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Steve Harper


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Richard Wright is another good example. Only 240 games played in his career, 35 years old and was signed for Man City last year as a back up. That's his thing though, he goes from club to club as the reliable back up. We had that with Harper.

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ps "No loyalty" in football? Gerrard will have been given the opportunity to go to Chelsea on massive wages but stayed with a stuttering Liverpool. He might be a cunt, but he's a loyal cunt.

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  On 23/03/2013 at 09:39, ewerk said:

Was there not some truth in the rumours that he may have been coerced into staying with Liverpool?

I think there may have been a nugget of truth in that, but it'll have been embellished and exagerrated beyond all recognition from the original.

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Gerrard decided to stay at Liverpool.Gerrard looked at the Chelsea option ( or so we think ) and Gerrard decided he was best off where he was.Loyalty to Liverpool never came into it.Gerrard thought of Gerrard.Harper has done what was best for Harper for 20 years.Now he has no choice but to move and the best of luck to him.If Harpers ambition was to be a professional footballer,then he's achieved it.

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  On 23/03/2013 at 09:38, The Fish said:

ps "No loyalty" in football? Gerrard will have been given the opportunity to go to Chelsea on massive wages but stayed with a stuttering Liverpool. He might be a cunt, but he's a loyal cunt.


He was on 6 figures a week and had just won the champions league. Wasn't a hardship him staying tbf

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  On 23/03/2013 at 11:56, TheRollingStones said:

He was on 6 figures a week and had just won the champions league. Wasn't a hardship him staying tbf

Pretty sure he's been a target for quite a few teams and that was before the CL victories. Also, he could have won the Champions League and FA, League cups and the League itself if he'd moved.

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  On 23/03/2013 at 12:05, essembeeofsunderland said:

Strange how a pay rise usually accompanies further loyalty.Players will go from kissing one badge to another if the money is right.

The fuck are you on about now? Nobody is arguing that loyalty is standard, everybody is saying it is a rare commodity. However, to accuse Steve Harper, of all people, of showing a lack of loyalty is just batshit mental

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  On 23/03/2013 at 12:43, essembeeofsunderland said:

How long do you have to stay at a club for the word loyalty to be used.

Length of service isn't proof of loyalty. Ashley Cole has been at Chelsea for years, but he's not there for the love of the club is he.

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If it didn't suit him to stay,but stayed totally for the clubs benefit then yes.He's stayed because the package has always suited him.I am yet to be convinced that he has stayed for 20 years through loyalty to the club.So Cole stays at Chelsea for a number of years and it's not through loyalty yet Harper has stayed with us through loyalty.Please explain the difference,if anyone can.

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It is loyalty. We could call on him whenever. I however think it's a lack of ambition though. I mean he's not hit any heights has he? Sat on the bench almost his entire career here.


Thankful for it though.

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  On 24/03/2013 at 09:11, essembeeofsunderland said:

Oh, but Harper is.So if Man City had come calling a couple of years ago dangling a contract woth £100,000 a week ( lets say Harper was on £25,000 ) he would have said no because of his love/loyalty to NUFC.He's been at Newcastle United for 20 years because it has suited him and the club.



Seriously, What?!


In general footballers move clubs for one of three reasons: A) Money, 2) Play at a higher level or, iii) get first team football. Cole stayed with Chelsea because he was playing week in/week out, and he was winning and earning shit loads. Crouch moved from Spurs to Stoke to get guaranteed 1st team football. Tiote moved to Newcastle to earn more money and play regularly at a higher level.


Harper has played 2nd fiddle to top class 'keepers, biding his time and proving he's capable deputy whenever he's got his chance. Occasionally he was playing to such a standard as to usurp Given, who was called one of the world's 5 best 'keepers by Mancini, and was our 1st choice 'keeper for a reasonable amount of his 19 yr (NINETEEN YEAR) career at Newcastle. If he were disloyal he could have thrown a strop when it was clear Given was favoured, and he DEFINITELY would have sought the exit when it was clear Krul was the new No 1. Yet, there he remains, keen to pass on his experience making no waves, and happy to step into the breach whenever he's required.

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  On 24/03/2013 at 11:47, essembeeofsunderland said:

Me also thankful.Canny lad ( well he comes across as a canny lad ) who has become a millionaire + by having no ambition,and we'd all have done the same,if the package suited us.

So you finally admit it's not disloyalty?

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He's shown `loyalty' to himself (and family ).Living and working in the north east has suted him ( and the £25,000 ) a week. The package has suited him ( being mainly the number 2 keeper ).Would his `loyalty' have been tested if Man City had come calling ( to repeat myself because no one has addressed this scenario and we know why ) and offered him £100,000 to move his` loyalty' to Manchester.

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