Qwertyo 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 So when exactly is soopa doopa saviour Mike Ashley going to better than the hopeless Fred ? That's 4 years now, and not even a top ten finish yet. Ashley is already doing better than Shepherd. He has got the club moving on an upward trajectory which is something your Fat Friend never managed. omg am I dealing with a 10 year old here No you are being asked to deal with facts which you have consistently struggled with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 So when exactly is soopa doopa saviour Mike Ashley going to better than the hopeless Fred ? That's 4 years now, and not even a top ten finish yet. Ashley is already doing better than Shepherd. He has got the club moving on an upward trajectory which is something your Fat Friend never managed. omg am I dealing with a 10 year old here No you are being asked to deal with facts which you have consistently struggled with. re-read your ridiculous last post, check the facts, and comment on the entire thread. Or bugger off. See what I mean mancy/Renton ? The sooner people either boycott a game or two which is on TV [won't happen] or spend 90 minutes chanting anti-Mike Ashley songs [won't happen either] instead of anti Andy Carroll ones, people may see that not all NUFC supporters are clueless idiots including our ex competitors who now laugh at us, how we have accept the decline of the club, and why they no longer see us as any sort of competition, and that we can see who is responsible. Its blind and clueless posts like THAT, which do absolutely nothing for those people who still think Mike Ashley is ever going to take us anywhere while he owns this club. Remember, these people booed a team for only finishing 5th..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 ma'af tuan ! Saya tidah bicara bahasa urdu Seriously man- look at what you've written - it's getting seriously worrying we care about you believe it or not Well, I think my responses to Mad Jock are quite sensible and logical, in the post on this very page, but people have drifted onto other things. Why don't you answer them ? Do YOU think the Halls and Shepherd are to blame, for Mike Ashley, after 4 years into his ownership, suddenly finding he can't meet the repayments of the stadium expansion anymore ? Do YOU think not finishing in the top ten in 4 seasons is superior to doing it 4 times out of 6 ? These are responses to what Mad Jock has said. Is this too difficult for you ? Is it too difficult for Mad Jock ? Is it too difficult for anybody ? It's highly worrying if you can't see the obvious answer to those points, tbh, I fear for you if that is indeed the case. bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 So. Mad Jock. When is Mike Ashley going to finish in the top ten, having not done it yet in 4 years of his "plan" When is he going to do "better than Fred" [as you are implying he has already with some strange logic] What is he going to do with the Carroll money who was sold behind his managers back and after we were assured was not going to be sold ? If revenues have gone down and he cannott meet the repayment structure put in place by the previous owners, who is to blame, unless of course you think the club should have saved the money up before starting the development of the stadium ? [astonishing] Can you repeat the answers to my questions first (if you've answered them) as I can't be bothered to trawl through ten days inane ramblings of a mad man then have to ask Rob W to borrow his enigma machine to decipher them. You're off your nut mate, this thread has confirmed it but at least its kept your wanking material in one place. I've answered what you asked. I knew you wouldn't reply. Your fucking mad, fuck off back to skunkers. What do you think of your man [not] finishing in the top 10 even once in 4 years [your own quote] against hopeless Fred doing it 4 times in 6 years ? You've been made to look a tit by your own comments. The replies are bumped to the previous page as you've taken so long to come back and respond. Where did you get the info that the stadium repayments can't be met ? Who's fault is that, if revenues have gone down [are you going to games and supporting your man by the way, or are you another hypocrite who has stopped] in the 4 years since he bought the club ? You're all consuming hatred is just sad, arsehole. Bet you don't reply. Again. bump, again, for Mad Jock. I'm out of this thread now, I'm only answering Mad Jock, or Rob. Too many clueless bairns are taking it over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Qwertyo 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 bump, again, for Mad Jock. I'm out of this thread now, I'm only answering Mad Jock, or Rob. Too many clueless bairns are taking it over. Don't you mean too many people asking you questions that you are totally incapable of answering? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holden McGroin 7638 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 bump, again, for Mad Jock. I'm out of this thread now, I'm only answering Mad Jock, or Rob. Too many clueless bairns are taking it over. Where is the party emoticon ? History suggests that will be a lie though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 bump, again, for Mad Jock. I'm out of this thread now, I'm only answering Mad Jock, or Rob. Too many clueless bairns are taking it over. Don't you mean too many people asking you questions that you are totally incapable of answering? I think the reverse is true tbh. I'm dealing with facts, you and others are dealing with irrational hatred. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Qwertyo 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 bump, again, for Mad Jock. I'm out of this thread now, I'm only answering Mad Jock, or Rob. Too many clueless bairns are taking it over. Don't you mean too many people asking you questions that you are totally incapable of answering? I think the reverse is true tbh. I'm dealing with facts, you and others are dealing with irrational hatred. So. You are 100% right and everyone else is stupid or irrational or a combination of the two. As has been said many times before on this thread, I hope you are able to find the professional help that you so badly need. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 Sorry LM but your view the club is in decline is wholly predicated on your opinion of what is going to happen this summer. Therefore, its not fact based at all. Whether you or anyone else thinks this is a foregone conclusion is irrelevant, its not a fact yet so it is opinion. To be perfectly strictly fair. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaythesouthernmag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 Leazes Mag is shepherds bush FACT! I deal with facts. Mad Jock has not and will not respond to my factual replies. mancmag and Renton are self proclaimed smart lads who STILL can't see who is responsible for dragging out these threads. The FACTS are people wanted the Halls and Shepherd replaced, not because they looked into a crystal ball and saw clubs like Blackburn and Bolton being taken over by rich benefactors, and for some strange reason construed that as meaning NUFC had to become a selling club again, but because they thought anybody else would be better and do better than the people who built the club up from nothing. The FACTS are that this has proved not to be the case at all, and the current owner will NEVER match, never mind better, the league positions of the previous regime, and has actually taken us into a decline where we are seen as a selling club again like we were for 3 decades prior to 1992, our ex competitors now see us as no competition to them. Again. We aren't talking about an odd blip here, like finishing 12th with the worst strikeforce in the premiership having sold our top striker, or having a couple of good results in October against Arsenal and the mackems etc, we are talking about sowing the seeds of longer term decline. Time will tell, unfortunately. As Kevin Keegan said, the best day for NUFC supporters will be the day that Mike Ashley sells the club. Unless they disagree with Kevin Keegan...... What you constantly fail to acknowledge is that the premier league has change immensely and a top 4 finish would require a massive investment, which of course is a gamble. City have spent a fortune and didn't manage it in the first season. No other club could afford to do what they have done Would you prefer Ashley to spend a hundred mil, put the club in debt to maybe finish in the top 6??? did you say this was why you wanted rid of Fat Fred 4-5 years ago ? Yes or no. If not, bugger off and stop moving the goalposts. I've repeatedly said, that Man City and Chelsea are a different propostion anyway. Read the threads. Why do the likes of Birmingham and Bolton being bought by rich benefactors suddenly mean NUFC have to become a selling club again ? Give your head a shake. You scaremongers and brainwashed fools are a hoot man. Eveybody is in debt, would you prefer the club to save the money up first or spend a profit of 2m quid a season [if they manage to make 2m a season] on new players ? How far would that go Maybe 10 years ago during the first few years of Bobby Robsons time as manager, "Shepherd" should have done it the Mike Ashley way and sold Shearer and Rob Lee to balance the books instead of finding the cash for Bellamy and Robert to get into the Champions League ? So when exactly is soopa doopa saviour Mike Ashley going to better than the hopeless Fred ? That's 4 years now, and not even a top ten finish yet. So you don't answer the question again, I will ask it once more. Would you want Ashley to spend 100 mil or so to try and break into the top 4 or 5?? Bearing in mind the club would be saddled with a massive debt. As for being a selling club, yeah 35 mil for a striker with half a prem season behind him wasn't good business?? If you don't think so you are dafter than I thought If any of our players want to leave and go to a top 5 club the best Ashley can do is to ensure we get the best price and money is available for a replacement. I've never said Ashley is a soopa doopa saviour and he certainly doesn't have the resources to compete with City,Chelsea and Man U. Players will also find Liverpool more appealing due to their history,like it or not. Arsenal and Spurs being in London have that as an advantage too. What Fred/Halls etc did was pay over the odds and massive,unsustainable wages to attract players,some not all, just before you start. What Ashley is doing is trying to run the club within its means and make it financially stable, which for now is a good thing. Finishing 12th in our first season back is an achievement but needs to be improved on Now don't get me wrong if an Arab with billions to spend wants to buy the club and do a CITY then I or I guess most on here will be happy but until then it is what it is. Is a financially stable club a bad thing? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaythesouthernmag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 LM,Why don't you answer the above points you boring,depressing,rambling old fuck?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 LM,Why don't you answer the above points you boring,depressing,rambling old fuck?? I said I've answered everything you negative brainwashed cunt. Answer mine. When will Mike Ashley "do better than Fred". I'm not interested in you moving the goalposts, Birmingham and Bolton being bought out didn't happen 5-6 years ago when you wanted Fred out, it is not the reason Fred was booed and all the cretins thought "anybody would do better", and it has nothing to do with Mike Ashley setting NUFC into a declining selling club either. You know nowt about this club pal, I've watched it since 1964 and I've seen all this shite before, and that's how I can recognise it again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 Sorry LM but your view the club is in decline is wholly predicated on your opinion of what is going to happen this summer. Therefore, its not fact based at all. Whether you or anyone else thinks this is a foregone conclusion is irrelevant, its not a fact yet so it is opinion. To be perfectly strictly fair. He's had 4 years, we have been relegated, not even finished in the top 10 once, and we are selling our best players behind our managers back and not giving him the money to build a new team. The team is inferior to the one which kicked off the season, and all we will do this summer is paper over a thin squad with a few sub standard players and say "its good business". But it isn't good business, because the quality won't be there, the team will not move on as a result, and another top player will leave the club to move to a more progressive one. This is decline, long term, or until someone adopts a more positive attitude and realises the only way to progress is to keep your best players and build on it, or at the very least allow your manager a free reign and hand him the money from sales and allow him to decide what to do with his own team and sign quality footballers. Already, people on here are saying they aren't renewing for the very reasons I've outlined. Do you not think this is the signs of decline setting in ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 bump, again, for Mad Jock. I'm out of this thread now, I'm only answering Mad Jock, or Rob. Too many clueless bairns are taking it over. Don't you mean too many people asking you questions that you are totally incapable of answering? I think the reverse is true tbh. I'm dealing with facts, you and others are dealing with irrational hatred. So. You are 100% right and everyone else is stupid or irrational or a combination of the two. As has been said many times before on this thread, I hope you are able to find the professional help that you so badly need. Yes, I'm right. Not everybody is stupid and irrational, but you are. You're a stupid blind cunt, who can't see anything. I hope you are able to find your way to specsavers and find the glasses you so badly need. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaythesouthernmag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 LM,Why don't you answer the above points you boring,depressing,rambling old fuck?? I said I've answered everything you negative brainwashed cunt. Answer mine. When will Mike Ashley "do better than Fred". I'm not interested in you moving the goalposts, Birmingham and Bolton being bought out didn't happen 5-6 years ago when you wanted Fred out, it is not the reason Fred was booed and all the cretins thought "anybody would do better", and it has nothing to do with Mike Ashley setting NUFC into a declining selling club either. You know nowt about this club pal, I've watched it since 1964 and I've seen all this shite before, and that's how I can recognise it again. So basically don't answer the question and spout your usualshite, me negative?? Fucking hell look in the mirror. Answer the questions you mug as for doing better than Fred, well as I said above its different now. So answer the questions or everyone will see you for the mug you are, go on, for once streight answers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Qwertyo 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 Yes, I'm right. Not everybody is stupid and irrational, but you are. You're a stupid blind cunt, who can't see anything. I hope you are able to find your way to specsavers and find the glasses you so badly need. I take it you only spout this playground style abuse when you are safe behind your keybooard? I hope so for your sake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noelie 103 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 I'm out of this thread now, I'm only answering Mad Jock, or Rob. Correct me if I am mistaken LeazesMag, but haven't you already given proof that this is a false statement by continuing to answer members other than Mad Jock or Bob? No rhetoric or name calling please, just a plain Yes or No answer to my question. . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spongebob toonpants 4366 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 So these new financial fair play rules would have enabled Shepherd to have played on a level playing field, as the new breed of oligarchs wouldnt be able to buy their way to the top. Shame he's not still in charge imo............ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 I'm out of this thread now, I'm only answering Mad Jock, or Rob. Correct me if I am mistaken LeazesMag, but haven't you already given proof that this is a false statement by continuing to answer members other than Mad Jock or Bob? No rhetoric or name calling please, just a plain Yes or No answer to my question. . pot kettle black Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 Yes, I'm right. Not everybody is stupid and irrational, but you are. You're a stupid blind cunt, who can't see anything. I hope you are able to find your way to specsavers and find the glasses you so badly need. I take it you only spout this playground style abuse when you are safe behind your keybooard? I hope so for your sake. and? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 50013 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 Have a night off man. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 So these new financial fair play rules would have enabled Shepherd to have played on a level playing field, as the new breed of oligarchs wouldnt be able to buy their way to the top. Shame he's not still in charge imo............ indeed. Nowt worse than a couple of bairns that prob never go to games think they have seen more than you. This time I'm out. Noelie, pm me the replies I asked you about a year ago mate, if you do that, I'll do the same. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaythesouthernmag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 Still not answered my post, you copy and paste wankstain. What a sad, boring, one trick pony you are Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holden McGroin 7638 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 Noelie, pm me the replies I asked you about a year ago mate, if you do that, I'll do the same. Fucking hell man. Let it go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 Noelie, pm me the replies I asked you about a year ago mate, if you do that, I'll do the same. Fucking hell man. Let it go. haha, about 6 people are all obsessed with me, and you tell ME to "let it go" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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