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Barton on goals on Sunday now

Dr Gloom

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Spot on Phil.


His attitude to me sums him up. Like a do you know who I am attitude, I should've said do you know I fuckin am?? The phrase pseudo-intellectual has NEVER been more appropriately used than when talking about him. I think not much gets to him like, but I think this week he is certainly licking a few wounds.

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A statement from Llambias read: "In a week when one of Newcastle United's beloved footballers passed away, it is disappointing that once again Joey Barton makes the headlines.


"It's also unfortunate that Joey chose to draw such a disparaging comparison between himself and employees of Sports Direct, who through hard work and dedication are the recipients of one of the most generous bonus schemes in UK retailing. It may not be a lot of money to Joey but over 2,000 Sports Direct employees earning £20,000 will receive shares worth over £44,000 over the next two years.


"However, in this week of all weeks we really do not wish to engage in a public war of words with Joey Barton. Our legal advisers are dealing with the matter now. We would encourage Joey to concentrate on his football at Queens Park Rangers. Our full attention this week remains firmly with the family and friends of Gary Speed."


Bringing Gary Speed into it now, how classy. :rolleyes:

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Does anyone remember that interview Barton did with Inside Sport on the beeb when we first signed him? I was dubious when we signed him based on past problems but was willing to give him a chance seeing as he was our player now. Unfortunately, he came across as a bit of prick in that interview. I'm sure it was Gaby Logan interviewing him and he played the victim card all the way through it. Refused to take the blame for anything he'd done in the past and seemed to blame the press for it, saying he was singled out. I remember being shocked by it as I watched with an open mind but with the slight hope I would warm to him. Alas not. I had the same experience reading Kevin Pietersons autobiography, they'd made great mates by the way as they both seem to go through their career blaming every other fucker but themselves.

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Newcastle managing director Derek Llambias has hit back at Joey Barton after the former Magpies player claimed his departure from the Tyneside was due to a bonus dispute.


Barton joined QPR in August after being placed on the transfer list by Newcastle following a Twitter rant in which he criticised the club's board.

It was reported yesterday that Barton went a step further by alleging he and other big-name players had been forced out of the Tyneside club after refusing to agree to a bonus proposal.

Three days after the death of former Magpies midfielder Gary Speed, Llambias blasted the timing of Barton's comments.

He said in a statement: "In a week when one of Newcastle United's most beloved footballers passed away, it is disappointing that once again Joey Barton makes the headlines.

"It is also unfortunate that Joey chose to draw such a disparaging comparison between himself and the employees of Sports Direct, who through hard work and dedication are the recipients of one of the most generous bonus schemes in UK retailing.

"It may not be a lot of money to Joey, but over 2,000 Sports Direct employees earning £20,000 will receive shares worth over £44,000 over the next two years.

"However, in this week of all weeks, we really do not wish to engage in a public war of words with Joey Barton.

"Our legal advisors are dealing with the matter now and we would encourage Joey to concentrate on his football at Queens Park Rangers.

"Our thoughts and attentions this week remain firmly with the family and friends of Gary Speed."

Barton has previously spoken out against the regime of Newcastle owner Mike Ashley and Llambias but his comments on the podcast ignited a new row.




Barton and Llambias. Two fucking of the worst arseholes ever associated with NUFC.


Fair enough Barton is a despicable arsehole for his selfish comments, and responses to criticism, and he just generally is one of lifes biggest cunts. However, almost equally distasteful is Derek Llambias with these point scoring jibes using Gary Speed's death to unite supporters against Barton. Fucking what a cunt Dekka is.

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Llambias still hasn't learned that the best way to kill a story like this is to STFU, the moron. Barton looks enough of a self obsessed cock without Llambias stoking the fire. I wish both of them would keep their mouths shut tbh.......Barton should come to terms with the fact that he plays for QPR now and move on. Lambias should leave PR to the PR people, every time he opens his mouth he just comes across as a snidey little shit.

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Newcastle managing director Derek Llambias has hit back at Joey Barton after the former Magpies player claimed his departure from the Tyneside was due to a bonus dispute.


Barton joined QPR in August after being placed on the transfer list by Newcastle following a Twitter rant in which he criticised the club's board.

It was reported yesterday that Barton went a step further by alleging he and other big-name players had been forced out of the Tyneside club after refusing to agree to a bonus proposal.

Three days after the death of former Magpies midfielder Gary Speed, Llambias blasted the timing of Barton's comments.

He said in a statement: "In a week when one of Newcastle United's most beloved footballers passed away, it is disappointing that once again Joey Barton makes the headlines.

"It is also unfortunate that Joey chose to draw such a disparaging comparison between himself and the employees of Sports Direct, who through hard work and dedication are the recipients of one of the most generous bonus schemes in UK retailing.

"It may not be a lot of money to Joey, but over 2,000 Sports Direct employees earning £20,000 will receive shares worth over £44,000 over the next two years.

"However, in this week of all weeks, we really do not wish to engage in a public war of words with Joey Barton.

"Our legal advisors are dealing with the matter now and we would encourage Joey to concentrate on his football at Queens Park Rangers.

"Our thoughts and attentions this week remain firmly with the family and friends of Gary Speed."

Barton has previously spoken out against the regime of Newcastle owner Mike Ashley and Llambias but his comments on the podcast ignited a new row.




Barton and Llambias. Two fucking of the worst arseholes ever associated with NUFC.


Fair enough Barton is a despicable arsehole for his selfish comments, and responses to criticism, and he just generally is one of lifes biggest cunts. However, almost equally distasteful is Derek Llambias with these point scoring jibes using Gary Speed's death to unite supporters against Barton. Fucking what a cunt Dekka is.


What a shame Gazza [wot? Well 'ow many fackin gazzas played faw em?] passed away. By the way Joey me ol' saan, it may not mean much to yoo but did I menshun Spawts Diwect are givvin our employees shares?

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Must confess to being a massive Barton fan pre twitter and a Llambias hater, however I think the Llambias statement is pretty much spot on.


We all know deep down that Barton is a sit of a human being that none one of us would probably like to be associated with in our day to day lives.

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Goes without saying how cuntish it is to bring Gary Speed into this but Barton isn't much better. I fail to see how giving him away for nowt was good business mind.

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I fail to see how giving him away for nowt was good business mind.


He clearly has an 'us' vs 'them' mentality. We all know Llambias is a lying twat and can't be trusted, but players hire agents, so its a bit rich to take any higher ground on any discussions.


Take the bonus issue. Llambias took the stance based on our wage bill that avoiding relegation wasn't an achievement, so only offered a small amount for the bottom half of the table. Barton rallied the troops in a futile attempt to change Llambias's mind.


Barton is Gene Clark of Newcastle.

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I think we could've got a fee for him tbh. If QPR were willing to pay him the wages he's getting I think they'd have been willing to pay a couple of mill too. Even allowing for hyperbole saying it might be the best piece of business in the last transfer window is laughable tbh.

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