Renton 23685 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 Equally I accept that the first trophy is always the hardest (a totally valid point), it's just I don't think the club demanded enough of it's servants once it'd got them on the payroll to ever meet that threshold. And by and large they responded like most employees do when their wages are paid irrespective. Personally I think that summed up the differnce between Keegan and Robson - Keegan had the Scouse winning mentality - I don't honestly think Bobby did. That's probably right, which was why failure weighed so heavily on Keegan (and on a personal note why I wasn't convinced he would ever be the right man for NUFC under Ashley regardless of the shit that went on). Robson was a nearly man when it came to the major leagues. Which was ultimately the reason I thought we had to try someone else to achieve the ultimate goal, despite his relative sucesses and him being a genuine lovely bloke. Stupidly enough, the main reason I thought Souness might work was that I thought he was another "winner". I think Bobby tried to sell that the idea that he could be ruthless despite being so nice - I never really bought it. Having a winning mentality is only one element of what you need, albeit an important one. Souness had nothing else and had a track record to prove it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NJS 4566 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 Equally I accept that the first trophy is always the hardest (a totally valid point), it's just I don't think the club demanded enough of it's servants once it'd got them on the payroll to ever meet that threshold. And by and large they responded like most employees do when their wages are paid irrespective. Personally I think that summed up the differnce between Keegan and Robson - Keegan had the Scouse winning mentality - I don't honestly think Bobby did. One of your worst posts. Keegan as I've said many times is number one in Newcastle always will be. To say Robson didn't have a winning mentality is ridiculous. Robson was more tactically astute than Keegan, and we were a lot tighter as a unit even with donkeys like O'Brien in defence. Tell me though who won more as a manager? Who was the width of a goalpost from winning the World Cup? If we'd have won the WC you wouldn't have even question SBR's winning mentality. He won 5 league titles in his career, came close with Ipswich ffs, numerous cups and European honours. Terrible conclusion you've reach there imo. Fair enough Stevie - we disagree. I think Bobby while he was with us was to an extent just happy to be there and considered the succes he did achive as almost job done. I don't think I ever heard him match Keegan's "I want to win this title". In January 2002 I thought we had a chance of winning the title but nothing was said on the matter from either Bobby or Shepherd. I think he should have been going to Shepherd saying "these two players will win it" - in the end we didn't sign anyone. Now of course it could be the case that this was one of the periods when no money was available and they both knew that so said nowt - I think it was a mistake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McFaul 35 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 Equally I accept that the first trophy is always the hardest (a totally valid point), it's just I don't think the club demanded enough of it's servants once it'd got them on the payroll to ever meet that threshold. And by and large they responded like most employees do when their wages are paid irrespective. Personally I think that summed up the differnce between Keegan and Robson - Keegan had the Scouse winning mentality - I don't honestly think Bobby did. One of your worst posts. Keegan as I've said many times is number one in Newcastle always will be. To say Robson didn't have a winning mentality is ridiculous. Robson was more tactically astute than Keegan, and we were a lot tighter as a unit even with donkeys like O'Brien in defence. Tell me though who won more as a manager? Who was the width of a goalpost from winning the World Cup? If we'd have won the WC you wouldn't have even question SBR's winning mentality. He won 5 league titles in his career, came close with Ipswich ffs, numerous cups and European honours. Terrible conclusion you've reach there imo. Fair enough Stevie - we disagree. I think Bobby while he was with us was to an extent just happy to be there and considered the succes he did achive as almost job done. I don't think I ever heard him match Keegan's "I want to win this title". In January 2002 I thought we had a chance of winning the title but nothing was said on the matter from either Bobby or Shepherd. I think he should have been going to Shepherd saying "these two players will win it" - in the end we didn't sign anyone. Now of course it could be the case that this was one of the periods when no money was available and they both knew that so said nowt - I think it was a mistake. He was more cautious in getting the fans hopes up, I'll admit that, but that's fuck all to do with not having a winning mentality. We were a good side 2001-2004, but we over-achieved imo, whereas the team 95-97 possibly under achieved. You can't say Robson's side was better it wasn't, in any position, apart from in goal and Woodgate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
manc-mag 1 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 In all seriousness though, despite our obvious higher finishes during the Shepherd/Shepherd Hall era, look at our record away from home at the clubs that actually win. I think Man U might be 3 points in nigh on 20 years (all draws). Liverpool one win (iirc) our first season up. Chelsea I genuinely dont know although it's not been much since they joined the current 'elite', Arsenal must be the best I'm guessing with a couple of wins but they've become notoriously soft the last few years. Yes we were finishing above the likes of Bolton etc and I take no satisfaction that we're not doing so currently, but then the players we had back then should have been easing past those teams in second gear. Invariably though they didn't play in fifth gear when the chips were down against players of the same calibre and the only difference was mentality and desire. That statistic for me always keeps some of the bolder halcyon claims in check. The reality is we very rarely went to the top teams and gave them a game even when we had top rated players. So yes we got to the top of the second tier pack but we should have done better (and really quite a lot better) given our spending and the 'names' coming in. Just my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 The FACTS are that from 1992 until 2007 the club was owned by THE HALLS AND SHEPHERD . Nobody during all of that time, had sole control of the club. Keegan was approached by Hall Jnr, Fletcher and Shepherd without Hall Snr knowing about it, they forced him to sack Ardiles and appoint Keegan. This has been said dozens of times, quite why people like you insist Halls Snr gets all the credit when he knew nothing about it, is quite astonishing. You just really couldn't believe such shite. It's mind boggling. How can this be .................. Kevin Keegan is sitting in a TV studio before they go live with a Saturday match and he’s off and talking as if the cameras are already rolling. I remember Sir John Hall phoning me when I came back from Spain to live in Hampshire in a farmhouse I had from my Southampton days. I was going to breed horses. ‘It was a Thursday night when he rang. I’d only been back for two days. He said, “Only two people can save Newcastle United. They are talking to each other now. You’ve got the passion; I’ve got the finance”.’ his appointment was as I stated, it is in his book. The quote you have highlighted was after he walked out following the win over Swindon, because the board [headed by SJH ironically] had gone back on promises to allow him money to buy players needed to stay up ie Kilcline, and SJH phoned him to persuade him to come back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23685 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 The FACTS are that from 1992 until 2007 the club was owned by THE HALLS AND SHEPHERD . Nobody during all of that time, had sole control of the club. Keegan was approached by Hall Jnr, Fletcher and Shepherd without Hall Snr knowing about it, they forced him to sack Ardiles and appoint Keegan. This has been said dozens of times, quite why people like you insist Halls Snr gets all the credit when he knew nothing about it, is quite astonishing. You just really couldn't believe such shite. It's mind boggling. How can this be .................. Kevin Keegan is sitting in a TV studio before they go live with a Saturday match and he’s off and talking as if the cameras are already rolling. I remember Sir John Hall phoning me when I came back from Spain to live in Hampshire in a farmhouse I had from my Southampton days. I was going to breed horses. ‘It was a Thursday night when he rang. I’d only been back for two days. He said, “Only two people can save Newcastle United. They are talking to each other now. You’ve got the passion; I’ve got the finance”.’ his appointment was as I stated, it is in his book. The quote you have highlighted was after he walked out following the win over Swindon, because the board [headed by SJH ironically] had gone back on promises to allow him money to buy players needed to stay up ie Kilcline, and SJH phoned him to persuade him to come back. Looking at the context of the first sentence (highlighted), that doesn't seem to be correct? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 See, the only way you can avoid the question is by bringing Ashley into it. My point is if you call yourself a big boy and want to be counted among them then you can be judged by their standards. As it happens the judgment from their point of view is exactly the same under either owner - failure - and the teams you mention would be how they've always seen us and always will -except for Blackburn of course - they did win it. Why should they care that we think we should be up there with them or who our owner is and how much he cares? - all that matters to them is proven success - as I said same under anyone. because the change in ownership is a dividing line, don't you get this ? I changed my answer, as I misread it. Are you saying we may as well finish 5th bottom as 5th top then, or 4th bottom as 4th top, or 3rd bottom as 3rd top ? Astonishing, if you are. My view is that they don't care who the owner is - only whether we've won anything. I want to finish as high as possible and give all the cups our best - even if Europe wasn't available that would still be my view - but you have to realise that if by some miracle we did get back up there to compete with the top teams then we would have to start seeing 3rd as failure like Arsenal this year - with higher ambitions comes higher targets - and higher standards of failure. Maybe that's why there was such a reaction to finishing 5th that time - we'd started to think like Manc/scousers. I overheard a Spurs fan on the train this morning bemoaning a shit season as finishing 6th was "mid-table" as far as he's concerned - maybe that's the attitude you need to be winners. you're getting warmer, you're starting to understand the concept of actually attempting to be successful and raising expectations that come with it. You now only have to understand that this is only done by keeping your best players and maybe buying the odd top player/"trophy player" to attempt to continue the upward trend, both in terms of ability of the team and profile within the game and outside the game commercially. I think buying top bracket players who genuinely don't want/care whether they win anything once they get here is very much a job half done and it's ultimately that that meant we wont nowt. And I'll always have trouble with that aspect of it. I think it was true of all but a couple of seasons (and possibly only one when we really had the tilt at the title). The two cup finals were no shows and we were there solely to make up the numbers if we're brutally honest about it. That's not a childish reaction to not winning something but a genuine appraisal of why we didnt - for instance the Champs League was a different kettle of fish as winning that isn't really that realistic unless and until you become a mainstay of the competition as the learning curve is so immense. But for me I have to subscribe to what NJS touches on there as I've said in the past. It's the 'second is nowhere' mentality (whether you finish first or not) that makes the difference. Equally I accept that the first trophy is always the hardest (a totally valid point), it's just I don't think the club demanded enough of it's servants once it'd got them on the payroll to ever meet that threshold. And by and large they responded like most employees do when their wages are paid irrespective. The frustrating thing is that that element of the equation-demanding a winning mentality-costs nowt. It's just something that has to run through the club from top to bottom day after day, relentlessly. Starting at the top. hindsight. I saw your post from a while back saying club ultimately "wasn't professional or ruthless enough" to actually win. Do you think, by that comment, the likes of the smoggies, Birmingham, Leicester etc were more professional and ruthless ? because personally I think that is bollocks and it came down to inferior oppositon on the day of the final, and selections and tactics, and performance of players on the day. You can't say those teams had better teams than the ones we had when we were finishing in the top 5 places etc. In relative terms, the club was still the 5th best in the country etc etc over the time span, so if you think we "weren't professional enough" then we were still a damn sight more professional that 87 other teams [or 17 premiership ones], and the current setup too. Which is the whole point. Replacing "anyone but Fred" with better has not turned out to be the case, has it ? Expectations are down, standards are down, and it is reflecting in revenues, profiles and status of the club. Mike Ashley is nothing more than a cockney barrow boy who got lucky, he isn't interested in football, he has no idea about football, he spends every day of his life laughing at those stupid Geordies who, after 4 years, are still stupid enough to think he has intentions to be successful and live up to being one of the top clubs in the country. They misled Keegan which was proved in court, he has attempted to do the same to us through his mouthpiece, who one minute says he has cleared debts then says they are still there and blames the last regime for everything despite having had 4 years to "clear up and sort out the business", and he will continue to do nothing else right up until the day he sells this football club, which as Keegan says, will be the best day we have to look forward to. Even the expansion of the stadium, which is due to be fully paid in 2 years time, a fantastic position to be in, has been fucked up if it is now true that thanks to his eroding of revenues is unable to keep up the repayments as they were structured by the previous regime. There's only one rank amateur here from where I'm looking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 The FACTS are that from 1992 until 2007 the club was owned by THE HALLS AND SHEPHERD . Nobody during all of that time, had sole control of the club. Keegan was approached by Hall Jnr, Fletcher and Shepherd without Hall Snr knowing about it, they forced him to sack Ardiles and appoint Keegan. This has been said dozens of times, quite why people like you insist Halls Snr gets all the credit when he knew nothing about it, is quite astonishing. You just really couldn't believe such shite. It's mind boggling. How can this be .................. Kevin Keegan is sitting in a TV studio before they go live with a Saturday match and he’s off and talking as if the cameras are already rolling. I remember Sir John Hall phoning me when I came back from Spain to live in Hampshire in a farmhouse I had from my Southampton days. I was going to breed horses. ‘It was a Thursday night when he rang. I’d only been back for two days. He said, “Only two people can save Newcastle United. They are talking to each other now. You’ve got the passion; I’ve got the finance”.’ his appointment was as I stated, it is in his book. The quote you have highlighted was after he walked out following the win over Swindon, because the board [headed by SJH ironically] had gone back on promises to allow him money to buy players needed to stay up ie Kilcline, and SJH phoned him to persuade him to come back. Looking at the context of the first sentence (highlighted), that doesn't seem to be correct? you can look at it in any way you like, I'm not posting that comment from that book again. Others will also tell you, who actually know what they are talking about which you clearly do not, that this is correct. You thought I was telling porkies when I said Beardsley waved to the Kop until I showed you the proof too. You have no reason to disbelieve me again, unless you are deliberately being an arsehole. So fuck off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 and relegated is ? And selling your best player is ? what do you think of the quote in my sig ? No different from their viewpoint - that's the point. As for your quote, finishing in the top 10 given that no money will be spent is realistic from their point of view. You've written off 4 teams, I'd extend that to 6 so a margin of 7th to 10th isn't that huge. Of course we all want to aim higher and achieve it but as in everything in life there is a cost for that - Ashley won't pay the cost so I don't see the point in the bravado of saying we want higher. so selling your best player is no different to keeping him ? 3rd bottom is no different to 3rd top ? They are both "failures" ? Aiming for 10th minimum is no different than aiming for top 4/5 minimum ? I'm trying to be patient here mate, but you're way off any logical common sense here. Anyway, I've got to go. FROM MAN UNITED'S POINT OF VIEW. It doesn't matter to them where we finish as long as it's not top - their standards not ours - tha's what matters to them. Chelsea are probably going to sack their manager for failing to win the league - with high expectations comes high price of failure. Of course we would all love to finish 2nd but because they now expect to win it, 2nd is failure. so you confirm that finishing 3rd bottom is no worse than 3rd top, and if you are going to only finish 3rd top there is no point in bothering ? Yet you and other idiots on skunkers etc will be doing cartwheels if we finish 10th this season ? Breathtakingly Fantastic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toonpack 11380 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 Looking at the context of the first sentence (highlighted), that doesn't seem to be correct? you can look at it in any way you like, I'm not posting that comment from that book again. Others will also tell you, who actually know what they are talking about which you clearly do not, that this is correct. You thought I was telling porkies when I said Beardsley waved to the Kop until I showed you the proof too. You have no reason to disbelieve me again, unless you are deliberately being an arsehole. So fuck off. Leazes in accusing Keegan of not knowing what he's talking about shocker!!!!, but hey it was in a book. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NJS 4566 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 and relegated is ? And selling your best player is ? what do you think of the quote in my sig ? No different from their viewpoint - that's the point. As for your quote, finishing in the top 10 given that no money will be spent is realistic from their point of view. You've written off 4 teams, I'd extend that to 6 so a margin of 7th to 10th isn't that huge. Of course we all want to aim higher and achieve it but as in everything in life there is a cost for that - Ashley won't pay the cost so I don't see the point in the bravado of saying we want higher. so selling your best player is no different to keeping him ? 3rd bottom is no different to 3rd top ? They are both "failures" ? Aiming for 10th minimum is no different than aiming for top 4/5 minimum ? I'm trying to be patient here mate, but you're way off any logical common sense here. Anyway, I've got to go. FROM MAN UNITED'S POINT OF VIEW. It doesn't matter to them where we finish as long as it's not top - their standards not ours - tha's what matters to them. Chelsea are probably going to sack their manager for failing to win the league - with high expectations comes high price of failure. Of course we would all love to finish 2nd but because they now expect to win it, 2nd is failure. so you confirm that finishing 3rd bottom is no worse than 3rd top, and if you are going to only finish 3rd top there is no point in bothering ? Yet you and other idiots on skunkers etc will be doing cartwheels if we finish 10th this season ? Breathtakingly Fantastic. I said I wanted to finish as high as possible about 10 fucking times - when will you actually read what I'm writing just for fucking once. You call me negative for settling on aiming to be top of the also-rans but when I point out that wanting to join the winners means looking on second as failure you deliberately ignore the point. Ancelotti will be sacked for finishing second - by those standards Keegan wouldn't have even been given 96-97. So do you want to have those standards or are you happy wanking over finishing 4th? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toonpack 11380 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 and relegated is ? And selling your best player is ? what do you think of the quote in my sig ? No different from their viewpoint - that's the point. As for your quote, finishing in the top 10 given that no money will be spent is realistic from their point of view. You've written off 4 teams, I'd extend that to 6 so a margin of 7th to 10th isn't that huge. Of course we all want to aim higher and achieve it but as in everything in life there is a cost for that - Ashley won't pay the cost so I don't see the point in the bravado of saying we want higher. so selling your best player is no different to keeping him ? 3rd bottom is no different to 3rd top ? They are both "failures" ? Aiming for 10th minimum is no different than aiming for top 4/5 minimum ? I'm trying to be patient here mate, but you're way off any logical common sense here. Anyway, I've got to go. FROM MAN UNITED'S POINT OF VIEW. It doesn't matter to them where we finish as long as it's not top - their standards not ours - tha's what matters to them. Chelsea are probably going to sack their manager for failing to win the league - with high expectations comes high price of failure. Of course we would all love to finish 2nd but because they now expect to win it, 2nd is failure. so you confirm that finishing 3rd bottom is no worse than 3rd top, and if you are going to only finish 3rd top there is no point in bothering ? Yet you and other idiots on skunkers etc will be doing cartwheels if we finish 10th this season ? Breathtakingly Fantastic. 17th would have been acceptable THIS season, 10th or above would be excellent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23685 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 you can look at it in any way you like, I'm not posting that comment from that book again. Others will also tell you, who actually know what they are talking about which you clearly do not, that this is correct. You thought I was telling porkies when I said Beardsley waved to the Kop until I showed you the proof too. You have no reason to disbelieve me again, unless you are deliberately being an arsehole. So fuck off. I didn't doubt you about Beardsley, stop being so childish. There seems to be conflicting accounts here is all I am pointing out, from what he said in a book to what is reported he said in other sources. Personally I couldn't give a shit which account is correct in any case. The only reason you do is to support your evangelical agenda. A bit like when you claim Shepherd wouldn't have sold Carroll wothout his manager's say so - you must be the only person in the world who believes that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 you can look at it in any way you like, I'm not posting that comment from that book again. Others will also tell you, who actually know what they are talking about which you clearly do not, that this is correct. You thought I was telling porkies when I said Beardsley waved to the Kop until I showed you the proof too. You have no reason to disbelieve me again, unless you are deliberately being an arsehole. So fuck off. I didn't doubt you about Beardsley, stop being so childish. There seems to be conflicting accounts here is all I am pointing out, from what he said in a book to what is reported he said in other sources. Personally I couldn't give a shit which account is correct in any case. The only reason you do is to support your evangelical agenda. A bit like when you claim Shepherd wouldn't have sold Carroll wothout his manager's say so - you must be the only person in the world who believes that. I've posted it in the other thread, a minute ago. sigh. The only reason you are spouting what you say, and attempting to say I am making something up, is to suit your absurd childish agenda. What I say is the truth numbnuts. Read it and learn, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true, so stop being such a dickhead. I'm not the only person who believes Shepherd was speaking for himself either when he spoke about selling Carroll, they allowed Keegan to sell Cole, and all their managers to manage their players, you have no reason to doubt that the same thing would have happened again. What an arse you are sometimes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 No different from their viewpoint - that's the point. As for your quote, finishing in the top 10 given that no money will be spent is realistic from their point of view. You've written off 4 teams, I'd extend that to 6 so a margin of 7th to 10th isn't that huge. Of course we all want to aim higher and achieve it but as in everything in life there is a cost for that - Ashley won't pay the cost so I don't see the point in the bravado of saying we want higher. so selling your best player is no different to keeping him ? 3rd bottom is no different to 3rd top ? They are both "failures" ? Aiming for 10th minimum is no different than aiming for top 4/5 minimum ? I'm trying to be patient here mate, but you're way off any logical common sense here. Anyway, I've got to go. FROM MAN UNITED'S POINT OF VIEW. It doesn't matter to them where we finish as long as it's not top - their standards not ours - tha's what matters to them. Chelsea are probably going to sack their manager for failing to win the league - with high expectations comes high price of failure. Of course we would all love to finish 2nd but because they now expect to win it, 2nd is failure. so you confirm that finishing 3rd bottom is no worse than 3rd top, and if you are going to only finish 3rd top there is no point in bothering ? Yet you and other idiots on skunkers etc will be doing cartwheels if we finish 10th this season ? Breathtakingly Fantastic. 17th would have been acceptable THIS season, 10th or above would be excellent. 17th is never acceptable for a club like NUFC. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toonpack 11380 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 17th would have been acceptable THIS season, 10th or above would be excellent. 17th is never acceptable for a club like NUFC. Sometimes it's realistic though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23685 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 you can look at it in any way you like, I'm not posting that comment from that book again. Others will also tell you, who actually know what they are talking about which you clearly do not, that this is correct. You thought I was telling porkies when I said Beardsley waved to the Kop until I showed you the proof too. You have no reason to disbelieve me again, unless you are deliberately being an arsehole. So fuck off. I didn't doubt you about Beardsley, stop being so childish. There seems to be conflicting accounts here is all I am pointing out, from what he said in a book to what is reported he said in other sources. Personally I couldn't give a shit which account is correct in any case. The only reason you do is to support your evangelical agenda. A bit like when you claim Shepherd wouldn't have sold Carroll wothout his manager's say so - you must be the only person in the world who believes that. I've posted it in the other thread, a minute ago. sigh. The only reason you are spouting what you say, and attempting to say I am making something up, is to suit your absurd childish agenda. What I say is the truth numbnuts. Read it and learn, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true, so stop being such a dickhead. I'm not the only person who believes Shepherd was speaking for himself either when he spoke about selling Carroll, they allowed Keegan to sell Cole, and all their managers to manage their players, you have no reason to doubt that the same thing would have happened again. What an arse you are sometimes. Again, I'm not accusing you of making anything up. Shepherd said clear as day he would have sold Carroll. He didn't say he would have left it up to the manager, and I think it's beyond naive to think in that situation any manager would agree to losing his star striker with no replacement and no replacement in mind. Anyway, bottom line is I am aware of your opinion and simply don't agree with it, repeating it any more isn't going to change that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 17th would have been acceptable THIS season, 10th or above would be excellent. 17th is never acceptable for a club like NUFC. Sometimes it's realistic though it isn't, its totally unacceptable, its only "realistic" if you set your sights lower than they ought to be. We are not Bolton or Blackburn, playing in front of 15000 supporters and selling your best players to the likes of Spurs and Liverpool......oh, wait a moment..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 you can look at it in any way you like, I'm not posting that comment from that book again. Others will also tell you, who actually know what they are talking about which you clearly do not, that this is correct. You thought I was telling porkies when I said Beardsley waved to the Kop until I showed you the proof too. You have no reason to disbelieve me again, unless you are deliberately being an arsehole. So fuck off. I didn't doubt you about Beardsley, stop being so childish. There seems to be conflicting accounts here is all I am pointing out, from what he said in a book to what is reported he said in other sources. Personally I couldn't give a shit which account is correct in any case. The only reason you do is to support your evangelical agenda. A bit like when you claim Shepherd wouldn't have sold Carroll wothout his manager's say so - you must be the only person in the world who believes that. I've posted it in the other thread, a minute ago. sigh. The only reason you are spouting what you say, and attempting to say I am making something up, is to suit your absurd childish agenda. What I say is the truth numbnuts. Read it and learn, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true, so stop being such a dickhead. I'm not the only person who believes Shepherd was speaking for himself either when he spoke about selling Carroll, they allowed Keegan to sell Cole, and all their managers to manage their players, you have no reason to doubt that the same thing would have happened again. What an arse you are sometimes. Again, I'm not accusing you of making anything up. Shepherd said clear as day he would have sold Carroll. He didn't say he would have left it up to the manager, and I think it's beyond naive to think in that situation any manager would agree to losing his star striker with no replacement and no replacement in mind. Anyway, bottom line is I am aware of your opinion and simply don't agree with it, repeating it any more isn't going to change that. Well, as "Shepherd" never sold "his" star striker or anyone else to anybody without backing "his" manager with funds and time to replace them correctly and put together the team in the way they chose, your logic is flawed and is based on personality hatred at best. As I said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toonpack 11380 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 17th would have been acceptable THIS season, 10th or above would be excellent. 17th is never acceptable for a club like NUFC. Sometimes it's realistic though it isn't, its totally unacceptable, its only "realistic" if you set your sights lower than they ought to be. We are not Bolton or Blackburn, playing in front of 15000 supporters and selling your best players to the likes of Spurs and Liverpool......oh, wait a moment..... Don't think we've sold anyone to Spurs particularly recently, seem to recall we sold one of our better players to Spurs once before though, Les something he was called. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 17th would have been acceptable THIS season, 10th or above would be excellent. 17th is never acceptable for a club like NUFC. Sometimes it's realistic though it isn't, its totally unacceptable, its only "realistic" if you set your sights lower than they ought to be. We are not Bolton or Blackburn, playing in front of 15000 supporters and selling your best players to the likes of Spurs and Liverpool......oh, wait a moment..... Don't think we've sold anyone to Spurs particularly recently, seem to recall we sold one of our better players to Spurs once before though, Les something he was called. Ah, the PLC, and SJH was chairman when we floated, so he takes all the responsibilty ? What about Bassong ? Tiotte ? Waddle ? Gazza ? The point is that the managers are given the money...........and Dalglish actually was happy to sell Ferdinand. Don't expect that to have any impact on your "opinion" mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 anyway, the clips from Keegans book is in the other thread, for the benefit of TP, Renton, NJS or anybody else trying to make things up to suit their "opinions" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 Keegan says on page 205 in his book "Neither George Forbes nor Peter Mallinger knew that on Monday 3 February 1992 I was being asked to take over as Newcastle Manager on the Wednesday. When it came to the crunch, it was Fletcher, Shepherd and Douglas Hall who wanted me to replace Ossie Ardiles". Further down the page he says about a meeting they had " I was not very impressed with him (Hall Snr). It was obvious that he wasn't comfortable with my proposed appointment. I could understand why, because he has put his name to an article by Bob Cass in the Mail on Sunday three days earlier which claimed that ossie's job was safe, and I knew that his family had built up a strong friendship with Ossie's. I was also concerned that neither Mallinger nor Forbes was present. Whatever Sir John thought about the situation he was in the minority. The other 3 laid the cards on the table: the club was on its way down and they had to do something very quickly if they were going to halt the decline. It seemed to me that Sir John was being given no choice. He seemed anxious to get away - his original reason for coming down to London with his wife Lady Mae was to buy some trees in Kew Gardens. But I would not let him slip away until I knew how much money would be available to me for players. He told me that there would be 1m straight away and a further million if it was required. That was what I wanted to hear. It might not sound like a lot of money these days, but then I felt it was as much as I needed" Further down he says "I must have been the only manager to be appointed without the knowledge of the chairman and vice chairman, neither of whom was informed until an hour before the press conference at which the news was made public. And even the future chairman - the man with the money - indicated that it was his colleagues rather than himself who wanted me." A few pages later, on page 213, he says "What I did not know what that Sir John hall was playing political games with the other directors, Bob Young, George Forbes, Peter Mallinger and Gordon McKeag, in the matter of funds he had promised me. He was quite prepared to put in his share of the money I needed, which amounted to 40 per cent, but he told the others that they had to find the remaining 60 per cent. That was not fair, because none of them had been given a say in my appointment, or even known about it, let alone an opportunity to turn down or agree to my original demands. As far as I was concerned, it wasn't their problem and I never held anything against Forbes and Mallinger over the issue. All this was going on as a sideshow to the relegation battle and I decided that enough was enough. I filled Terry {Mac} in on the details and told him that we had no alternative but to go. Sir John had to keep his promises, regardless of his problems with the others and how much they might or might not put in." Later, on pagef 214, he says "The player I wanted, Darren McDonough from Luton, was only going to cost £100,000, a fraction of the 1m or even the 2m pledged to me to get the club out of trouble" Then, after the Swindon game, while driving out of the ground with Terry (Mac) - " I'm finished here and none of you know. I was furious, not with Forbes, Mallinger or the other directors, but with Sir John Hall". He then says he wasn't bluffing, and went back to Hampshire, he knew that SJH would phone though, and when he did, says on page 215 in his book "SJH could not get Kevin Keegan to manage Newcastle on empty promises, especially when 36000 fans believed in me. He had used me to get those people involved, and now he was reneging on our deal. I told him all this when he rang, as I knew he would. He urged me to calm down, and it was then he said that the only 2 people who could save the club were talking to each other at that moment, and that I would get the money he had promised. From that day, SJH knew that as long as he was honest with me and kept his word, he wouldn't have any problem working with me" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toonpack 11380 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 Ah, the PLC, and SJH was chairman when we floated, so he takes all the responsibilty ? What about Bassong ? Tiotte ? Waddle ? Gazza ? The point is that the managers are given the money...........and Dalglish actually was happy to sell Ferdinand. Don't expect that to have any impact on your "opinion" mind. Bastards, they've sold Tiote, oustide the transfer window an all, shit we're going to get in bother Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toonpack 11380 Posted May 13, 2011 Share Posted May 13, 2011 anyway, the clips from Keegans book is in the other thread, for the benefit of TP, Renton, NJS or anybody else trying to make things up to suit their "opinions" Including KK ?? After all they're his contradictory statements. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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