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Steve Jobs

Ayatollah Hermione

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Some knobend behaviour in this thread like. Someone says they're saddened by a fella dying, give their reasons for it, and people try to poke holes in them.


'Toy Story changed my life'


And you're going to let that one go?

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Lord Sugar trying his best to associate himself with Jobs, he's slipped in at least half a dozen tweets today going on about him and Jobs being big competitors in the 80's. Hmmm..

Amstrad stuff was much classier than anything Apple have ever produced though.

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Lord Sugar trying his best to associate himself with Jobs, he's slipped in at least half a dozen tweets today going on about him and Jobs being big competitors in the 80's. Hmmm..


'The iPod will be dead, finished, gone, kaput.'

— Sir Alan Sugar, February 2005



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Lord Sugar trying his best to associate himself with Jobs, he's slipped in at least half a dozen tweets today going on about him and Jobs being big competitors in the 80's. Hmmm..

Big competitors? Ask him who won.

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A load of geeks arguing about fuck all. A fitting tribute?




the irony is im not remotely an Apple fanboy (as im sure the accusation is incoming) I own one apple product which is a 3 year old ipod touch


So how exactly have Apple changed your life then?


just read the posts, Ive said several times now that its about more than just the obvious direct link to products like the ipod or phone and considerably moreso about how theyve influenced the wider market

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Got dopey cows on facebook posting how appalled they are that people are remarking on Steve Job's death, when there are soldiers risking their lives everyday. Of course they've got their friends posting "Yeah, you tell 'em" as if loss needs a value?


I hate people like that! A man who made a genuine impact on the world died, fair enough some people may have went over the top but that's their business. There's a lot of terrible things happening in the world & people like that jump onto the moral highground without actually wanting to do anything about it.


If they really care about the soldiers why don't they volunteer for Help For Heroes and put some hours in?


Because they are looking for attention...

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All these tributes from everyone is PC gone mad.


(Sorry if that joke has already been made, haven't read the thread).


I want to know if Apple computers are actually worth the money. An Apple laptop is so much more expensive than a reasonable PC laptop, and I have never seen the point of the iPad. It just looks like a giant iPhone to me.

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There's a fair few willfully objectionable people. Find it's easier just to not take things seriously on the internets.

quite happy discussing stuff like this tbh, shame craigs buggered off that neverhood thing was really interesting once Id read up on it a bit

He hasn't flounced again has he?






I've been in a meeting all afternoon man.

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