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Game of Thrones - *SPOILER ALERT*


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Odd last episode, plenty of cliffhangers I suppose, but didn't really have the same sense of new beginnings that the last finale had.



Looking forward to see how the Red Witch saves Jon Snow. Hoping Aeron Greyjoy is in the next season and neeerd


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So, how long til the next series?

Other than the penultimate episode, it's been dull as ditchwater.

A few juicy cliffhangers ( plotlines! I meant plotlines you filthy buggers ) in the last one, but it needs to get lively sharpish.

Aye agreed, too many of the major people are just sort of spinning their wheels tbh no real progression.


I agree with The Fish's spoiler that that will happen as they can't kill him off or else the whole North story line is pretty much over (which would be mental as it's the most interesting one), but seeing as Red head is back at the castle now and we know she can bring people back it's all set up nicely for that. I think Dragon tits is back in with the horse folk and that will allow her story to gather pace.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Cersei gets her revenge as well especially with Frankenstein version of the mountain guarding her.


Edited by Howay
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Odd last episode, plenty of cliffhangers I suppose, but didn't really have the same sense of new beginnings that the last finale had.


Looking forward to see how the Red Witch saves Jon Snow. Hoping Aeron Greyjoy is in the next season and neeerd


he does a Bronn/Hodor and goes into his diawolf....according to Mrs PL.... :glare:


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he does a Bronn/Hodor and goes into his diawolf....according to Mrs PL.... :glare:



Nah, he'll just be brought back like Dennis Pennis did for Dondarrion.


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is that not supposed to happen to the mother?


It was, but the writers left it out because while it served a purpose in the books, it they thought it wouldn't really move things along in the tv show. Also, I suppose if more people are coming back from the dead in the show, it loses some of it's :o moments when a lead character "dies"


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Get yourself off Facebook man, I almost guarantee it'll improve your life having one less wall of nonsense to check.


How else do you get to see photos of what people you know are eating and drinking though? It's essential.

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How else do you get to see photos of what people you know are eating and drinking though? It's essential.

That. Britain First. TV show spoilers. People taking celebrities to task for stuff that they shouldn't even know/care about.


It's the worst.

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That. Britain First. TV show spoilers. People taking celebrities to task for stuff that they shouldn't even know/care about.


It's the worst.

Twitter is going that way.


We could bring Myspace back?

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Love that trial by social media mentality where you can heavily criticise someone (like that lass backpacking in Malaysia) for doing something that is nowhere near as bad as most of things everyone who has ever been a teenager has done. It's absolutely fucking mental.

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Love that trial by social media mentality where you can heavily criticise someone (like that lass backpacking in Malaysia) for doing something that is nowhere near as bad as most of things everyone who has ever been a teenager has done. It's absolutely fucking mental.


Who is the bigger cunt, some lass for getting her chebs out or people who think that angered an imaginary prude?

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People who're older/have better memories might be able to tell me; have people always been this fucking quick/keen to be offended and angry?


Seems like every week there's a new thing that I couldn't give a toss about, but others have lost their mind over.

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People who're older/have better memories might be able to tell me; have people always been this fucking quick/keen to be offended and angry?


Seems like every week there's a new thing that I couldn't give a toss about, but others have lost their mind over.


It's getting worse and it really boils my piss

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Nah, he'll just be brought back like Dennis Pennis did for Dondarrion.


I'm not convinced of that. His last word in the book is Ghost which suggests the Warg option is more likely. Plus when Thoros resurects Dondarrion and Lady Stoneheart they lose some of what made them what they were before. I can't see the writer wanting to go that way with Jon Snow/Targarian as he's the main hero in the whole story. Although Mel arriving back at the wall just before the stabbing occurs does suggest she plays a role.


I'm interested to see where they go with Stannis after this. I'm assuming he's not dead since it makes no sense to kill him half way through an episode and not show it.


I doubt the Greyjoy subplot will make it to the show as they've not set it up at all and it could well slow dragon tits journey to Westerous down even more. I don't see Griff and young Griff making an apperance now either.

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