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ferkin hanin a deel


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oh dear! lets analyse this post in a little more detail....


firstly I find that the time Radgina has chosen to develop this piece is significant, the rather precise use of the mid values in the nightly timetable allows one to clearly see the motivation behind such a concept, 12:48 would have been predictable, 01:30 too staid and boring however 3:48 gives one a sense of the futility of life, an insight if you will into the mind of the artist and their current viewpoint.


secondly, is the carefully crafted use of the Subject matter to draw ones attention to the piece without giving you a sense of whats to come. Many artists of this genre make the mistake of excluding a cross-section of the intended audience by naming the piece in a clear, consise manner. Take the great Scottish Mag, one of the legends in this field, his mistake is to label his pieces in a way that allows the reader to identify the content without viewing, the ever classical "Famous Person Above" hits you on viewing the title, you know the way in which the words will flow like a concubines wine list, theres no mystery or intrigue in the Subject. Radgina however, new to the scene takes that concept and throws it literally on its head. "Ferkin hanin a deel" gets the reader thinking about their own lives, the meaning of it and the ways in which one can contribute to the future of the board. Note the subtle use of intended mis-spelling to increment ones views and redefine all we know of the English language.


Then drawn into the post like the cry of a banshee, the reader clicks that link and is thrown headlong into a whirl of emotions and pseudo-intellectual yuletide tidings. The artists subtle cry for help and heart wrenching use of narrative makes one simply cry inside with a need to give Radgina the one thing she feels the boards viewers need, a collection of good, clear, fun threads.


The generalisation of the boards members into two groups, pseudo-intellectuals and trees gives the reader the feeling that theres a deeper rooted problem out there and makes one look deep into their very own soul to find the kind of post that the artist begs us for. Pseudo-intellectuals is so clearly a reference to the upping of ones own stature within the peer group by merging the concepts of uber-socialism and geordie into a fusion of emotions, a veritable kaleidoscope of emotions culminating in the Brit art style of posting that sees 90% of the "What are you listening to" thread contain bands unheard of or trendy being posted when one really knows the poster is at that very second hearing the dulcet tones of the Cheeky Girls Christmas Party album. Whereas the trees is the artists very own signature put-down, one which confuses the reader into thinking theres another world out there.


To summarise, we have the use of the almost 4am post, the uber-conceptual posting style, wording which makes one search ones very own posting style and a subtle mis-spelling of significant words and there can be only one conclusion.


























Lock in at the Weatsheaf was it? :lol:

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Guest Toplass-101

I wonder who falls into which category, Pud I think your a tree because you so tall, I'll be one of the intellectuals obviously (not)!


Given all the grammatical errors in the post, if sanity was indeed meant to be read sanity, then I do not believe that there was any of that in Radgina's local area at the time of the posting, and a lock-in is likely to have happened, however, if Radgina meant to type Santy then yes hun there is one, and he is coming tonight :lol:


My Tree...




Edited by Toplass-101
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oh dear! lets analyse this post in a little more detail....


firstly I find that the time Radgina has chosen to develop this piece is significant, the rather precise use of the mid values in the nightly timetable allows one to clearly see the motivation behind such a concept, 12:48 would have been predictable, 01:30 too staid and boring however 3:48 gives one a sense of the futility of life, an insight if you will into the mind of the artist and their current viewpoint.


secondly, is the carefully crafted use of the Subject matter to draw ones attention to the piece without giving you a sense of whats to come. Many artists of this genre make the mistake of excluding a cross-section of the intended audience by naming the piece in a clear, consise manner. Take the great Scottish Mag, one of the legends in this field, his mistake is to label his pieces in a way that allows the reader to identify the content without viewing, the ever classical "Famous Person Above" hits you on viewing the title, you know the way in which the words will flow like a concubines wine list, theres no mystery or intrigue in the Subject. Radgina however, new to the scene takes that concept and throws it literally on its head. "Ferkin hanin a deel" gets the reader thinking about their own lives, the meaning of it and the ways in which one can contribute to the future of the board. Note the subtle use of intended mis-spelling to increment ones views and redefine all we know of the English language.


Then drawn into the post like the cry of a banshee, the reader clicks that link and is thrown headlong into a whirl of emotions and pseudo-intellectual yuletide tidings. The artists subtle cry for help and heart wrenching use of narrative makes one simply cry inside with a need to give Radgina the one thing she feels the boards viewers need, a collection of good, clear, fun threads.


The generalisation of the boards members into two groups, pseudo-intellectuals and trees gives the reader the feeling that theres a deeper rooted problem out there and makes one look deep into their very own soul to find the kind of post that the artist begs us for.  Pseudo-intellectuals is so clearly a reference to the upping of ones own stature within the peer group by merging the concepts of uber-socialism and geordie into a fusion of emotions, a veritable kaleidoscope of emotions culminating in the Brit art style of posting that sees 90% of the "What are you listening to" thread contain bands unheard of or trendy being posted when one really knows the poster is at that very second hearing the dulcet tones of the Cheeky Girls Christmas Party album. Whereas the trees is the artists very own signature put-down, one which confuses the reader into thinking theres another world out there.


To summarise, we have the use of the almost 4am post, the uber-conceptual posting style, wording which makes one search ones very own posting style and a subtle mis-spelling of significant words and there can be only one conclusion.




































Lock in at the Weatsheaf was it? :D


knew I could rely on the main tree to intillectur//** er...put the point across!!













and no ...the lock in was in the Fox !! They are now bereft of Smirnoff and Jack for the rest of the Yule... :blush:

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