


If he used Twitter you'd actually be able to gauge the likelihood of that but he's refreshingly all too diffident/not obsessed with the sound of his own voice for it to be any indicator.

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Come on then Leazes, what do you make of us spending £10m on Cisse?


He's previously stated that we would never spend that sum of money on a player again under Ashley, so he's been proved wrong in that particular prediction.


Who ends up out the door is another matter entirely of course and it's way too soon to be getting ahead of ourselves there. It doesnt really make any difference though, his mantra is about spending £35 million to the penny, as though football finances began the day of the Carroll sale.


I'm not really surprised that you don't understand the difference between a selling club and a progressive club. I've explained it enough times.


You're an idiot.

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he only cost 7.5m didn't he?


was the 10m figure dreamt up initially to make us look like billy bigger bollocks.


quite amazing the amount of people, sorry fuckwits, who are still accepting that 27m quid has been pocketed of the Carroll fee.


And nobody has been sold.........yet

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Come on then Leazes, what do you make of us spending £10m on Cisse?


25m quid left, can't you count ? :icon_lol:


-£5.75m for Ben Arfa


-£7m for agent's fees (official publication)


-£3m for Obertan


-£ difference between Nolan and Cabaye's fee.


Isnt it?

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Come on then Leazes, what do you make of us spending £10m on Cisse?


25m quid left, can't you count ? :icon_lol:


-£5.75m for Ben Arfa


-£7m for agent's fees (official publication)


-£3m for Obertan


-£ difference between Nolan and Cabaye's fee.


Isnt it?


Agents fees ? Do all the progressive clubs deduct agents fees when they back their managers ?


Ref Obertan, I thought everybody was saying how great it is not to waste any money on shit footballers anymore ? Still, the final league positions on a long term basis will determine which transfer policy was best overall , wouldn't you agree ?

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Give it up Leazes, the clubs prospects haven't looked so good since the Keegan days.


This signing blows out of the water any suggestion that Ashley simply wants to tread water while turning a profit.


This signing signals ambition not status quo.


It is clear as day that this club not only has ambition again, but also has proper management off and on the field.


Still doesn't guarantee success but only an old pantomime dame like yourself can still whine on when everything is going so well.

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So if we had paid £20 mil for this guy and 15 for BA then we would be straight, in Leazes logic that is.


Getting two class strikers for a third of the Carroll fee is fucking tremendous business however you dress it up and however much you hate Ashley.


Is having spare cash left a bad thing?

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Come on then Leazes, what do you make of us spending £10m on Cisse?


25m quid left, can't you count ? :icon_lol:


-£5.75m for Ben Arfa


-£7m for agent's fees (official publication)


-£3m for Obertan


-£ difference between Nolan and Cabaye's fee.


Isnt it?


Agents fees ? Do all the progressive clubs deduct agents fees when they back their managers ?


Ref Obertan, I thought everybody was saying how great it is not to waste any money on shit footballers anymore ? Still, the final league positions on a long term basis will determine which transfer policy was best overall , wouldn't you agree ?

We're discussing pounds, not players. Whether Obertan is shit is irrelevant.


All the clubs recently published their total costs of agents fees, ours was near the top.


All clubs are required by law to submit accounts for tax purposes so yes, to answer the side-tracking and bizarre question, all progressive clubs deduct agent fees, or their accountant would go to prison.

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Give it up Leazes, the clubs prospects haven't looked so good since the Keegan days.


This signing blows out of the water any suggestion that Ashley simply wants to tread water while turning a profit.


This signing signals ambition not status quo.


It is clear as day that this club not only has ambition again, but also has proper management off and on the field.


Still doesn't guarantee success but only an old pantomime dame like yourself can still whine on when everything is going so well.




I'm looking forward to finishing higher than 3rd in the premiership, and playing in the San Siro and the Nou Camp in the Champions League, according to you. How much would you like to bet me that it doesn't happen ?


I take it by "pantomine dames" you mean those who booed a team because they only finished 5th ? When is your man going to finish 5th ?


Answer = never.

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Give it up Leazes, the clubs prospects haven't looked so good since the Keegan days.


This signing blows out of the water any suggestion that Ashley simply wants to tread water while turning a profit.


This signing signals ambition not status quo.


It is clear as day that this club not only has ambition again, but also has proper management off and on the field.


Still doesn't guarantee success but only an old pantomime dame like yourself can still whine on when everything is going so well.


Cisse is an exciting signing but lets not get too carried away just yet. I'll agree it's a statement of intent and perhaps a policy shift if we get to February 1 without losing Colo or Tiote.

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Come on then Leazes, what do you make of us spending £10m on Cisse?


25m quid left, can't you count ? :icon_lol:


-£5.75m for Ben Arfa


-£7m for agent's fees (official publication)


-£3m for Obertan


-£ difference between Nolan and Cabaye's fee.


Isnt it?


Agents fees ? Do all the progressive clubs deduct agents fees when they back their managers ?


Ref Obertan, I thought everybody was saying how great it is not to waste any money on shit footballers anymore ? Still, the final league positions on a long term basis will determine which transfer policy was best overall , wouldn't you agree ?

I guess taking a punt on Obertan for 3mil on modest wages is a better strategy than 12mil on Boumsong or paying Owen 110k a week.

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Come on then Leazes, what do you make of us spending £10m on Cisse?


25m quid left, can't you count ? :icon_lol:


-£5.75m for Ben Arfa


-£7m for agent's fees (official publication)


-£3m for Obertan


-£ difference between Nolan and Cabaye's fee.


Isnt it?


Agents fees ? Do all the progressive clubs deduct agents fees when they back their managers ?


Ref Obertan, I thought everybody was saying how great it is not to waste any money on shit footballers anymore ? Still, the final league positions on a long term basis will determine which transfer policy was best overall , wouldn't you agree ?

We're discussing pounds, not players. Whether Obertan is shit is irrelevant.


All the clubs recently published their total costs of agents fees, ours was near the top.


All clubs are required by law to submit accounts for tax purposes so yes, to answer the side-tracking and bizarre question, all progressive clubs deduct agent fees, or their accountant would go to prison.


Liverpool deducted the agents fee from the sale of Torres, when they backed their manager, did they ?


This is the actions of selling clubs, NUFC have millions left from the sale of Carroll regardless.


Maybe some of these out of towners might support their man now by putting their cash into the club ? :icon_lol:

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Small but significant probability that we could play there in the Europa league.


Are we clear on the finance yet? We're about £10m up off Carroll and have 2 new strikers who are mobile and skillful. Well done to all concerned tbh.

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