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Songbird resigns


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  songbird said:
  Jusoda Kid said:
My mate has started for a new firm doing the cavity and loft insulation and he got sent away with this fat mackem for the first week.


This is on my bairns life btw, I'm not just saying it because of the daft mackem posting shite on here, and this tale was backed up by another lad who works for the same firm.


They got sent up past Inverness for the week, climbing around in dirty lofts etc and not once did the mackem get a shower or brush his teeth as he hadn't took a toothbrush, and his idea of clean clothes was turning his underpants inside out.


When my mate brought up the subject of an evening meal when they were back at their digs he said 'I only spend £20.00a week when I'm away', when my pal asked how he managed it, he whipped out a gas stove placed it on the digs window sill and then produced a bag of pasta, a loaf of bread and a tub of Stork margarine.


Needless to say my mate has already wrapped as the job was a piss take and there was no way he could work away with this animal.



That was a lovely story marra :razz: but i dont get what one unclean mackem has to do with anything ? I used to know a tosser of a geordie who beat his poor wife black and blue and nearly killed her ....does that mean all geordies are wife beaters?


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  Feltch The Manfat said:
  Jusoda Kid said:
My mate has started for a new firm doing the cavity and loft insulation and he got sent away with this fat mackem for the first week.


This is on my bairns life btw, I'm not just saying it because of the daft mackem posting shite on here, and this tale was backed up by another lad who works for the same firm.


They got sent up past Inverness for the week, climbing around in dirty lofts etc and not once did the mackem get a shower or brush his teeth as he hadn't took a toothbrush, and his idea of clean clothes was turning his underpants inside out.


When my mate brought up the subject of an evening meal when they were back at their digs he said 'I only spend £20.00a week when I'm away', when my pal asked how he managed it, he whipped out a gas stove placed it on the digs window sill and then produced a bag of pasta, a loaf of bread and a tub of Stork margarine.


Needless to say my mate has already wrapped as the job was a piss take and there was no way he could work away with this animal.


ahh the old mackem at work


Thats the bit I found hard to believe as well. You are all scruffy cunts though, its bred in to you.

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Ahhh a rare goal celebration against Newcastle for Sunderland.


God, I remember having to clap Bents goal when we were hammering you by 5 goals at SJP because your fans fucked off like the outstanding supporters you are.


So when will Niall Quinn be begging you to come to the Stadium of shite this season?

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