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Yep. I often offend my mates by telling them they look like a big band of homos.


Espadrilles, cuffed jeans, T shirts that come down to your navel. Horrendous


I fucking hate shopping for jeans these days, I can't get most of them past my thighs.

Same here, my thighs are massive though years of weight training and football on them. I feel sorry for fat cunts me, jeans just seem to stop at 36" waists in nice clothes stores, where do fat people get their clothes. Take Paul Wyn literally where would he find clothes?


Went shopping for trousers for work last week. Tried on a pair of 36s in Topman and couldn't get the zip more than half way up. Tried on a similar pair in Zara in 34 and I need to wear a belt to hold them up. WTF is that all about


Never tried jeans in Zara but everything else there is ridiculously undersized, I feel like a right fat cunt when I try on an XL jacket that doesn't fit in there.

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There's this guy at my work who's an semi-pro footballer (whatever the fuck that means) and a manager, he's probably on near 30k, loves spending money on shite and blinging himself up. Not a bad guy, but he dresses like this:




He had 2 cardigans exactly like that one Beckham has on the left, one cream, one purple. The dumb women love it, he's banging a right hot piece. Fair play to him.

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There are some horrific outfits and haircuts doing the rounds at the moment!


I'm clearly too old and out the loop to understand it!


I suppose its just like when we were young'uns though. I suspect the older generation didnt understand our fashion either!

And these young ones now dressed like a pack of fuckwits will look back in a few years and laugh at themselves I imagine!

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Was expecting a bit of stick, not least for the double use of 'it' in the thread title, :lol: but opinion doesn't seem divided. I actually walked into TopMan and the jeans etc, <_< fuck me, lets just say I wont be going back anytime soon. What's the word? Metrosexual? Don't know if it's an age thing but if peer approval meant looking like an err.....lets say 'cupid stunt' seeing TR's about, then I'd risk ostracism, personally.

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Was expecting a bit of stick, not least for the double use of 'it' in the thread title, :lol: but opinion doesn't seem divided. I actually walked into TopMan and the jeans etc, <_< fuck me, lets just say I wont be going back anytime soon. What's the word? Metrosexual? Don't know if it's an age thing but if peer approval meant looking like an err.....lets say 'cupid stunt' seeing TR's about, then I'd risk ostracism, personally.


Thanks sweetie :lol:

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Saw a kid yesterday, fat little Weeble, had 3/4 length jeans on, crotch hanging round his knees then skin tight down his legs.…

With red espadrilles.


He looked deformed, like he had legs 18 inches long.



Fat Face do proper sizes btw. L

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Have a look in the Materialism thread on NO. Loads of the stuff mentioned in here getting bought. Skinny jeans and all that.

If they revoked my life time ban, I'd be banned for life again after 2 minutes replying to that post.

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Dunno if its been mentioned but one of the worst looks at the moment are the roid heads who wear these tight t-shirts with massive V-Neck colors! Horrendous!


They call themselves ''spice boys'' despite all claiming to be heterosexual. There's loads of them in Durham & I reckon most of them are probably soft as klarts.


Fake tan & 3/4 jeans.


It's like a parody of the early 2000's pink t-shirt thug.


''Look I'm in touch with my feminine side'' he says & then four hours later he's kicking someone's teeth in round the back of a club.

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Clothes-shopping is a painful activity, I only do it in times of necessity. If someone asks me to go clothes-shopping with them I have to consult my book of convenient excuses because there is simply nothing worse than that (outside of dying, perhaps).


About the biggest deviation I'll make from my usual tshirt+jeans combo is wearing a Toon shirt on matchday.

Edited by Tecato
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