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The Great British riots


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I think this is happened because education and parenting have failed these kids. I think they're a product of a society that isn't a community. I think this is a symptom of the "I'm all right jack" attitude of thatcher's reign AND the imbalanced benefit culture of Labour's reign.


I think this is a product of the lack of integration at the beginning of large scale immigration. We should never have allowed ghettos, we should have interwoven our culture into the immigrants'.


I think this isn't a sudden and snap reaction to the status quo, this is creation of decades of bad decisions by politicians and voters on both sides of the specturm.


I think these kids are violent criminals who should be punished as such, but I don't think they were born criminals. I don't believe there's a criminal gene. Just bad parenting and an education system focussed on stats and quotas. Teachers who systematically fail to educate these kids beyond how to pass an exam.


I think we need to make these kids rebuild what they've destroyed and I agree with attacking the benefits of these criminals.

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Did anyone catch any of that programme on BBC4 called Carnival (about the Notting Hill one and its origins). Ironic that Enoch Powell was the minister who presided over the first wave of mass immigration.

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I think this is a product of the lack of integration at the beginning of large scale immigration. We should never have allowed ghettos, we should have interwoven our culture into the immigrants'.


A lot of people including me have criticised the way housing and schools are segregated in Ulster which is a piss poor start before anything else is taken into account. However I never realised how much that same policy was carried out in the past regarding immigration - a lad I worked with at my last place who's about 40 was brought up in Deptford and it surprised me when he told me how in South London when he was a kid there were white and black estates which meant white and black schools. Now of course I can understand immigrants wanting to stick together on arrival but it seems as if the whole thing was exaggerated and pandered to from the start. I suppose we should be thankful that despite that London as a whole has become a lot more mixed though obviously with pockets of segregation as well.

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can't be bothered to read 67 pages....but I expect the usual culprits are blaming a lack of understanding social workers, leftie teachers, not enough multiculturism, not enough holidays for immigrants, and refusal of benefits to asylum seekers for all of this.


I'm pretty sure those are the first mentions in the entire thread of the words "Social worker", "leftie", "multiculturalism", "immigrant" and "asylum"


Well done for fitting them all in a single post.

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I think this is happened because education and parenting have failed these kids. I think they're a product of a society that isn't a community. I think this is a symptom of the "I'm all right jack" attitude of thatcher's reign AND the imbalanced benefit culture of Labour's reign.


I think this is a product of the lack of integration at the beginning of large scale immigration. We should never have allowed ghettos, we should have interwoven our culture into the immigrants'.


I think this isn't a sudden and snap reaction to the status quo, this is creation of decades of bad decisions by politicians and voters on both sides of the specturm.


I think these kids are violent criminals who should be punished as such, but I don't think they were born criminals. I don't believe there's a criminal gene. Just bad parenting and an education system focussed on stats and quotas. Teachers who systematically fail to educate these kids beyond how to pass an exam.


I think we need to make these kids rebuild what they've destroyed and I agree with attacking the benefits of these criminals.


partly right, but you don't narrow it down enough. What Cameron said the other day is absolutely true ie sick society, no standards, no discipline, too many people wanting an easy life and thinking society owes them something, failure of multi-culturism etc.


However, decades of "bad decisions" in the form of legislation to appease do-gooders, leftie namby pambys, socialist who supported a failed ideology, less prisons, soft sentences, "revolutionary" school teaching etc etc [can't be arsed to make this a long post], an overpopulated country, have all made major contributions, and he knows it. But can't say it.


He also knows that it is impossible to get around all this legislation which is now firmly entrenched into our society and those who advocated all these things would be howling like wolves if he/they tried.


He also knows that, being Tories, they are not prepared to pay for it in terms of tax hikes etc. But isn't going to say that either.

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No retort Leazes? thought not. :lol:


just answered you, you daft arsehole.




I'm also going out, I don't spend my entire life on here like you.


I realise lots of people disagree with me [see your previous post] but they disagreed with me years ago re the football club too. In time, just like I said about the football club [ie the previous regime] they will also realise that what I am saying now, is also correct.


Water off a ducks back when you know you are explaining something to those with their heads in the sand.

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Did anyone catch any of that programme on BBC4 called Carnival (about the Notting Hill one and its origins). Ironic that Enoch Powell was the minister who presided over the first wave of mass immigration.


maybe that is why he said what he did ?

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can't be bothered to read 67 pages....but I expect the usual culprits are blaming a lack of understanding social workers, leftie teachers, not enough multiculturism, not enough holidays for immigrants, and refusal of benefits to asylum seekers for all of this.

not all.....

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can't be bothered to read 67 pages....but I expect the usual culprits are blaming a lack of understanding social workers, leftie teachers, not enough multiculturism, not enough holidays for immigrants, and refusal of benefits to asylum seekers for all of this.

not all.....


Not any

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What Cameron said the other day is absolutely true ie sick society, no standards, no discipline, too many people wanting an easy life and thinking society owes them something,


Read the link Meenzer posted a couple of pages back. I don't know how Cameron has the gall....


The evening had ended with a pot being sent crashing through a restaurant window – sending some of the revellers, including [boris] Johnson, the future mayor of London, scurrying for safety while their less fortunate friends earned themselves a night in the cells at Cowley police station.


Many details of the evening have been kept a closely-guarded secret by the group of old friends, who have remained tight-lipped about Cameron’s involvement in the escapade.


But one former Bullingdon member recalled how the arrests took place in Oxford’s botanical gardens where – silhouetted by the lights of the police cars – the students, who had been hiding on the ground, stood up one by one.


At that point, however, Cameron had sprinted off down a side street towards St John’s Lane to make good his escape, according to the person. He said the idea that the future Tory leader was not part of the original escapade was ludicrous.



Edited by Happy Face
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Why don't they give the looters the opportunity to return what they've stolen like they did with the MP's

:lol: good point



i got a better point shoot the motherfuckers dead or hang em or chop there heads off lol

Edited by DEADMAN
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Why don't they give the looters the opportunity to return what they've stolen like they did with the MP's

:lol: good point



i got a better point shoot the motherfuckers dead or hang em or chop there heads off lol


No-one likes MPs, but that's a bit harsh on the theiving bastards.

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See that 68 year old bloke who was set about in Ealing for putting a fire out has died :lol::(:icon_lol: POC. :lol::D Fuckin there are no words, lived 68 years to be set upon and killed for trying to help a situation.



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See that 68 year old bloke who was set about in Ealing for putting a fire out has died :lol::(:icon_lol: POC. :lol::D Fuckin there are no words, lived 68 years to be set upon and killed for trying to help a situation.






Police officers were then pelted with missiles as they came to his aid.




Manchester Crown Court heard details of a case involving a man caught "red-handed" coming out of a looted Maplin electrical store carrying a Macmillan Cancer charity box containing £50.




It's like living in Mos Eisley.

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Why don't they give the looters the opportunity to return what they've stolen like they did with the MP's

:lol: good point


aren't you going to respond to what I posted ? Or can I continue laughing my arse off at you :icon_lol:

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