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Protecting your Property


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Just checked, Tony Martin was eventually charged with manslaughter and three of a five year sentence.


Fuck me gently!


Well there you go! As I say, I'd forgotten the outcome of the case (I vaguely remembered there'd been an appeal).


Actually, legal nuances to one side, I actually think the jury thought Martin was a bit of a twat (he certainly came across that way).

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Criminal law is 95% argument of fact by the way, theres very little 'law' involved. Not that the legal profession would have you believe that because they like mincing round in their wigs. I reckon I could teach anyone the basics in a few hours. Srsly.

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There was something else with the Martin case though wasn't there, like he'd a plan on the go after being victim a few times previously, so it wasn't a spur of the moment i'm being burgled thing.


edit > @ the keeping a bat handy thing

I'm pretty sure that doesn't bode well for you either, i seem to remember a taxi driver getting a stronger charge for keeping a wheel brace under his seat and using it when someone attempted to rob him.

He had a pump action shot gun at the ready, so to speak. He had been burgled about 10 times before though.

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There was something else with the Martin case though wasn't there, like he'd a plan on the go after being victim a few times previously, so it wasn't a spur of the moment i'm being burgled thing.


edit > @ the keeping a bat handy thing

I'm pretty sure that doesn't bode well for you either, i seem to remember a taxi driver getting a stronger charge for keeping a wheel brace under his seat and using it when someone attempted to rob him.


I think he was lying in wait at the top of his stairs with his shotgun basically. He'd already thrown the dildo and missed I assume.

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There was something else with the Martin case though wasn't there, like he'd a plan on the go after being victim a few times previously, so it wasn't a spur of the moment i'm being burgled thing.


edit > @ the keeping a bat handy thing

I'm pretty sure that doesn't bode well for you either, i seem to remember a taxi driver getting a stronger charge for keeping a wheel brace under his seat and using it when someone attempted to rob him.

He had a pump action shot gun at the ready, so to speak. He had been burgled about 10 times before though.


Aye so it was considered premeditated, harsh way to consider that sort of act/event premeditated when if they'd never burgled him the murder would never have came around, opposed to a planned murder of a specific person at a certain time/place in a columbo-esq plot :lol:


Which is basically what the appeal found. Ie he was a fruitloop because of everything that'd been going on so shouldn't have been judged by the same standards as a rational person.

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Couple winters ago I had tumble dryer on in garage one night and left garage door ajar for the damp. Was sitting in back room when heard kitchen door handle rattle. Went to door thinking I knew what was going on but in the kind of surreal 'is this really happening' state. Stood behind door and the split second decision to front the cunt hit me. Thought of grabbing something but a 'go for the shock' took over so I opened the door really quickly and shouted at the glakey smackrat I was now facing to "GET THE FUCK OUT". He nearly shit himself and came out in his pathetic snivelling whine "'as me da' come through hea ?" Again i shouted GET THE FUCK OUT and started towards him . "aah sorry mate sorry sorry" as he scurried out. Wasnt till a few minutes of getting over the shock and front of this little shit I realised i misssed a real opportunity to knock the fucker into the next week.

Cutting a longer story, someone else had called the law because he'd been lurking about. When they came to question me about him I was saying how I'd wished I'd chinned him. Copper said "aye well you should have - protecting yourself werent you" in a knowing wink fashion. It made me feel slightly less angry about it and won't hesitate taking a hammer to anyone next time. A second copper came a few days later as part of their 'follow up' procedure or whatever and couldnt help repeat my regret. This time the policeWOMAN came over all holier than thou with a "i'll pretent i didnt hear that" in an almost threatening/we wont be having any of that sonny. I just laughed at her. Anyway - point being - makes you wonder what they're told/programmed to do in these situations, what with one saying to set about the tramp and the other just about offering the twat sympathy ?! Im not some ACAB tattoo job, but in my experience, most coppers are power-tripping knobeds in the main and most in the force for the wrong reasons so that possibly explains it. Does to me anyways.


Oh and they lifted the little tramp as he left garage btw. Had gear on him to i was told later by the follow up visit, and a caution for that was all he was given as despite even sending out a fingerprint SOCO they couldnt prove he was on my property. Canny.

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Im not some ACAB tattoo job,


i thought that was a myth until i actually met someone with that on their knuckles

Woman I used to work with had it on her's when she was younger. Canny wife as well. Presumably wild in her salad days though.

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Im not some ACAB tattoo job,


i thought that was a myth until i actually met someone with that on their knuckles


Any cunt, any bastard?


youve got one out of 4 :lol:

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Im not some ACAB tattoo job,


i thought that was a myth until i actually met someone with that on their knuckles


Any cunt, any bastard?

All Coppers Are bastards.

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Im not some ACAB tattoo job,


i thought that was a myth until i actually met someone with that on their knuckles


Any cunt, any bastard?

All Coppers Are bastards.


Ah, nice thing for a lass.

I think I'll surprise M with a gift voucher for that at our local tattooist for her birthday!

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My initial instinct is that I'd imagine that 'reasonable force' probably doesn't extend to brutally stabbing someone. However, say the guy picked up the knife just with the intention of scaring them off. I've been robbed several times over the last few years, most recently in March, and if I'd caught them at it and a knife was to hand I'd probably have picked it up with this intention. But if it hadn't worked and they still attacked me then I'd have probably used it.


A thing that people often say is "I wish I'd caught them at it" but when you think about outcomes like this I'm extremely glad I didn't.

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Im not some ACAB tattoo job,


i thought that was a myth until i actually met someone with that on their knuckles


Any cunt, any bastard?

All Coppers Are bastards.


Ah, nice thing for a lass.

I think I'll surprise M with a gift voucher for that at our local tattooist for her birthday!

Then you can get her 'Cut Here' and a dotted line round her neck for Xmas.

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Im not some ACAB tattoo job,


i thought that was a myth until i actually met someone with that on their knuckles


Any cunt, any bastard?

All Coppers Are bastards.


Ah, nice thing for a lass.

I think I'll surprise M with a gift voucher for that at our local tattooist for her birthday!

Thank god you got her 'Cut Here' and a dotted line round her neck for Xmas last year.



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Look at the sign on the side of the Police car: 'Fighting crime, protecting people'.


Least they've still got their humour.

You ever watch that programme - 24 Hours in A&E? Well, it was on last night and there were two groups of gangs in the waiting room after a stabbing. So the old bill fucked off and left security to deal with it.



Watched it, shocking stuff

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The obvious solution is to not own anything worth stealing in the first place. The one time I got mugged they actually gave me back my mp3 player because it was so crap.

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Am I alone in that I'd probably hide in a cupboard?


Choice between safety, keeping hold of your stuff and pride I guess. I always take my car keys, wallet, phone with me upstairs when I go to bed, but someone once told me that they deliberately left the keys downstairs so that if a burglar did break in they'd grab them and leave and she wouldn't be caught up in it. Makes sense.

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