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FAO: Deano / Tioté's Nutz

Dr Kenneth Noisewater

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  Tecato said:
We should all be as polite as 'Dave from Newcastle-Online'


This donation is as promised by Newcastle-Online as part of our prediction competition. Carry on the fantastic work chaps.

Donation by Dave on 05/09/11


for all dave has smashing manners, he beats his wife and kids. So all in all...

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  JaMoUsE said:
  Tecato said:
We should all be as polite as 'Dave from Newcastle-Online'


This donation is as promised by Newcastle-Online as part of our prediction competition. Carry on the fantastic work chaps.

Donation by Dave on 05/09/11


for all dave has smashing manners, he beats his wife and kids. So all in all...



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  Brock Manson said:
£50 that was promised to charity wasn't given, users on this site have subsequently donated that amount and then some more.


I'd imagine even with the comments, each person donated did so because they know it's a great cause worth supporting and ensuring it wasn't being sold short based on empty promises.


On the money quite literally here.


A great cause is benefiting from what has been an interesting, at times funny, at times over the top incident.

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  trophyshy said:
Does my donation help get me into the secret forum?


Fuck off, it wasn't nearly enough, you tight-fisted cunterhead.


*slams secret forum door in his face, not knowing how much he actually donated*




EDIT: And thinking of it a bit more, you're now on D'Man's list.

Edited by snakehips
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  snakehips said:
  trophyshy said:
Does my donation help get me into the secret forum?


Fuck off, it wasn't nearly enough, you tight-fisted cunterhead.


*slams secret forum door in his face, not knowing how much he actually donated*




EDIT: And thinking of it a bit more, you're now on D'Man's list.




Douggy B's list was more prestigious tbh.

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  Kevin S. Assilleekunt said:
Gemmill, Chez, where are your donations? You're such pillars of virtue ready to criticize people who, regardless of petty comments, have donated more than you combined. We've got a so-called accountant and another one working in the French consulate and they can't even afford £5 between them. Is your money too good for the SBR foundation?




You can't ask people why they have or haven't donated!! That's completely out of order. Donating to charity is a private/personal thing. I'd already stated why I havent this time but that's my business.


Its not all about just clicking a button on the internet either. At my work we give up our own free time running events to raise money for all sorts of good causes.


Incidentally, I've noticed over the years that Gemmill is often one of the first to give to any cause. Look at Cath's Rias Rainbow thread for a start!

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  Toonraider said:
  Kevin S. Assilleekunt said:
Gemmill, Chez, where are your donations? You're such pillars of virtue ready to criticize people who, regardless of petty comments, have donated more than you combined. We've got a so-called accountant and another one working in the French consulate and they can't even afford £5 between them. Is your money too good for the SBR foundation?




You can't ask people why they have or haven't donated!! That's completely out of order. Donating to charity is a private/personal thing. I'd already stated why I havent this time but that's my business.


Its not all about just clicking a button on the internet either. At my work we give up our own free time running events to raise money for all sorts of good causes.


Incidentally, I've noticed over the years that Gemmill is often one of the first to give to any cause. Look at Cath's Rias Rainbow thread for a start!


:icon_lol: I was taking the piss love. They would have known that, I'm pretty sure. Have something of a track record of piss-taking. I would never even bother asking Gemmill something like that, we all know he's tighter than a duck's arse.

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KSA should have a spot on the next Children in Need where he berates everyone in a certain income bracket for not donating. Just going at it for five minutes solid in Tagalog before handing back to an ashen faced Wogan. Enough of this touchy-feely warm Irish brogue shit.

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  alex said:
Give him a break. Gemmill's ball-deep in debt to his dealer apparently.


Aye, he was pm'ing me for Roids the other week, I thought he must have upset his usual contact.



Is it right he's had his hair tipped and is hitting the beds heavily, 8 minutes a day and a bottle of Red Onyx every three days according to that PM?

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  Kevin said:
I feel we've been to harsh on Deano, I for one am sorry. Was a good frequent poster, should cut him some slack.


Too late for that now Kevin. You can't "cut him some slack" after you've tarred, feathered him and run him out of town.

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