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Mackem In Peace...


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how many for the Stoke game? Do you go or are you one of the lot NQ hates? (and the rest of the planet :lol: )



I'm a season ticket holder - for my sins!


The Stoke ones a weird one to call because of the GNR at the same time, but I am going to plump for about 30k in attendance. ( I might actually be being optimistic there ) I'm missing it for starters due to the run, so knock another 1 off that aswell!

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Well...I'm still in shock! A 4-0 win was not what I was expecting at all! And a cracking performance to go with it aswell. Fingers crossed this is the start of a good run for us...but I might be getting ahead of myself! :lol:


Think yous will win tomorrow aswell!

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on paper looks a good win, win's a win. Helped us so ta.


when you add on the 3 points we will take off you in next derby still puts you points behind us.





Yous make me laugh!


Though I cannot argue with the fact you'll be getting another 3 points from us.

And that picture is fucking hurrendous! :lol:

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