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IMF boss dragged of plane and charged in NYC

Rob W

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You have to give it to the French - their politicians are in a different league to ours - no petty expenses scandal or trying to avoid points on your licence there :lol::D

Edited by Rob W
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You have to give it to the French - their politicians are in a different league to ours - no petty expenses scandal or trying to avoid points on your licence there :lol::D


Innocent until proven guilty Robster.

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Guest alex
You have to give it to the French - their politicians are in a different league to ours - no petty expenses scandal or trying to avoid points on your licence there :lol::D

The things you say. You're unbelievable.

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Just read the alleged story - gross stupidity aside, you have to wonder how many times he's tried and/or succeeded doing the same thing in the past.

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You have to give it to the French - their politicians are in a different league to ours - no petty expenses scandal or trying to avoid points on your licence there :lol::D

The things you say. You're unbelievable.



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It is much dirtier politics than in the UK. The Clearstream scandal was ridiculous, then there was the one with the heiress of L'Oreal, the president and brown envelopes.


The take on events here is that trying to rape some bird in a hotel then legging it is not the sort of thing you'd expect from one of the world's most powerful and intelligent men.


UMP plot according to the left.

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You have to give it to the French - their politicians are in a different league to ours - no petty expenses scandal or trying to avoid points on your licence there :lol::D

The things you say. You're unbelievable.




Purple prose Alex

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You have to give it to the French - their politicians are in a different league to ours - no petty expenses scandal or trying to avoid points on your licence there :lol::D

The things you say. You're unbelievable.




Purple prose Alex


Fucking hell - I've only just got it - I blame monday mornings.

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IMF Says US Must Raise All Taxes, Cut All Entitlements By 35% To Contain Future Budget

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/04/2011 10:35 -0400


Baseline Scenario

International Monetary Fund




In what is either a delayed April Fool's report, or its latest exercise in rhetoric the IMF asks the humorous question: "An Analysis of U.S. Fiscal and Generational Imbalances: Who Will Pay and How?" The obvious answer is naturally the Fed. The unobvious answer, according to the IMF, is the impossible: a slashing all of USSA's entitlement benefits by a whopping 35% combined with a hike in all tax rates. From the IMF: "This paper updates existing measures of the U.S. fiscal gap to include federal laws up to and including the mid-December 2010 federal fiscal stimulus. It then applies the methodology of generational accounting to establish how the burden of adjustment required to attain fiscal sustainability is shared across generations. We find that the U.S. fiscal and generational imbalances are large under plausible parametric assumptions, and, while not much affected by the financial crisis, they have not improved much by the passing of the Final Healthcare Legislation.

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So one bloke tries to poke a maid and "the markets" wobble (Dollar rises against Euro when it had been falling), costing severe amounts of money all over the place. Just shows the whole financial system is absurd.


These global debts are NEVER going to be paid off EVER, it's not real money, write them off FFS !!!!

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I have a feeling that some of the bond holders may disagree with you there.


Tough shit.


A few (relatively) get burned for the benefit of millions

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I have a feeling that some of the bond holders may disagree with you there.


Tough shit.


A few (relatively) get burned for the benefit of millions


There could be a role for you in the IMF becoming vacant pretty soon.

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I have a feeling that some of the bond holders may disagree with you there.


Tough shit.


A few (relatively) get burned for the benefit of millions


Millions? Certainly not anyone holding pensions, having cash in a bank account, or indeed any kind of currency on them.

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I have a feeling that some of the bond holders may disagree with you there.


Tough shit.


A few (relatively) get burned for the benefit of millions


Millions? Certainly not anyone holding pensions, having cash in a bank account, or indeed any kind of currency on them.



Parky's OK - he's got rid of all his money as its worthless

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