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England team banned from wearing a poppy!


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What is wrong with socialising in a pub?


apparently, to intelligent and esteemed people such as mancmag and MonkeysFist, having a few pints in a pub means you are "drunk", while drinking in front of your PC at 2 in the morning is "normal" [or something]

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I'm not sure when anyone's called you for simply going to the pub.


well, thats the only place I "get drunk".......highly ironic considering all the apparent teetotallers on here that sit at their PC through the middle of the night.. :icon_lol:

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I'm not sure when anyone's called you for simply going to the pub.


well, thats the only place I "get drunk".......highly ironic considering all the apparent teetotallers on here that sit at their PC through the middle of the night.. :icon_lol:


I actually think the contention is with you coming home half cut and coming on here rather than what you do in your spare time.


BTW, when you're posting at 1 in the morning, you're sitting at your PC through the middle of the night

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I'm not sure when anyone's called you for simply going to the pub.


well, thats the only place I "get drunk".......highly ironic considering all the apparent teetotallers on here that sit at their PC through the middle of the night.. :icon_lol:


I actually think the contention is with you coming home half cut and coming on here rather than what you do in your spare time.


BTW, when you're posting at 1 in the morning, you're sitting at your PC through the middle of the night


even when I've had a few pints in the pub I've more idea what I'm posting than most people and can read what I'm replying to, unlike MF last night and mancmag most of the time.


I find it quite perplexing when people are sitting up in the middle of the night, posting and sober ie they must be if they are saying someone else is "drunk". Do they have a life ?

Edited by LeazesMag
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He's played 11games for spurs man :lol:


When did he become fucking cafu?

About the same time that Simpson became good enough for an England call up. He's been very impressive for QPR and Villa aside from his turn outs for Tottenham. We paid £500,000 for Danny Simpson, and I have no grudge towards him over Unitedgate, he's no different from most people of his age group from inner city Manchester - thick as fuck, clueless and dopey as fuck. Anyway I think that's his value 500k, and it's almost embarrassing him watching him tweet about England call ups, we will outgrow Simpson as early as this season. He's a decent put on, but no more than that, his level is Wigan/Cardiff/Leeds, he doesn't offer enough going forward, and hides at times to be considered anywhere near England class. Can you seriously imagine "Simmo" scoring the goal Walker did against the Arsenal?


Who gives a fuck about a right backs iq or goal scoring abilities? Simpson, like Taylor before him, gets so much unwarranted stick. He helped get us promoted, helped put us 3rd and helped make a formidable rw partnership with Barton last season.

I'd hardly say it was formidable. He's a decent put on, but that's all, most MATCH-GOING NON FAKE BOYCOTTING supporters will tell you the same. He's not an outlet, he doesn't like having the ball, that's honestly. Sooner Santon gets a regular game the better for our long term prospects, if someone like Villa are daft enough to give us 3m I'd snap their hauns off.

I'm a non-match going, fake boycotting so-called fan but that's a spot on assessment. Simpson is a shit footballer and he's not great defensively either. On top of which he thinks he's a canny bit better than he actually is.

Nar you're not, you just want to spend more time with your family which is a good and acceptable reason for not going. People claiming they are boycotting when we're third top, then consider getting season tickets when the price goes down to £207 mentioning no names, they're the true NMGFB's.


Regarding Simpson, him tweeting about himself getting an England call up a few hours before the squad is announced, well it's hard to think of anything more cringeworthy.


I still don't bother much with twitter Stevie....am I still missing anything ? ^_^

Aye follow @number9nurse probably the most enthralling experience the t'interweb can provide you with.


I didn't ask you to follow me :lol: I stopped following you after about 12hours you were that boring! Cue Wacky entering and giving me more grief, again, cos I dared post a picture of me and the Mrs last month!


Tbf, I post about 2 tweets a month, I'm only on there to hear what knackers like Barton and Ranger have to say

Stop biting man ffs :P

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I sometimes drink in the pub and sometimes I drink at home.


Am I doing it wrong?


no, youre then supposed to go online at 2am and belittle peopel online at 2am who are sober because somehow its better to be leathered and online



I think, the quote pyramids are making it hard to follow

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Mebeez we should have a TT curfew from midnight to 7am? Then what's Gemmill ganna dee at 5am though? We need some proper rules , no posting if you've been drinking in the house, but you can if you've been drinking in the pub and it's before midneet? Power to the people.

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I reckon MF and the Grey man just need to start reading posts when they are sober.


Not that it will improve their contributions, but you never know, they might start responding to what they are actually reading rather than the poster ie me.



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I had a can last night when playing my mate at FIFA, do I have to declare that?


this may hit where it hurts.....




and its in the Guardian too so it must be true. [not aimed at you Tom]

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If I've had a few the last thing I'd want to do is find the nearest computer to start posing shit on TT.


I post enough nonsense as it is.


you tell it like it is too :woosh:

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I reckon MF and the Grey man just need to start reading posts when they are sober.


Not that it will improve their contributions, but you never know, they might start responding to what they are actually reading rather than the poster ie me.



The utter lack of irony or self awareness in that post would be staggering from anyone else. Since it's from our very own Randall P McMurphy it's about par for the course.


Time for your meds

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FA shamefully exploiting Poppy Appeal


Wed Nov 09 08:47AM

It threatened to be a bad week for the FA, didn't it?

There they were, with their captain withdrawn from action against Spain, and their best player left out, when FIFA stepped in with their refusal to let England wear poppies on their shirts.

In PR terms, it is the ultimate gift for the FA.

The poppy is overwhelmingly popular (and rightly so), while FIFA is overwhelmingly unpopular - and the tabloids are going mad.

The FA wasted no time cynically milking all the publicity they could out of the situation.

Their second request for special dispensation was always going to fail. The FA knew that, but they made it anyway because headlines about nasty, 'anti-English' FIFA are better than headlines about John Terry.

While ED absolutely supports the Poppy Appeal, it actually thinks FIFA might have got this one right.

Poppies on football shirts are a relatively new phenomenon - last season was the first time every Premier League club wore one.

For decades previously, it was perfectly possible for football to honour the country's war dead by other means, such as the laying of wreaths and a minute's silence. Both of these are approved by FIFA and seem like perfectly apt tributes.

In any case, it's not about FIFA passing judgement on Remembrance Day, but whether it should set a precedent allowing subsequent, more controversial, emblems to appear.

At the moment, FIFA allows nothing, and that seems like a pretty good rule of thumb.

Key to the FA's case is the argument that the poppy is not political. You're not endorsing the conflicts themselves, rather the people who died in them.

Quite right too - the magnitude of a soldier's sacrifice does not change based on whether he dies on the Normandy beaches, in Belfast or Basra.

You honour the war dead, not the wars.

Of course, in the real world it is not so easy to divorce political sentiment from the debate.

Hence the Daily Mail's typically snide headline: "Poppy ban 'in case we upset Germans'" (and today's "Now the Germans back us to wear poppies!" - ah, so they're not so evil after all!).

ED does not know any German who would be offended by a poppy, but it does know a mid-market tabloid whose nose might be put out of joint if Germany wore a similar symbol to honour its war dead, including those who fought and died under the Nazi flag in the Second World War.

Those men and women made the same sacrifice, even for a manifestly unjust cause, and their descendants - members of an open and tolerant society - should be able to honour their fallen relatives without shame.

ED has no idea what consideration the Daily Mail would give to this argument while shoehorning the words 'Nazi' and 'FIFA' into the same headline.

And when the sports minister Hugh Robertson and PM David Cameron wade in to tell you the poppy "is not political in any way", you know it probably is.

That's not because of the poppy itself, but the people who have shamelessly chosen to twist this controversy for their own ends.

If the poppy is non-political, why have the FA, the government and the press exploited it to bury bad news, score points against FIFA and sell newspapers?


QUOTE OF THE DAY: Hugh Robertson's lamentable letter to FIFA: "We fully understand, and respect, FIFA's rules on its member nations not adorning their shirts with 'commercial', 'political', or 'religious' symbols or messages. The FA and FAW do not intend to contravene these rules.

"However, the public feel very strongly about this issue, which is seen as an act of national remembrance to commemorate those who gave their lives in the service of their country.

"It is not religious or political in any way. Wearing a poppy is a display of national pride, just like wearing your country's football shirt. I hope very much that you will approve this request."

Or in other words: "Dear FIFA, please let Our Boys wear poppies. When you said 'no' the first time maybe you didn't realise we really, really, really want to wear them. This is not political. Yours, a politician."


FOREIGN VIEW: Jose Bosingwa will not play for Portugal while Paulo Bento is in charge.

"It pains me to say but while Paulo Bento remains as Portugal coach I won't put on the national shirt again," the Chelsea defender told A Bola.

Last week Bento explained that Bosingwa had not been called up for this month's Euro 2012 play-off against Bosnia because the full-back did not meet the necessary requirements, including "emotional and mental ones".

Bosingwa said he was bewildered by the coach's remarks.

"I feel offended and disrespected with these declarations about me... I don't understand what the coach meant by emotional and mental matters because I find it hard for a player to reach the level I've achieved by being weak in the points he mentioned," Bosingwa said.

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Those men and women made the same sacrifice, even for a manifestly unjust cause, and their descendants - members of an open and tolerant society - should be able to honour their fallen relatives without shame.


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The cynic in me suggests that's largely spot on. Especially the bit about going back to Fifa a 2nd time over this.


Aye, that was pretty much my reaction.

Edited by Sonatine
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