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Analysis from Villas-Boas of a Newcastle game.


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Obviously a lot of hard work gone into that but it is badly let down by the layout. I struggled to read that so if he expects your average millionaire footballer to sit down on a Friday night and pore over it I think he's sadly mistaken!

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I think it would probably have to have been passed onto them at some point though, to make it worthwhile. I think they have team meetings or something :lol:

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Oh really.


I was thinking it might have just been for the manager/coaches who would then simplify it and pass it on to the players in a manner they could understand (ie. Flash Cards, Finger Puppet Show, etc.).


Difficult to imagine players of the ilk of Lampard et al reading a tv guide let alone a detailed scouting report.

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Oh really.


I was thinking it might have just been for the manager/coaches who would then simplify it and pass it on to the players in a manner they could understand (ie. Flash Cards, Finger Puppet Show, etc.).


Difficult to imagine players of the ilk of Lampard et al reading a tv guide let alone a detailed scouting report.


odd person to pick, one of the best educated premier league players.

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