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Why the fuck is everybody bumming Manc-Mag, when I said what he did first, and did it in about a quarter of the time.


Bunch of fickle ring lickers :lol:

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Why the fuck is everybody bumming Manc-Mag, when I said what he did first, and did it in about a quarter of the time.


Bunch of fickle ring lickers :lol:




Not sure what for, but reported none the less. Any more of that and you'll be off to train with the kids.

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I like his Dear Diary © Happy Face, postings after his match-day experiences. It's nice to know that he didn't have room for a pud after his eleven cheeseburgers, twelve pints of Kronenberg and seven pizzas.

He doesn't agree with Pud.





There's a shock. :lol:

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More of a 'bitch hunt' than a 'witch hunt' tbh


He claims he doesn't go out to wind people up but there was a thread a while back, not sure if it was after Nolan moving on, where I felt like throttling the cunt for the shite he was spouting and there was loads of other posters feeling the same way judging by the posts that followed, he was clearly on a wind up then.

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Why the fuck is everybody bumming Manc-Mag, when I said what he did first, and did it in about a quarter of the time.


Bunch of fickle ring lickers :lol:




Not sure what for, but reported none the less. Any more of that and you'll be off to train with the kids.

Court says I can't

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I reckon Leazes shades him on knowledge of the club and football in general like. Just :lol:


That's why I said polar opinion :lol:.


Now I don't have the best part of 2 bottles of rioja flowing through my bloodstream, i'll try to give a more dignified response. First I apologise for the flash point last night. No matter what my opinion it's not the right thing for an administrator to do to flare up in an open forum. That individual post you made wasn't the catalyst for it, it was just the straw that broke the camel's back so please stop with the victim mentality, asking what was wrong with that particular post.


But the fact does still remain that there is massive frustration in the way you conduct yourself CT. You ask us to cite specific examples but frankly it isn't specific. There's undertones in almost every topic you get involved in.


Manc-mag has summed it up absolutely perfectly and there's not one regular who's read that who hasn't nodded in agreement. Yet you find the need to even argue that opinion. We can't all be wrong and you're the only one who's right. We'd have had massive respect for you if you'd simply replied with a "yeah, you're pretty much on the money with that." but it seems you couldn't even do that.


Someone said this to me recently. Again, it's spot on:


See the likes of Chez etc have points when they are contrary to the masses, but CT just whinges on, and then when he does get backed into a corner and can't reply to points he either

#1 avoids the thread till enough posts have came in where he can slope back again and resume hoping no one notices

#2 tries something witty that has no relevance

#3 tries to pull an alex with a one line smiley but his makes no sense

Given enough rope he hangs himself in every thread but it makes no odds he carries on regardless it's just tedious.


I'm all for freedom of speech and openly welcome a difference of opinion. But that's not the problem here. It's your delivery and your ability to debate that's the issue. I'm sick to the back teeth of getting PMs from good, quality posters who've been here years all echoing the suggestion that they've had enough of the way you carry on and won't be posting so long as you continue in the same vein. Now if that was from one or two people, my thoughts would be "shame, but if that's the way they think then so be it". But it's not 1 or 2 people. I've heard from 19 and there's a point where we have to consider that the value of almost 20 posters outweighs that of one.


It'd be wrong of me to say I haven't considered cutting you loose from this place. Yeah I know, I'd get a line of "what's the banning for?" and it'd be hard to justify that, but it has most definitely been considered. Ultimately it's not going to happen as I just cannot justify it in my own mind. What has also been considered, and is still being considered is sticking you on post-moderation for a while.

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Cannit believe there's almost 20 posters who get so annoyed with what someone posts they'll actually complain about it like. :lol:


Anyone would think it matters.


I'm all for keeping the quality out of the gutter, but we look back with great fondness on many of the WUM's that have fallen.


I wish Fop would come back. I loved him :lol:

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