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Dr Gloom

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Fuck me, I've been utterly goosed for the past 6 months. The bairn is finally sleeping through but he still rises at 5am every day. To make matters worse, I always end up staying too late at weekends, even though I'm shagged. Well it's the weekend innit, you can't give up on life altogether.


Is there any end in sight to this permanent state of fatigue or is this basically it until they're teenagers when they start sleeping all the time?

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I have two now, 4 & 2 and I've kinda just got used to it. I think what's important is that you change with the kids and as a couple you get a routine between you all. I stay up late and get up early. Our kids go to bed between 7.30pm and 8pm and if they want anything or wake between then and midnight then generally I'd sort it. Usually now though they both sleep through. If they do wake at night wor lass sorts it unless one is particularly bad then we both get up. The youngest usually wakes around 6am so I get up then and give him a drink and breakfast then the wife takes over when I go out. She lets mt lie in on a Sunday usually though I struggle to stay in bed longer than 7~8am.


I do think the sleep thing improves when they get to 3-4 year old. They make up for that though by learning to talk and becoming cheeky little shits :nufc:

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Do you have a routine for getting the little un down?


just a bath and a story. Nowt too complex. He usually goes down at night alright. Just doesn't fancy sleeping through past 5 am. He goes down about 7.30-8. We thought about putting him to bed later but you need a couplevof hours on your own to chill at night for your own sanity I reckon.

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I have two now, 4 & 2 and I've kinda just got used to it. I think what's important is that you change with the kids and as a couple you get a routine between you all. I stay up late and get up early. Our kids go to bed between 7.30pm and 8pm and if they want anything or wake between then and midnight then generally I'd sort it. Usually now though they both sleep through. If they do wake at night wor lass sorts it unless one is particularly bad then we both get up. The youngest usually wakes around 6am so I get up then and give him a drink and breakfast then the wife takes over when I go out. She lets mt lie in on a Sunday usually though I struggle to stay in bed longer than 7~8am.


I do think the sleep thing improves when they get to 3-4 year old. They make up for that though by learning to talk and becoming cheeky little shits :nufc:


funny how 8 am is a lie in when you have kids.

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Do you have a routine for getting the little un down?


just a bath and a story. Nowt too complex. He usually goes down at night alright. Just doesn't fancy sleeping through past 5 am. He goes down about 7.30-8. We thought about putting him to bed later but you need a couplevof hours on your own to chill at night for your own sanity I reckon.


You have to tire them out. We used to keep ParkyJnr tasking with various distractions.

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Do you have a routine for getting the little un down?


just a bath and a story. Nowt too complex. He usually goes down at night alright. Just doesn't fancy sleeping through past 5 am. He goes down about 7.30-8. We thought about putting him to bed later but you need a couplevof hours on your own to chill at night for your own sanity I reckon.


Sleeping too much during the day probably, look at how long the morning and afternoon naps are on average. Our one goes down at 8am and wakes up anywhere between 7.30 and 9am. She doesnt nap in the morning and has one hour in the afternoon. When she did nap in the morning we kept it to 30 mins.


You've got to find the right balance between napping and their own behaviour. We found too little daytime sleep was a nightmare as she became too tired in the evening and then there was always a major kerfuffle getting dinner/ bath/ book/ bed/ all of these sorted.


Might be that.

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Fresh air makes mine sleep like logs. I take them to the beach or places like Gibside for a run around. Also though if they have a PM sleep for too long that doesnt help. So we poke him with sticks to wake him up :nufc:

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Do you have a routine for getting the little un down?


just a bath and a story. Nowt too complex. He usually goes down at night alright. Just doesn't fancy sleeping through past 5 am. He goes down about 7.30-8. We thought about putting him to bed later but you need a couplevof hours on your own to chill at night for your own sanity I reckon.


Sleeping too much during the day probably, look at how long the morning and afternoon naps are on average. Our one goes down at 8am and wakes up anywhere between 7.30 and 9am. She doesnt nap in the morning and has one hour in the afternoon. When she did nap in the morning we kept it to 30 mins.


You've got to find the right balance between napping and their own behaviour. We found too little daytime sleep was a nightmare as she became too tired in the evening and then there was always a major kerfuffle getting dinner/ bath/ book/ bed/ all of these sorted.


Might be that.


that's what i don't understand, he isn't much of a sleeper in the day eiher. he usually has three naps of around 30-45 minutes each. i read they should be napping at least three hours during the day but he's nowhere near that.

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Do you have a routine for getting the little un down?


just a bath and a story. Nowt too complex. He usually goes down at night alright. Just doesn't fancy sleeping through past 5 am. He goes down about 7.30-8. We thought about putting him to bed later but you need a couplevof hours on your own to chill at night for your own sanity I reckon.


Sleeping too much during the day probably, look at how long the morning and afternoon naps are on average. Our one goes down at 8am and wakes up anywhere between 7.30 and 9am. She doesnt nap in the morning and has one hour in the afternoon. When she did nap in the morning we kept it to 30 mins.


You've got to find the right balance between napping and their own behaviour. We found too little daytime sleep was a nightmare as she became too tired in the evening and then there was always a major kerfuffle getting dinner/ bath/ book/ bed/ all of these sorted.


Might be that.


that's what i don't understand, he isn't much of a sleeper in the day eiher. he usually has three naps of around 30-45 minutes each. i read they should be napping at least three hours during the day but he's nowhere near that.


The Isreali question probably weighing heavy on the little shoulders. :nufc:

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I've got a 4 yr old and 1 yr old. The simple answer is yes, you will be permafucked for the next 6 years at least.

Routines work well- bath, warm milk, story and bed.

No matter how early/late mine go to bed, they're up and bouncing off the walls by 6.30am at the latest.

We don't let the youngest nap after 2pm, otherwise the little shite gets a second wind at about 7pm.


It'll all be worth it in about 25 years when they become real people :nufc:

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We've found the simplest method is inviting friends over for a sleep in. They tend to knacker each other out.


However, use this method wisely, people may become a bit sceptical about you inviting their kids over every night for a sleepover..

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With one on the way in less that 3 months, I'd like to thank you for your motivational post.


La la la I'm not listening...




Whoa, congratulations!


To be honest, I'm up at 6 every day anyway, so this whole thing is sounding like a piece of piss to me.

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With one on the way in less that 3 months, I'd like to thank you for your motivational post.


La la la I'm not listening...




Whoa, congratulations!


To be honest, I'm up at 6 every day anyway, so this whole thing is sounding like a piece of piss to me.


Its the first 12 months waking at 1am and 4am that does you in :nufc:

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With one on the way in less that 3 months, I'd like to thank you for your motivational post.


La la la I'm not listening...




Whoa, congratulations!


To be honest, I'm up at 6 every day anyway, so this whole thing is sounding like a piece of piss to me.


Its the first 12 months waking at 1am and 4am that does you in :nufc:


Aye the waking up early isn't what does you in it's the lack of sleep before you wake. Remember it well and yes it does pass eventually.


Mine are aged 9 and 6 now. The eldest basically looks after herself - gets up, makes her bed, gets a drink and a breakfast bar and lazes either in front of the telly or the computer. If the younger one gets up with her, she'll do the same for him - got lucky with him though, he likes his sleep.


There's always troubles on the horizon though. My eldest now wants a smartphone and wants her own facebook account. Got a resounding "you're so not fair!" when I laughed at the latter request :nufc:

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With one on the way in less that 3 months, I'd like to thank you for your motivational post.


La la la I'm not listening...




you will be tired


oh yes


...you will be tired

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With one on the way in less that 3 months, I'd like to thank you for your motivational post.


La la la I'm not listening...




Whoa, congratulations!


To be honest, I'm up at 6 every day anyway, so this whole thing is sounding like a piece of piss to me.


Its the first 12 months waking at 1am and 4am that does you in :nufc:


La la la I'm still not listening.. :nufc:

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With one on the way in less that 3 months, I'd like to thank you for your motivational post.


La la la I'm not listening...




Whoa, congratulations!


To be honest, I'm up at 6 every day anyway, so this whole thing is sounding like a piece of piss to me.

Getting up at 6 is one thing, sorting yourself, making a drink, breakfast for him then changing a shitty nappy and keeping them amused before heading to work is a totally different thing

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With one on the way in less that 3 months, I'd like to thank you for your motivational post.


La la la I'm not listening...




Congratulations marra!


Proper coming of age stuff the posters who've had/are having kids since this site has been going. Hope parenthood suits the pair of you!

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2 mornings in a row when he's slept til 7.45am from 8 pm the night before. Both days I've been awake wondering if he's still breathing :D


You don't ever rest SLP. Be prepared!

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