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Ryan Dunn from Jackass


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I work with RTA victims, and it's put me off roads for life.

If I can't get there cross-country I don't go.




Btw, here's one of my wedding pics. Thought you'd all be interested.



Says the bloke who posted his ugly mug on here not so long ago ;) If you're going to choose someone's arse to be up then pick someone with a couple more neurones than Wacky

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I work with RTA victims, and it's put me off roads for life.

If I can't get there cross-country I don't go.




Btw, here's one of my wedding pics. Thought you'd all be interested.



;) He looks like he's about to take a massive bite out of her mammary

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He is certainly a horrenous nincompoop. I could employ a truly profane epithet toward this man but I won't, as my principles won't allow it. I have seen first hand the effects of foul and vulgar language, and I daren't even repeat the tale here: women and children regularly browse the site. How could I look my beautiful wife in the eyes having uttered words that even a pig would be ashamed to hear? Think of the children.

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I can't match the face to any notable stunts. Was he more of a creator, or the brains (if that's what you call the JA creative process) behind the camera? Were Dunn & Knoxville the co-founders of the whole JA concept & eventual franchise?


Pissed on an electric fence once. He was funnier in one of the Jackass spin-offs.

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I work with RTA victims, and it's put me off roads for life.

If I can't get there cross-country I don't go.




Btw, here's one of my wedding pics. Thought you'd all be interested.



Says the bloke who posted his ugly mug on here not so long ago ;) If you're going to choose someone's arse to be up then pick someone with a couple more neurones than Wacky


You mean the pic I put in the "Post a Picture of Yourself" thread?


Aye, vain bastard me.

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And the thread about a young man's death turns into a mob bitchfest. Stay classy fellas


No harm intended Kevin but fuck off back to McDonalds



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