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UN Käerjéng 97

Happy Face

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According to .co.uk I got 6 loyalty points from it. Never been to Luxemburg in my life though.


A bit concerned that it seems to have lost my actual loyalty point history and is only reporting the measly total against this strange game....don't think we've EVER played them have we?


Time for another phone call to the brewery where the piss-ups never start.


Anyone else got similar problems?

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From what we can gather, problems with the club's e- ticketing system have led to their temporarily withdrawing the ability to buy tickets for the mackem game online.


That explains why many fans with over 100 loyalty points have been unable to apply for tickets online since the period for them to do so began on Monday.


Phone sales and sales to personal callers at the NUFC Box Office continue, although demand for the former is high and as part of the waiting process, fans are advised to apply online....


If we get any more information we'll post it.




It's amazing half the staff at the club manage to get to work clothed in the morning.

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Aye, I noticed that when they first swapped it all over to the new system. Don't think it's owt to worry about though. I think prettymuch everyone I've spoken to has the same team written in there, regardless of the amount of points they have or whatever.

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Apparently the club were selling Mackem tickets to people with 0 loyalty points the other day for about an hour.


I highly doubt they will honour the deals.

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