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Favourite pre teen game (Outside)

Christmas Tree

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So were talking nothing electrical and lets not all go for every ones favourite, Doctors and Nurses.


I seem to remember British Bulldog being quite popular, however over half the gang was made up of girls so it usually descended into Catchy kissy.


Japs and English was good when it was just the boys, but overall hide and seek I think used to come out tops. This is the version where if the seeker was away from base, you could sneek up, touch base and free all the caught hiders.

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Basically the there's two teams. One team is given a word, each member of the team is given a letter and the other team catch them, beat the fuck out of each member and if they make the word they win. Canny.

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Pick a random, follow them without being sussed. Sounds shit, but high drama to a 10 yr old.



Also, Hallas/Harras. Basically Extreme hide and seek. 1 seeker, the rest hid. As you caught people they became seekers until last person was found. For "catch", read "chin", as you were only classed as caught after 5 "bats on the heed".

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Basically the there's two teams. One team is given a word, each member of the team is given a letter and the other team catch them, beat the fuck out of each member and if they make the word they win. Canny.


haha yes

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Knock and Run


Used to love Knock and run which we called knocky nine doors???


This one house had a big tree outside and we used to have thread going from the tree to the door knocker and drive the residents mental. :icon_lol:

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Kingo. Basically someone was "it" and they had to get people out by hitting them with the tennis ball. Last person alive would be "it" in next game.

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Guest alex

Used to like 'Relievo', a sort of team hide and seek. Called 'Ringolevio' in Ireland and North America apparently (there's a cult novel of the same name).

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Japs and English was good when it was just the boys, but overall hide and seek I think used to come out tops. This is the version where if the seeker was away from base, you could sneek up, touch base and free all the caught hiders.


Played that game like every morning tea at primary school for about a year. Except it was called Jailbreak when I was little.

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So were talking nothing electrical and lets not all go for every ones favourite, Doctors and Nurses.


I seem to remember British Bulldog being quite popular, however over half the gang was made up of girls so it usually descended into Catchy kissy.


Japs and English was good when it was just the boys, but overall hide and seek I think used to come out tops. This is the version where if the seeker was away from base, you could sneek up, touch base and free all the caught hiders.

'Japs and commando's' round wor way! :rolleyes:


Kick the can


British Bulldog


Jack shine the torch (Basically hide and seek in the dark) :icon_lol:


Trampoline (this was us jumping out of upstairs windows in derelict houses onto an old mattress we found).


chicken. You could use bikes or on one occasion we had to knock on peoples doors and ask if we could use their bog whilst the rest of your mates would hide behind the fence, (the one to turn chicken got a hiding), it was embarrasing but funny looking back, "can I use your toilet mister, there's no one in mine and I'm dying for a crap?", I heard a female voice from the living room, "Who is it, Brian?", bloke replies, "Some young'un wants a shite!" :blush: Then had to go through the process of working out whether I should make some straining noises as he was waiting outside the bog and I thought he'd sussed us out! Good job it wasn't Gary Glitters house in hindsight!

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