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Ryan Dunn from Jackass


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Good. Hopefully the prick didn't take anyone else with him.


Edit: If he was drink driving.


In a nutshell. Can't understand how you can class him as a 'legend' if he was DUI.

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Good. Hopefully the prick didn't take anyone else with him.


Edit: If he was drink driving.


In a nutshell. Can't understand how you can class him as a 'legend' if he was DUI.

Has Sherriff John Bunnell taught us nothing?

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I love the morality of some people.


"If he was drunk then I hope he rots in hell, but if not, RIP you'll be sorely missed."


Especially as in that article it's not mentioned anywhere how much he drank and there is a picture of him with what looks like a pint, so for all we know he could have just had one.


Highly possible that he had more though but no one deserves to be burnt alive at the age of 34.

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To be sightly serious I agree like. Speeding / using a mobile etc. is arguably just as bad / dangerous as drink driving could be and I refuse to believe the same people have never done that. But hey-ho, this kid deserved a hideous death. Whatever makes you feel smug I suppose.

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I love the morality of some people.


"If he was drunk then I hope he rots in hell, but if not, RIP you'll be sorely missed."


Especially as in that article it's not mentioned anywhere how much he drank and there is a picture of him with what looks like a pint, so for all we know he could have just had one.


Highly possible that he had more though but no one deserves to be burnt alive at the age of 34.


If he drank and drove then he was fucking stupid but didnt deserve to die. As said he may have had one beer, maybe 10 who knows. Still doesn't mean he deserved to go like that.

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I love the morality of some people.


"If he was drunk then I hope he rots in hell, but if not, RIP you'll be sorely missed."


Especially as in that article it's not mentioned anywhere how much he drank and there is a picture of him with what looks like a pint, so for all we know he could have just had one.


Highly possible that he had more though but no one deserves to be burnt alive at the age of 34.


Hence why I said, if he was drink driving as it's one of the most selfish, thoughtless things people can do.


If anyone drives drunk and kills themselves then I have no sympathy for them, however, they're needlessly endangering the lives of others in doing so. And he has a record of DUI.

Edited by ewerk
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I don't think the two are comparable. The reasons that would cause someone to suicide are completely different than the reasons for drink driving.


And for the record, yes I would, as long as they're not endangering anyone else.

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My point was more about being sympathetic. The person who kills themselves I think is selfish but I'm sympathetic as to do that you have to be in a pretty dark place. The drink driver I think is as I say fucking stupid. For the sake of enjoying a few drinks is it really worth risking your life and someone elses? But, I'm still sympathetic. This lad has killed himself (and someone else in the car) so I'm more sympathetic than I would be say if he had ploughed into a crowd of kids, when I'd have none at all. 3am with no other cars involved and Im not sure they know who was driving? Idiot, shame he died though.

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My point was more about being sympathetic. The person who kills themselves I think is selfish but I'm sympathetic as to do that you have to be in a pretty dark place. The drink driver I think is as I say fucking stupid. For the sake of enjoying a few drinks is it really worth risking your life and someone elses? But, I'm still sympathetic. This lad has killed himself (and someone else in the car) so I'm more sympathetic than I would be say if he had ploughed into a crowd of kids, when I'd have none at all. 3am with no other cars involved and Im not sure they know who was driving? Idiot, shame he died though.


Only by luck though.

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@drinkdriving, if he was over the limit/drunk then yes the lad was a spastic and could've killed innocent people going about their own business, if the guy had a drink with dinner and was fine and just had a car crash then no.


:icon_lol: This is what makes me laugh.


If he was one milligram under the limit, he is an upstanding member of society... One milligram over however, BURN IN HELL YOU SPAWN OF SATAN.

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