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Regular Expressions


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Seeing as our own resident Northern Ireland residing expert cant be arsed to help me because of some self centred need to gain promotion I need help from anyone that understands these. Ive tried many a time and frankly havent got a bastard clue!


I know it can be done and is fairly straight forward.


I want a regex that will add a bit to the start of any link in the document


ie <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk">'>http://www.bbc.co.uk">


I want to change to


<a href="http://www.toontastic.net/result.php?theurl=http://wwww.bbc.co.uk">


at the same time there could be other bits in the link




<a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk" title="BBC" />


or the http may be missing


<a href="www.bbc.co.uk"/>


or any one of a dozen other valid link setups.


therefore I need to find any <a tags and add in a bit between the speech mark and the next char regardless of whats shown etc



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