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Steve Jobs

Ayatollah Hermione

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One of the modern worlds giants, without him apple wouldn't exist so no iphones/pods/pads/macs and of course there is Pixar


really quite saddened by this RIP




This, I just don't understand why people get saddened by a situation like this.


I am sad for his family that at an age of 56 they lose a father etc. But as for someone who was relatively private and I didn't know, didn't read much about.

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The man was a genius, i'm a critic of the 'cult of the CEO' thinking in business but he was one of the exceptions to the rule. RIP Steve, the world economy will miss you.


"The desktop computer industry is dead. Innovation has virtually ceased. Microsoft dominates with very little innovation. That's over. Apple lost. The desktop market has entered the dark ages, and it's going to be in the dark ages for the next 10 years, or certainly for the rest of this decade.


"It's like when IBM drove a lot of innovation out of the computer industry before the microprocessor came along. Eventually, Microsoft will crumble because of complacency, and maybe some new things will grow. But until that happens, until there's some fundamental technology shift, it's just over."


– Wired magazine 1996

Edited by ChezGiven
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One of the modern worlds giants, without him apple wouldn't exist so no iphones/pods/pads/macs and of course there is Pixar


really quite saddened by this RIP




This, I just don't understand why people get saddened by a situation like this.


I am sad for his family that at an age of 56 they lose a father etc. But as for someone who was relatively private and I didn't know, didn't read much about.

The world's a better place due to people like him tbh. Admittedly I don't have any deep feelings of grief about it but he was certainly an innovator in a world of corporate clones.

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One of the modern worlds giants, without him apple wouldn't exist so no iphones/pods/pads/macs and of course there is Pixar


really quite saddened by this RIP




This, I just don't understand why people get saddened by a situation like this.


I am sad for his family that at an age of 56 they lose a father etc. But as for someone who was relatively private and I didn't know, didn't read much about.

The world's a better place due to people like him tbh. Admittedly I don't have any deep feelings of grief about it but he was certainly an innovator in a world of corporate clones.


Oh I agree, he was an innovator which has helped more then the technogeeks, but feeling of grief about someone you dont know, especially a private one.

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One of the modern worlds giants, without him apple wouldn't exist so no iphones/pods/pads/macs and of course there is Pixar


really quite saddened by this RIP




This, I just don't understand why people get saddened by a situation like this.


I am sad for his family that at an age of 56 they lose a father etc. But as for someone who was relatively private and I didn't know, didn't read much about.

The world's a better place due to people like him tbh. Admittedly I don't have any deep feelings of grief about it but he was certainly an innovator in a world of corporate clones.


Oh I agree, he was an innovator which has helped more then the technogeeks, but feeling of grief about someone you dont know, especially a private one.

I honestly think people (not Andrew) who genuinely feel grief stricken (or worse, pretend to) over things like this, need to have a word with themselves.

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One of the modern worlds giants, without him apple wouldn't exist so no iphones/pods/pads/macs and of course there is Pixar


really quite saddened by this RIP




This, I just don't understand why people get saddened by a situation like this.


I am sad for his family that at an age of 56 they lose a father etc. But as for someone who was relatively private and I didn't know, didn't read much about.

The world's a better place due to people like him tbh. Admittedly I don't have any deep feelings of grief about it but he was certainly an innovator in a world of corporate clones.


Oh I agree, he was an innovator which has helped more then the technogeeks, but feeling of grief about someone you dont know, especially a private one.

I honestly think people (not Andrew) who genuinely feel grief stricken (or worse, pretend to) over things like this, need to have a word with themselves.


I'm hardly sat here bawling my eyes out wyki, don't see why you've such a problem with people saying they're saddened by the death of someone who has influenced their life.


you mentioned influencing moer than technogeeks ( ;) ) but thats precisely what I am and there is no question that Jobs work has had a massive impact on my life so yes, I am saddened to hear of his death, have you got a problem with that?

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Maybe I took your "saddend" out of context, apologies. But people leaving wreaths outside Apple shops etc is a bit mad IMO.


Christ, Imagine what it would be like if the inventor of GHD's died!


no arguments there

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A massive understatement I know but his death brings about a watershed moment in Apple's developmental future. We'll learn if they'll stick by his legacy or take the company in a new direction.


I sincerely hope it's the former because if the latter I, as many others will be, would be truly saddened by his passing at such a young age.


The quotes both Catmag & Chez have dug out capture what the man was about.

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Credit where credit is due, the guy was innovative and I think we underestimate how much of an impact on popular culture and technology he has had..mainly as we all take our iPod, iPhone etc for granted. Having said that however, as part of my job I follow a lot of techies on twitter and the fawning over him has been a little bit ott for my taste.

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there is no question that Jobs work has had a massive impact on my life


This is the bit I don't really understand. Yes, it's great to have ipods and iphones but to say that he has had a massive impact on your life?


Edit: 'his work'


The guy was a great innovator but he didn't cure cancer.

Edited by ewerk
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there is no question that Jobs work has had a massive impact on my life


This is the bit I don't really understand. Yes, it's great to have ipods and iphones but to say that he has had a massive impact on your life?


The guy was a great innovator but he didn't cure cancer.


youre missing the wider influence those devices have had on just about every area of computing and the way music is distributed nowadays


and the fact this whole "tablet revolution" wouldnt have happened without the ipad


and that steve jobs owned Pixar from 86 to 06 meaning when they made a whole host of the best animated films ever he was in charge


if you look at it at pure face value "oh yeh ipods/phones are nice" then yes it might seem odd, but taking a deeper look at the influence those, and many other of his ideas and works, had on modern culture reveals a lot more than just an MP3 player and a phone

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there is no question that Jobs work has had a massive impact on my life


This is the bit I don't really understand. Yes, it's great to have ipods and iphones but to say that he has had a massive impact on your life?


Edit: 'his work'


The guy was a great innovator but he didn't cure cancer.


how would you describe it then? is "work" only applicable to great medical/scientific discoveries or something?

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Apple brought the Xerox developed GUI, which we all take for granted today, to the market with the MAc back in 1984. It was the start of computers resembling desktops with trash cans and folders.


Entrepreneur with an aggressive personality and hard to work for, is how I've heard him described before. I think his attitude towards Apple Records points to how he behaved in business.

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Apple brought the Xerox developed GUI, which we all take for granted today, to the market with the MAc back in 1984. It was the start of computers resembling desktops with trash cans and folders.


Entrepreneur with an aggressive personality and hard to work for, is how I've heard him described before. I think his attitude towards Apple Records points to how he behaved in business.

A lecturer was telling me they borrowed the idea of windows from Xerox. Xerox weren't even bothered about developing the idea which is ironic given most of their business ended up being related to computers.

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there is no question that Jobs work has had a massive impact on my life


This is the bit I don't really understand. Yes, it's great to have ipods and iphones but to say that he has had a massive impact on your life?


The guy was a great innovator but he didn't cure cancer.


youre missing the wider influence those devices have had on just about every area of computing and the way music is distributed nowadays


and the fact this whole "tablet revolution" wouldnt have happened without the ipad


and that steve jobs owned Pixar from 86 to 06 meaning when they made a whole host of the best animated films ever he was in charge


if you look at it at pure face value "oh yeh ipods/phones are nice" then yes it might seem odd, but taking a deeper look at the influence those, and many other of his ideas and works, had on modern culture reveals a lot more than just an MP3 player and a phone


I had an MP3 player before Apple brought out the ipod, I had music and internet on my phone before Apple brought out the iphone.


Yes, Apple may have refined and improved these devices but the greatest success Steve Jobs had was in making these products cool. He succeeded in creating these fan boys that we now see mourning his passing outside Apple stores. Ultimately he was a good innovator and a great business man but I'll hold off on the beatification for now.

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there is no question that Jobs work has had a massive impact on my life


This is the bit I don't really understand. Yes, it's great to have ipods and iphones but to say that he has had a massive impact on your life?


The guy was a great innovator but he didn't cure cancer.


youre missing the wider influence those devices have had on just about every area of computing and the way music is distributed nowadays


and the fact this whole "tablet revolution" wouldnt have happened without the ipad


and that steve jobs owned Pixar from 86 to 06 meaning when they made a whole host of the best animated films ever he was in charge


if you look at it at pure face value "oh yeh ipods/phones are nice" then yes it might seem odd, but taking a deeper look at the influence those, and many other of his ideas and works, had on modern culture reveals a lot more than just an MP3 player and a phone


I had an MP3 player before Apple brought out the ipod, I had music and internet on my phone before Apple brought out the iphone.


Yes, Apple may have refined and improved these devices but the greatest success Steve Jobs had was in making these products cool. He succeeded in creating these fan boys that we now see mourning his passing outside Apple stores. Ultimately he was a good innovator and a great business man but I'll hold off on the beatification for now.


This tbh.


Respect where it is due but you are going a tad OTT Andrew.

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I cant remember where I read it, it may of been on here. But people always have a moan about certain Apple products, yet they still go out for the latest version of the stuff they bring out. This is where Jobs has made his cash, on fanboys (Cheers ewerk) wanting the latest.

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there is no question that Jobs work has had a massive impact on my life


This is the bit I don't really understand. Yes, it's great to have ipods and iphones but to say that he has had a massive impact on your life?


The guy was a great innovator but he didn't cure cancer.


youre missing the wider influence those devices have had on just about every area of computing and the way music is distributed nowadays


and the fact this whole "tablet revolution" wouldnt have happened without the ipad


and that steve jobs owned Pixar from 86 to 06 meaning when they made a whole host of the best animated films ever he was in charge


if you look at it at pure face value "oh yeh ipods/phones are nice" then yes it might seem odd, but taking a deeper look at the influence those, and many other of his ideas and works, had on modern culture reveals a lot more than just an MP3 player and a phone


I had an MP3 player before Apple brought out the ipod, I had music and internet on my phone before Apple brought out the iphone.


Yes, Apple may have refined and improved these devices but the greatest success Steve Jobs had was in making these products cool. He succeeded in creating these fan boys that we now see mourning his passing outside Apple stores. Ultimately he was a good innovator and a great business man but I'll hold off on the beatification for now.


This tbh.


Respect where it is due but you are going a tad OTT Andrew.


Perhaps but tbh its acting a cunt to have a go at someone in a thread about someones death because "I don't think they were that great"


and my point about Pixar has been conveniently ignored to stick with "MP3 players and phones" which if my post was actually read was exactly my point


if you see apple/jobs in terms of MP3 and Phones then obviously his influence won't seem particularly important, I'm suggesting that there was perhaps more too him than the iPod and iPhone and the response I got was all about phones and MP3s

Edited by Semimental
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My mate works at Apple and just retweeted a load of shit on Twitter about Steve Jobs touching his life. The outpouring for an excellent marketer is a bit OTT, no matter how talented he might have been at it. Convincing people to pay more for features you can get elsewhere for cheaper is fairly brilliant no matter how you spin it.

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