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Steve Jobs

Ayatollah Hermione

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there is no question that Jobs work has had a massive impact on my life


This is the bit I don't really understand. Yes, it's great to have ipods and iphones but to say that he has had a massive impact on your life?


The guy was a great innovator but he didn't cure cancer.


youre missing the wider influence those devices have had on just about every area of computing and the way music is distributed nowadays


and the fact this whole "tablet revolution" wouldnt have happened without the ipad


and that steve jobs owned Pixar from 86 to 06 meaning when they made a whole host of the best animated films ever he was in charge


if you look at it at pure face value "oh yeh ipods/phones are nice" then yes it might seem odd, but taking a deeper look at the influence those, and many other of his ideas and works, had on modern culture reveals a lot more than just an MP3 player and a phone


I had an MP3 player before Apple brought out the ipod, I had music and internet on my phone before Apple brought out the iphone.


Yes, Apple may have refined and improved these devices but the greatest success Steve Jobs had was in making these products cool. He succeeded in creating these fan boys that we now see mourning his passing outside Apple stores. Ultimately he was a good innovator and a great business man but I'll hold off on the beatification for now.


This tbh.


Respect where it is due but you are going a tad OTT Andrew.


Perhaps but tbh its acting a cunt to have a go at someone in a thread about someones death because "I don't think they were that great"

and my point about Pixar has been conveniently ignored to stick with "MP3 players and phones" which if my post was actually read was exactly my point


if you see apple/jobs in terms of MP3 and Phones then obviously his influence won't seem particularly important, I'm suggesting that there was perhaps more too him than the iPod and iPhone and the response I got was all about phones and MP3s


Dude, I hope youre not trying to say watching Toy Story is a life changing experience?

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Perhaps but tbh its acting a cunt to have a go at someone in a thread about someones death because "I don't think they were that great"


Exactly where was I having a go at anyone?

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there is no question that Jobs work has had a massive impact on my life


This is the bit I don't really understand. Yes, it's great to have ipods and iphones but to say that he has had a massive impact on your life?


The guy was a great innovator but he didn't cure cancer.


youre missing the wider influence those devices have had on just about every area of computing and the way music is distributed nowadays


and the fact this whole "tablet revolution" wouldnt have happened without the ipad


and that steve jobs owned Pixar from 86 to 06 meaning when they made a whole host of the best animated films ever he was in charge


if you look at it at pure face value "oh yeh ipods/phones are nice" then yes it might seem odd, but taking a deeper look at the influence those, and many other of his ideas and works, had on modern culture reveals a lot more than just an MP3 player and a phone


I had an MP3 player before Apple brought out the ipod, I had music and internet on my phone before Apple brought out the iphone.


Yes, Apple may have refined and improved these devices but the greatest success Steve Jobs had was in making these products cool. He succeeded in creating these fan boys that we now see mourning his passing outside Apple stores. Ultimately he was a good innovator and a great business man but I'll hold off on the beatification for now.


This tbh.


Respect where it is due but you are going a tad OTT Andrew.


Perhaps but tbh its acting a cunt to have a go at someone in a thread about someones death because "I don't think they were that great"


and my point about Pixar has been conveniently ignored to stick with "MP3 players and phones" which if my post was actually read was exactly my point


if you see apple/jobs in terms of MP3 and Phones then obviously his influence won't seem particularly important, I'm suggesting that there was perhaps more too him than the iPod and iPhone and the response I got was all about phones and MP3s


What point about Pixar? I acknowledge he was steering the ship when the likes of Toy Story, etc. were released but Pixar were by no means the only company releasing high-quality CGI films during this period. Dreamworks were as equally pioneering at that time.

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Dude, I hope youre not trying to say watching Toy Story is a life changing experience?


when I was 6 years old it pretty much was yeh since its been one of my favourite films for most of my life



Exactly where was I having a go at anyone?


phrased wrong perhaps, apologies, feels like I'm fighting off everyone here so I'm typing quicker than thinking



What point about Pixar? I acknowledge he was steering the ship when the likes of Toy Story, etc. were released but Pixar were by no means the only company releasing high-quality CGI films during this period. Dreamworks were as equally pioneering at that time.



Dreamworks were 3 years behind Pixar in starting the animated film racket and they started with Ants Shrek didn't arrive until 2001 by which time Pixar had released Toy Story 1 and 2, a Bugs Life and Mosnters inc, they weren't even close to being as pioneering at the time


the point that there was more to Jobs work than "phones and MP3s" which led to a response entirely about phones and MP3s

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A load of geeks arguing about fuck all. A fitting tribute?




the irony is im not remotely an Apple fanboy (as im sure the accusation is incoming) I own one apple product which is a 3 year old ipod touch

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Dude, I hope youre not trying to say watching Toy Story is a life changing experience?


when I was 6 years old it pretty much was yeh since its been one of my favourite films for most of my life



OMG! That 3D rendering changed my life! ;)


I'm gonna leave it now, far be it for me to tell anyone else how to feel.

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What point about Pixar? I acknowledge he was steering the ship when the likes of Toy Story, etc. were released but Pixar were by no means the only company releasing high-quality CGI films during this period. Dreamworks were as equally pioneering at that time.



Dreamworks were 3 years behind Pixar in starting the animated film racket and they started with Ants Shrek didn't arrive until 2001 by which time Pixar had released Toy Story 1 and 2, a Bugs Life and Mosnters inc, they weren't even close to being as pioneering at the time


I'd read up on 'The Nevehood' if I were you. Might have been a video game rather than a feature film but it came out around the same time as Toy Story.

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What point about Pixar? I acknowledge he was steering the ship when the likes of Toy Story, etc. were released but Pixar were by no means the only company releasing high-quality CGI films during this period. Dreamworks were as equally pioneering at that time.



Dreamworks were 3 years behind Pixar in starting the animated film racket and they started with Ants Shrek didn't arrive until 2001 by which time Pixar had released Toy Story 1 and 2, a Bugs Life and Mosnters inc, they weren't even close to being as pioneering at the time


I'd read up on 'The Nevehood' if I were you. Might have been a video game rather than a feature film but it came out around the same time as Toy Story.


a game dreamworks published, like crediting EA for making Mass Effect which Bioware make or Activision for "making" MW3 this year rather than infinity ward

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not that i was trying to sound harsh there, but to put it in perspective, i've drove a car for years, if the ceo of toyota popped his clogs i doubt all the prius owners would be lighting candles and crying.


Of course not man, think of the effects all those burning candles would have on the ozone layer! ;)

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Got dopey cows on facebook posting how appalled they are that people are remarking on Steve Job's death, when there are soldiers risking their lives everyday. Of course they've got their friends posting "Yeah, you tell 'em" as if loss needs a value?

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Some knobend behaviour in this thread like. Someone says they're saddened by a fella dying, give their reasons for it, and people try to poke holes in them.


Like Ant here really, I dont understand the candle lighting etc


Was just wanted to understand.

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Got dopey cows on facebook posting how appalled they are that people are remarking on Steve Job's death, when there are soldiers risking their lives everyday. Of course they've got their friends posting "Yeah, you tell 'em" as if loss needs a value?

No doubt the same bints'll be discussing 'Strictly...' despite the floods in Thailand going on etc. How dare they? That young lass on it has got outstanding chebs mind.

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Got dopey cows on facebook posting how appalled they are that people are remarking on Steve Job's death, when there are soldiers risking their lives everyday. Of course they've got their friends posting "Yeah, you tell 'em" as if loss needs a value?

No doubt the same bints'll be discussing 'Strictly...' despite the floods in Thailand going on etc. How dare they? That young lass on it has got outstanding chebs mind.



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Got dopey cows on facebook posting how appalled they are that people are remarking on Steve Job's death, when there are soldiers risking their lives everyday. Of course they've got their friends posting "Yeah, you tell 'em" as if loss needs a value?

No doubt the same bints'll be discussing 'Strictly...' despite the floods in Thailand going on etc. How dare they? That young lass on it has got outstanding chebs mind.




whos this?

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Got dopey cows on facebook posting how appalled they are that people are remarking on Steve Job's death, when there are soldiers risking their lives everyday. Of course they've got their friends posting "Yeah, you tell 'em" as if loss needs a value?

No doubt the same bints'll be discussing 'Strictly...' despite the floods in Thailand going on etc. How dare they? That young lass on it has got outstanding chebs mind.




whos this?


Chelsee Healey

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There's a fair few willfully objectionable people. Find it's easier just to not take things seriously on the internets.

quite happy discussing stuff like this tbh, shame craigs buggered off that neverhood thing was really interesting once Id read up on it a bit

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There's a fair few willfully objectionable people. Find it's easier just to not take things seriously on the internets.

quite happy discussing stuff like this tbh, shame craigs buggered off that neverhood thing was really interesting once Id read up on it a bit

He hasn't flounced again has he?



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