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You've got 100 pound to spend. What would you treat yourself to

Happy Face

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To be perfectly honest, I would give it to my mrs. There's nowt I really want, so she could get some more clothes/baubles with it.

but what would you do the cash?

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A fancy bottle of whiskey and some decent cigars.


You're saying that, but all I'm hearing is "a dozen copies of 101 Greatest Mung Bean Recipes for the café".


(Psycho German militant veggie still hasn't got back to me after I recommended your place to her, incidentally. We may have sacked her for all I know, that's how good our intracompany communications are.)

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Burradon chat up line ,that.

Works anarl.

They charge 50p in Killy btw :lol:

I know the approximate area Burradon is but not exactly. It's between Crammy and Gossy Park and Killingworth, somewhere in that triangle. Beside Dudley maybe?

Follow your nose


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Guest Geordio Armani
bottle of whisky, gram of coke, 8th of skunk. job done.


:lol: At last some cunt with a bit of sense...

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Guest Geordio Armani
bottle of whisky, gram of coke, 8th of skunk. job done.


:lol: At last some cunt with a bit of sense...

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