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It's not blood Fish, the animal has been drained of blood prior to its butchering.


What you are lusting after is called sarcoplasm (yes, really) and is liquid content from the muscle cells.

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It's not blood Fish, the animal has been drained of blood prior to its butchering.


What you are lusting after is called sarcoplasm (yes, really) and is liquid content from the muscle cells.


Well, sure, but "Sarcoplasm is Good" doesn't quite have the same ring, now does it? :cuppa:

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the only reason a well done steak is frowned upon is because most people who try to do well-done end up with a lump of leather on a plate. If you know what you're doing, it's the best way to have a steak. Tender, juicy, cooked and e coli free!

..is because its an insult to the chef's choice of butcher.


The internal temperature of the beef needs only to be raised to 60c i believe to prevent any food born disease spreading but a blue steak only gets up to about 45c. There is no right or wrong way to do it but you lose flavour the more cooked a steak is. There is no 'know what you are doing' as the extent its cooked is based on the internal temperature of the beef. You can make it worse by using an initially low heat, or cooking for longer on a medium heat but if tenderness and juiciness are what you are after, well done delivers less of that than rare.

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"Oh you're going to eat me are you, wearing that blazer?"



I'm elegant.

Besides, if you ever make good on your drunken promise to hit New Cross for drinks and scran at some point, the proximity of Goldsmiths guarantees that a blazer would make you only the twelfth most twattily-dressed person in any given establishment.

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I'm anaspeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericombobulation.


I'm automatic, systematic and.hydromatic!


Though I think that's a different thing.

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Toilets that have a sensor to turn on the lights when someone walks in.


Has happened more than once where I've had particularly sloppy jobs where extensive wiping has been required. Stand up, sit down, legs akimbo etc etc. Or there's the times when you just want to read the sport section on the throne.


The gripe is that whoever designed these things must have been a woman, as women tend to adopt a squat, drop wipe then away attitude to shitting. This means that you'll be mid wipe or well into the transfer gossip when you're suddenly plunged into darkness, forced to open the cubicle, waddle out into the open and wave madly at the bastard sensor until the lights are back. :angry2:

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Alex using words I have to google.



I didn't know what verbose means neither. Sounds like a Belgian left winger.


I don't think we are alone Stevie ;-)

That's the type of thing BurnsieBen would say that.


I didn't know verbose, and I didn't know another word Alex said "caveat", I must use it once a week now though to make mesel sound more intelligent.

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A well done steak is heated to the correct temperature. A rare or blue one, if done properly by a good chef, is also heated the same. It is just done really quickly in the pan first, then put in the oven to cook it properly and bring the temperature up to avoid killing the person that eats it. The juicy bloody shit that we now know the correct word for, and the fat, is where the taste comes from. Which is why fatty foods taste better than healthy crap. Cook a well-done steak properly, and all of that juicy stuff still ends up on and in your steak. After letting the well-done steak rest for 10 minutes after cooking, it should be in a puddle of juices which you then make into a sauce (or just pour over the steak as is)


I don't do much in the kitchen, but I experiment with steak cooking at least twice a week as it is one of the few things I feel life is worth living for. I have spent countless hours on tinterwebs researching steak cooking methods...since I don't have much of a life. In reality, the only thing that changes about a steak from raw to well-done is the texture...if you do it right!


Needless to say, I will outlive my bowels by several years

Edited by Ruler of Planet Houston
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