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Thatcher threatend to Nuke the Argies


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I still reckon Sheffield was deliberately sunk in the Atlantic to minimise the effect on the UK population, which would have been extremely despondent had they seen more pics of the hulk should she have returned home.


I knew a few lads in the Falklands war and even knew one (not well, though) who was killed on Ardent.


The Royal Navy got a bloody nose during that conflict. They didn't expect half the problems they encountered, though the lessons learned were immense for modern warfare. Lessons needlessly learned.


Yet again, more lives lost for oil/minerals.




there wasn't much point in trying to save her and then drag her all the way back to the UK


You're right about the problems - the Navy seemed to have forgotten every lesson they learn't during WW2 - lack of close in gun support, lack of airborne warning radar etc etc


I guess they 'd spent their time practising for N War and fighting the Russains around Iceland


The war was really fought because the Tories would have been out if we hadn't tried to take the islands back - there wasn't (and still isn't) and oil, gas or minerals there


- mind you there are a number of companies on AIM (Rockhopper, Falklands Oil & Gas, Falklands Minerals) that would like to convince you otherwise - I'd steer clear personally



I thought Maersk had found some oil there but the technology doesn't exist yet for extraction??


The whole point of Falkland Islands is that it is the first stop to British Antarctica which, I believe, has loads of mineral deposits but due to the current 'friends of the earth' feelings the world has will remain untouched for some time. However, when they do become required, hey presto, we have an all-weather 'pit-stop' just a few hundred miles north.

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The Antarctic Treaty forbids any mineral extraction (including oil & gas) full stop - and everyone is signed up to it - evern our 'Merican friends


No-one found very much I understand - there was a great burst of exploration in the mid 90's and a lot of people (insiders) made a lot of money trading some of the smaller stocks


It looks like it might happen again - tiny oil company claims "interesting results" - stock soars, directors and advisors bail out - mugs left owning whale pasture int eh S Atlantic

Edited by Rob W
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