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The Great British riots


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I can't see fuck all of these riots where I'm at :D


If they had the sense to attack the financial centre of the country then I might get a day off work. Of course the twats probably realise that there's fuck all to loot round here.


The IRA cottoned on to that in the early 90s after 20 years of random killing and hey presto by 94 we had the Good Friday Agreement.


As you say The City doesnt have what these fuckers want....phones, sportswear etc etc...carpets...? :D

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It's hit Woolwich now. And the West Ham v Aldershot cup game has been called off.


Wonder if England v Holland will be called off as well.


Got to be really, hasn't it. The coppers can't possibly do a football match while all this is going on.

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I can't see fuck all of these riots where I'm at :D


If they had the sense to attack the financial centre of the country then I might get a day off work. Of course the twats probably realise that there's fuck all to loot round here.


The IRA cottoned on to that in the early 90s after 20 years of random killing and hey presto by 94 we had the Good Friday Agreement.


As you say The City doesnt have what these fuckers want....phones, sportswear etc etc...carpets...? :D


A few years out but aye, let's sit down with these 'protesters' and hear their demands.


A free 52" 3DTV and Bluray player for everyone on benefits.

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It's hit Woolwich now. And the West Ham v Aldershot cup game has been called off.


Wonder if England v Holland will be called off as well.


Surely must be. Policing will have to be deployed elsewhere.

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Breaking news: Police close A1 south of Newcastle to prevent former England footballers travelling to riot area armed with KFC and cans of Fosters...


Racist, although fried chicken does seem to have a calming effect on the blacks. Nevertheless, reported.



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Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

Seriously, declare a curfew time, anybody out after that gets filled in, fair game for the riot squad. This is robbing not protesting!!!!




Christ, just a couple of hours ago I was proposing the same solution myself.


I'm on a mental par with Joey Barton. :D

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It's hit Woolwich now. And the West Ham v Aldershot cup game has been called off.


Wonder if England v Holland will be called off as well.


Surely must be. Policing will have to be deployed elsewhere.


At this rate there will be 3000 cockney refugees creating a shanty town on the Town Moor on Saturday night

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had to share this tweet on the area i live in.


East Dulwich kicking off now, police pelted by organic bread, fine roquefort and additive-free traditional rhubarb and custard boiled sweets



Hey, with apologies for hijacking this thread for something similarly middle-class and utterly irrelevant - since you live in the vicinity, have you ever been to/had takeaway from a restaurant called Omrith on Forest Hill Road? Only we got their delivery leaflet through the door recently and the food sounds bloody awesome. Obviously won't be expecting them to be able to deliver for the next few days, but still... :D

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Sky News some lass just there. "we're getting our taxes back innit"

How would you describe how she looked? In fact no need to tell me mate.

Let's just say yes you're correct in your assumptions :D


. . . Although couldn't quite tell because she was wearing a hooded top drawn up tight.


I can only assume she must've been cold.


People can make all the excuses they want or skirt round this as much as they want but it's on me screen where the majority of this is attributable to. Naturally this will be diluted but it's fact.


Quite literally biting the hand that feeds them whilst simultaneously shitting in their own beds .


Is this what decades of 'community projects' , fucking 'youth workers' etc. achieve ?


Welcome to Britain 2012 .


Enjoy being taxed for your iPods, smartphones and expensive trainers when you come to the Olympics.


Fucking SHITHOLE .

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I can hear the police choppers in peckham - about ten mins away - from my bedroom. Quite scary actually. The local tesco express was looted a few hours ago. Now the met are saying don't leave your homes.


Too right tesco express is a pisstake!11

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Apparently the Duggan family want to know what went wrong. They want answers.




This must be the easiest high ground you've taken this year AS. :D

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Is it really a high-ground? I'm just saying, don't be so fucking surprised when you're running round with illegal firearms and you catch a bullet.


Everyone's got guns in London man.

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They just showed some shots of the earlier "standoff" in Birmingham on BBC News. Which basically amounted to one bloke ambling away with a boxed electrical item stuffed up his tracksuit top.

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had to share this tweet on the area i live in.


East Dulwich kicking off now, police pelted by organic bread, fine roquefort and additive-free traditional rhubarb and custard boiled sweets



Hey, with apologies for hijacking this thread for something similarly middle-class and utterly irrelevant - since you live in the vicinity, have you ever been to/had takeaway from a restaurant called Omrith on Forest Hill Road? Only we got their delivery leaflet through the door recently and the food sounds bloody awesome. Obviously won't be expecting them to be able to deliver for the next few days, but still... :D


yes mate. it's one of our favourite indians. you can eat in there too. the gurka tiffin is also worth a shout as is indian mischief, the new south indian place on lordship lane (if it's still standing).

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