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Islamic extremists have launched a poster campaign across the UK proclaiming areas where Sharia law enforcement zones have been set up.

Communities have been bombarded with the posters, which read: ‘You are entering a Sharia-controlled zone – Islamic rules enforced.’

The bright yellow messages daubed on bus stops and street lamps have already been seen across certain boroughs in London and order that in the ‘zone’ there should be ‘no gambling’, ‘no music or concerts’, ‘no porn or prostitution’, ‘no drugs or smoking’ and ‘no alcohol’.

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary has claimed responsibility for the scheme, saying he plans to flood specific Muslim and non-Muslim communities around the UK and ‘put the seeds down for an Islamic Emirate in the long term’.

In the past week, dozens of streets in the London boroughs of Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Newham have been targeted, raising fears that local residents may be intimidated or threatened for flouting ‘Islamic rules’.



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Choudary, who runs the banned militant group Islam4UK, warned: ‘We now have hundreds if not thousands of people up and down the country willing to go out and patrol the streets for us and a print run of between 10,000 and 50,000 stickers ready for distribution.

‘There are 25 areas around the country which the Government has earmarked as areas where violent extremism is a problem.


Seizing control: Activist Jamaal Uddin puts up one of the Sharia stickers in Leyton, in the East London borough of Waltham Forest


Drink outlawed: Uddin places his poster on a lamppost outside the now defunct Oliver Twist pub in a part of Leyton in London

‘We are going to go to all these same areas and implement our own Sharia-controlled zones.

‘This is the best way for dealing with drunkenness and loutishness, prostitution and the sort of thug life attitude you get in British cities.’

The former lawyer added: ‘This will mean this is an area where the Muslim community will not tolerate drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, usury, free mixing between the sexes – the fruits if you like of Western civilisation.

‘We want to run the area as a Sharia-controlled zone and really to put the seeds down for an Islamic Emirate in the long term.’

Scotland Yard is now working with local councils to remove the posters and identify those responsible for putting them up.

Choudary said he was organising a protest against the Far Right in Waltham Forest this weekend following last Friday’s killing spree in Norway by anti-Islamic gunman Anders Breivik.


He said: ‘We are going to put the events in Oslo on the agenda. We are going to be marching and addressing this issue. It is a whole new scenario now. The Muslim community needs to be vigilant. There is an undercurrent against Islam.

‘I do believe a Norway-style attack could happen here.’

The campaign comes just months after stickers proclaiming a ‘gay-free zone’ and appearing to reference the religious Islamic text of the Koran appeared in Tower Hamlets.

Women in parts of East London including Tower Hamlets have been threatened with violence and even death by Islamic extremists if they did not wear headscarves.

James Brandon, of the anti-extremism think-tank the Quilliam Foundation, which has dubbed the intimidation the work of ‘Talibanesque thugs’, said: ‘This is a small group which is not representative of these communities.

‘It’s great news that the police have decided to investigate this. This has the potential to divide communities and upset people.’

Yesterday the leader of Waltham Forest Council, Chris Robbins, said: ‘As soon as we heard about these posters we worked over the weekend to take them all down.

‘Since then we have been going through our CCTV images and working with the police to try to identify the culprits. Our policy is to use the full extent of our powers to prosecute any offenders.

‘People should not get the wrong idea about our borough because a handful of small-minded idiots, who do not live here, decide to deface our streets with ridiculous posters.’


Utter cunts. Scum fuckin bastards.

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Our country. They don't like our rules - they can fuck off back to their caves


We can't even fly our own flag in certain parts of England - cos Jihads don't like it


EDIT: These posters/flyers?



Edited by WordPlay
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A select few idiots in 'trying to implement their views and values on others with no authority to do so' shocker .

The EDL'll be frothing at the mouth 'We told you Sharia law would come into effect!!'

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Well, if I was living in one of those self declared zones, I'd be tempted to tool up if someone wanted to cause a scene or being violent. It is these kind of Muslims that need to be gotten rid of, and you won't do that by appearing on BBC News 24 saying 'we're not all bad'. The peaceful, live and let live Muslims need to be more active in kicking these twats into the bin of history.

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I live in Tower Hill which is very close to a lot of these areas in Tower Hamlets. I've seen a few stickers and posters almost all of which have been vandalised (and rightly so). It's disgraceful trying to impose this sort of thing on people. In general, however, there seems to be zero tolerance for this extremism among the locals.


I've never seen any trouble nor do I know of any non-muslims that have been targeted. I'm not saying it doesn't go on but it does lead me to believe that, yes, it is indeed a small minority which is generally the case with most forms of extremism.


If this doesn't suit the right wing agenda then so be it but I just thought I'd offer the experience of someone who lives in one of these areas.

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A WKD an a Rohypnol would be less than a tenner over here. I imagine.


It worked wonders in Afghanistan under the Taliban.

What are the date rape rates like over there?


The taliban would publicly whip women who had suffered rape.


Don't think that was part of the 'rules' being put forth like.

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A WKD an a Rohypnol would be less than a tenner over here. I imagine.


It worked wonders in Afghanistan under the Taliban.

What are the date rape rates like over there?


The taliban would publicly whip women who had suffered rape.


Don't think that was part of the 'rules' being put forth like.


Oh, my bad. Feel free to continue making yourself look stupid.

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Putting aside that this is another Choudray inspired publicity stunt/wind up (also see his 'plans' for Wooton Basset) how do those who are putting these posters up intend to enforce a 'sharia law zone'?...if they incite violence over this am pretty sure they can be jailed for it like that bell end who wore the suicide bombers vest at some protest a couple of years back.

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Would it really be so bad if these laws came into effect though? Might actually benefit society.



This one is funny, can we keep him?

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A WKD an a Rohypnol would be less than a tenner over here. I imagine.


It worked wonders in Afghanistan under the Taliban.

What are the date rape rates like over there?


The taliban would publicly whip women who had suffered rape.


Don't think that was part of the 'rules' being put forth like.


Oh, my bad. Feel free to continue making yourself look stupid.

Being thought of as stupid by someone who appears to be clinically retarded is no great insult.

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'controlled' and 'enforced' by the act of a handful of beard-tugging remedials clagging a few stickers on lamposts at 4am .

All right mohammed /Leazes

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'controlled' and 'enforced' by the act of a handful of beard-tugging remedials clagging a few stickers on lamposts at 4am .

All right mohammed /Leazes


uh ? we on the same wavelength here hotlegs ?

further to Paddocklad questioning how they'd enforce it, i was suggesting it's about as much of a threat as a wingless moth and imo be treat with nothing much more than contempt ?


Like putting a 'NO WASPS' sign up.

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Don't get your burka in a twist love. You're not going to get much play with wanting to impose antiquated systems of religious law in England. So if you want to be subject to sharia law, fuck off.

Not saying it's likely to happen.


Might not be to everyones taste but again it may have some benefits.


Your parents ill-fated bunk up after one too many Quatro's could've been avoided for starters :o .

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