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Someones Dropped a Bollock On my Watch - Advice


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None and I wouldnt touch her with Kevin's!


I have been here a year, well, a year and two weeks. I really enjoy it here, but in the past month or so as the project speed has ramped up and were getting more and more information out the more and more its showing how shit this lass is.


Anyways, got a meeting with the top gaffer this afternoon.


Get rid.

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A lass who works here has dropped several bollocks on the job I am working on and I am a bit stuck what to do.


She, for some reason is thought well of by our immediate line manager, yet in reality shes fucking shite. Anyways, shes dropped a few bollocks on the job and after the first one I told the main line manager that it needs attention, nothing happened.


Anyways, I was working at home yesterday reviewing elements of the project and her work is Waaaaaaaaaaay below the standard for her level and basically she needs a bollocking.


Now, I dont like squealing, Ive tried speaking to her but shes just brain dead. She spends her time gabbing about shite and basically her work shows it. Im under a load of pressure on the job and shes just sat back chilling!


Do I go see the Line Manager again, or, undercut him and see the main gaffer? Its something that needs bringing up because its on my job and I dont wanna get dry bummed for someones continuous mistakes.






You having trouble with lasses again Wiki? Have you fucked this one yet?

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A lass who works here has dropped several bollocks on the job I am working on and I am a bit stuck what to do.


She, for some reason is thought well of by our immediate line manager, yet in reality shes fucking shite. Anyways, shes dropped a few bollocks on the job and after the first one I told the main line manager that it needs attention, nothing happened.


Anyways, I was working at home yesterday reviewing elements of the project and her work is Waaaaaaaaaaay below the standard for her level and basically she needs a bollocking.


Now, I dont like squealing, Ive tried speaking to her but shes just brain dead. She spends her time gabbing about shite and basically her work shows it. Im under a load of pressure on the job and shes just sat back chilling!


Do I go see the Line Manager again, or, undercut him and see the main gaffer? Its something that needs bringing up because its on my job and I dont wanna get dry bummed for someones continuous mistakes.






You having trouble with lasses again Wiki? Have you fucked this one yet?


:lol: No.


Im still waiting for the gaffer

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Gaffer has been in meetings, on leave etc so still not spoken to him.


This stupid bint is useless. She came in 15mins late as she does EVERY Friday and then spent 5mins chatting with someone and the line manager walks past with a cheery "Morning" FFS.


The other Top Gaffer I dont really know, only spoke to him 3 times so feel a little uncomfortable speaking to him.

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15 minutes late? 5 minutes chatting? Oh noes!!!!!


No offence Wyki, but going on all your past threads, is it possible that it is you that have the problem?


No offence taken. I have really thought about that and aye, maybe I do. I just like my work and projects to be done on time with a high standard, is that a problem?


We have a ever looming deadline to meet and she is clearly taking the piss. Its 20mins here and there and it all adds up and its showing in her work. If it wasnt and she got her work done and it was spot on, or had the odd error then I wouldnt be bothered. But her work is SHIT.

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15 minutes late? 5 minutes chatting? Oh noes!!!!!


You in the public sector by any chance ????


Wiki, on the surface, you HAVE to escalate it, if the job turns to shit, you're in the shit anyway, best raise it and get it sorted. At least you'll be "in control of the shit" going off so can manage the situation better.


I take it you have a diary/log of all the previous attempts at fixing it ??


But, you need to balance the ramifications on you of sorting it out, against the ramifications on you of the job turning to shit. Therein will lie your answer.

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Is chatting for FIVE minutes frowned upon in the private sector? Well no it's not in my experience, but if it is then morale must be shit I would reckon, which must worsten productivity.


Yes toonpack, I work in the public sector, and we have a degree of work flexibility which is common to most jobs where you don't have to wear a name badge.


This isn't the first job where wyki has had these problems though so I would look at his own man management skills if I was him (which he has, tbf).

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Is chatting for FIVE minutes frowned upon in the private sector? Well no it's not in my experience, but if it is then morale must be shit I would reckon, which must worsten productivity.


Yes toonpack, I work in the public sector, and we have a degree of work flexibility which is common to most jobs where you don't have to wear a name badge.


What a surprise.


There's degrees of flexibility and then there's taking the piss. Coming in 15 mins late and then chatting for 5 minutes is taking the piss. That 20 minutes is the thick end of 5% her working day, given most people work at around 80% utilistation that's 25% of her day gone for nothing.


No, chatting is not frowned upon in the private sector, if the work is getting done, if the work is not getting done, then there is a problem, quite rightly.


Defending such behaviour is crass stupidity in todays climate. Given anything that does happen in the public sector is usually late and costs more than it should have . BTW if that scenario is repeated in a private sector environment it leads to business failure and lost jobs, not another huge bucket of government cash.


The lack of accountability is staggering.

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Is chatting for FIVE minutes frowned upon in the private sector? Well no it's not in my experience, but if it is then morale must be shit I would reckon, which must worsten productivity.


Yes toonpack, I work in the public sector, and we have a degree of work flexibility which is common to most jobs where you don't have to wear a name badge.


What a surprise.


There's degrees of flexibility and then there's taking the piss. Coming in 15 mins late and then chatting for 5 minutes is taking the piss. That 20 minutes is the thick end of 5% her working day, given most people work at around 80% utilistation that's 25% of her day gone for nothing.


No, chatting is not frowned upon in the private sector, if the work is getting done, if the work is not getting done, then there is a problem, quite rightly.


Defending such behaviour is crass stupidity in todays climate. Given anything that does happen in the public sector is usually late and costs more than it should have . BTW if that scenario is repeated in a private sector environment it leads to business failure and lost jobs, not another huge bucket of government cash.


The lack of accountability is staggering.




By the same token you want to see how much private sector firms take the piss when they've got their snouts in public sector contracts. Wanting to renegotiate contracts every five minutes too after they've pitched tenders too low just to get their snouts in said trough.


And that's coming from someone who's largely very cynical of the public sector.

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Follow her home. Kill her and then stuff her body (remove offal first) with a lovely Xmassy filling (I like to inc a nice berry mix and plenty of lemon juice). Wait a couple of days till rigour mortice sets in and bring her into work strapped to the front of yer pushbike. Light a fire on yer bosses desk and gently roast the carcass on a spit made out of various office acroutiments. Serve to onlookers with a straight face with a lashings of mulled wine. Sorted.

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Is chatting for FIVE minutes frowned upon in the private sector? Well no it's not in my experience, but if it is then morale must be shit I would reckon, which must worsten productivity.


Yes toonpack, I work in the public sector, and we have a degree of work flexibility which is common to most jobs where you don't have to wear a name badge.


What a surprise.


There's degrees of flexibility and then there's taking the piss. Coming in 15 mins late and then chatting for 5 minutes is taking the piss. That 20 minutes is the thick end of 5% her working day, given most people work at around 80% utilistation that's 25% of her day gone for nothing.


No, chatting is not frowned upon in the private sector, if the work is getting done, if the work is not getting done, then there is a problem, quite rightly.


Defending such behaviour is crass stupidity in todays climate. Given anything that does happen in the public sector is usually late and costs more than it should have . BTW if that scenario is repeated in a private sector environment it leads to business failure and lost jobs, not another huge bucket of government cash.


The lack of accountability is staggering.




By the same token you want to see how much private sector firms take the piss when they've got their snouts in public sector contracts. Wanting to renegotiate contracts every five minutes too after they've pitched tenders too low just to get their snouts in said trough.


And that's coming from someone who's largely very cynical of the public sector.


Oh undoubtedly, but that's because it has been a soft touch, a big private sector company would rarely get away with it on another, they'd be told "tough shit, fuck off". The Public sector needs to grow a pair, at all levels.

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How is 20 minutes 25% of the day? If typical utilisation is 80% then that is in fact 100%. You can knock 5% off one or the other, not combine them to make shite up.


Late in and chatting for 5 minutes, shoot them, shoot them all!

Edited by trophyshy
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