Qwertyo 0 Posted April 30, 2011 Share Posted April 30, 2011 [Fact is, if everybody conceded that they were in fact good directors and Mike Ashley will never ever match them while he has a hole in his arse, there would be no need for me to respond to anybody would there ? You just can't leave it alone. Ever. you mentioned Shepherd sunshine. Do you want me to answer you or not ? Who mentioned Shepherd? And if you did answer me it would be the first time that you had answered a question. Ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toonotl 3310 Posted April 30, 2011 Share Posted April 30, 2011 there are plenty other people who don't find much to feel cheerful about where Mike Ashley is concerned. I don't take "meds", do you still wear short pants and white socks ? Is the sun in Oz affecting your brain ? Or is your telescope out of order ? If you want to find message boards where people think the sun shines out of Mike Ashleys arse [i'm not saying you do, but its just a suitable reply to your comments to me] there are other ones that are quite rife with such lunatics. Where did I mention Ashley? Or Shepherd? This is why you look like a silly old fool. You make every discussion about Shepherd > Ashley. I think you're a bit thick to be honest. Before you dismiss that as flipant anti-Shepherd paranoia, rest easy. It has nothing to do with the content of your argument. It's to do with the incessant drone day after day that is your contribution to this forum. It's as though you believe you have grasped some incredibly complex concept and feel like it has to be beaten into our thick skulls because otherwise we won't get it. Here's a clue. We get it. And your apparent difficulty in grasping that idea leads me to believe you're an idiot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monroe Transfer 0 Posted April 30, 2011 Share Posted April 30, 2011 Unnecessary poll added. Where's the comedic option? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted April 30, 2011 Share Posted April 30, 2011 (edited) there are plenty other people who don't find much to feel cheerful about where Mike Ashley is concerned. I don't take "meds", do you still wear short pants and white socks ? Is the sun in Oz affecting your brain ? Or is your telescope out of order ? If you want to find message boards where people think the sun shines out of Mike Ashleys arse [i'm not saying you do, but its just a suitable reply to your comments to me] there are other ones that are quite rife with such lunatics. Where did I mention Ashley? Or Shepherd? This is why you look like a silly old fool. You make every discussion about Shepherd > Ashley. I think you're a bit thick to be honest. Qwerto mentinoed Shepherd for no reason at all and you decided to say it was me. I'm quite entitled to talk about my hopes and expectations for the football club, I pay my money, and hae done since 1964. So I should know what I'm looking at by now. I think you should get the fuck out of the sun and change your telescope. You are on the other side of the world, you can't tell me anything about the football club. Arsehole. Edited April 30, 2011 by LeazesMag Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toonotl 3310 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 I'm not trying to tell you anything about the football club. I'm telling you you're a thick cunt. You're right about being entitled about sharing your views. It's a shame that the internet has enabled you to pester thousands of people when in the past it would have been only your poor family and friends that wore the burden in our stead. I don't know who to feel more sorry for, us or them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
citizenerased 0 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 I'm not trying to tell you anything about the football club. I'm telling you you're a thick cunt. You're right about being entitled about sharing your views. It's a shame that the internet has enabled you to pester thousands of people when in the past it would have been only your poor family and friends that wore the burden in our stead. I don't know who to feel more sorry for, us or them. I feel sorry for you. Your Australian. Lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sammynb 3710 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 I'm not trying to tell you anything about the football club. I'm telling you you're a thick cunt. You're right about being entitled about sharing your views. It's a shame that the internet has enabled you to pester thousands of people when in the past it would have been only your poor family and friends that wore the burden in our stead. I don't know who to feel more sorry for, us or them. I feel sorry for you. You're Australian. Lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toonotl 3310 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 I'm not trying to tell you anything about the football club. I'm telling you you're a thick cunt. You're right about being entitled about sharing your views. It's a shame that the internet has enabled you to pester thousands of people when in the past it would have been only your poor family and friends that wore the burden in our stead. I don't know who to feel more sorry for, us or them. I feel sorry for you. Your Australian. Lol. I'm actually a Kiwi. Born in Gisborne. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toonotl 3310 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 (edited) I'm not trying to tell you anything about the football club. I'm telling you you're a thick cunt. You're right about being entitled about sharing your views. It's a shame that the internet has enabled you to pester thousands of people when in the past it would have been only your poor family and friends that wore the burden in our stead. I don't know who to feel more sorry for, us or them. I feel sorry for you. You're Australian. Lol. Edited May 1, 2011 by toonotl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sammynb 3710 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 I'm not trying to tell you anything about the football club. I'm telling you you're a thick cunt. You're right about being entitled about sharing your views. It's a shame that the internet has enabled you to pester thousands of people when in the past it would have been only your poor family and friends that wore the burden in our stead. I don't know who to feel more sorry for, us or them. I feel sorry for you. Your Australian. Lol. I'm actually a Kiwi. Born in Gisborne. Now we all feel sorry for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 I'm not trying to tell you anything about the football club. I'm telling you you're a thick cunt. You're right about being entitled about sharing your views. It's a shame that the internet has enabled you to pester thousands of people when in the past it would have been only your poor family and friends that wore the burden in our stead. I don't know who to feel more sorry for, us or them. is that so ? I feel sorry for the likes of you who think they know about the club when they know fuck all. I'm telling you about the politics of the club, like it or not, what I say is true. You have just said yourself in another thread that we are fucked because we are not going to re-invest the money from Carroll [having missed the post initially, as you seem to miss a lot]. Why do you think we are fucked, because the owner isn't re-investing money gained from selling our best players ? Would you like owners who showed ambition and re-invested money from the sale of players and backed their managers as much as possible and allowed them the opportunity to put together their own teams with quality footballers ? Think about it, before you start calling people thick, you stupid arsehole. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 I'm not trying to tell you anything about the football club. I'm telling you you're a thick cunt. You're right about being entitled about sharing your views. It's a shame that the internet has enabled you to pester thousands of people when in the past it would have been only your poor family and friends that wore the burden in our stead. I don't know who to feel more sorry for, us or them. I feel sorry for you. You're Australian. Lol. I used to put Kiwi on my shoes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toonotl 3310 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 Why all the questions? I'm not interested in having a discussion with you. You seem to attach the label "Ashley lover" to anyone that has a go at you. People like your good self get through life a lot easier when they are able to attach simple labels to things they find problematic. A simple reaction from a simple person. Like I said your opinion is of no consequence to me. So shut the fuck up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toonotl 3310 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 I'm not trying to tell you anything about the football club. I'm telling you you're a thick cunt. You're right about being entitled about sharing your views. It's a shame that the internet has enabled you to pester thousands of people when in the past it would have been only your poor family and friends that wore the burden in our stead. I don't know who to feel more sorry for, us or them. I feel sorry for you. Your Australian. Lol. I'm actually a Kiwi. Born in Gisborne. Now we all feel sorry for you. That took awhile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 Why all the questions? I'm not interested in having a discussion with you. You seem to attach the label "Ashley lover" to anyone that has a go at you. People like your good self get through life a lot easier when they are able to attach simple labels to things they find problematic. A simple reaction from a simple person. Like I said your opinion is of no consequence to me. So shut the fuck up. you attach the phrase "Shepherd" to anything that mentions bringing top players to the club and playing in europe. Is this not what any supporter of the club wants ? Do you or do you not want the current owner or a future owner to do precisely that ? Or do you want the future to be in the hands of someone else who does not ? If not, then you shut the fuck up. You are of no consequence to anybody, because you know nowt about the club either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toonotl 3310 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 You're lost old man. Rest assured I don't neccessarily disagree with you. I simply think your a fuckwit. You obviously don't know my opinion on Shepherd, Ashley or anyone else. Hence all the questions. So I must put your efforts to build me as your 'anti-Shepherd, pro-Ashley' strawman down to your stupidity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diego21 2150 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 Sorry...But in Spain this was in the newspapper. Sorry for the translate...For me, Carroll is a local hero. http://www.elmundo.es/elmundodeporte/2011/...1296579808.html Spanish: El nuevo fichaje del Liverpool FC, Andy Carroll, se ha mostrado muy crítico con los dirigentes del Newcastle al asegurar que éstos le han forzado a salir del equipo. "Yo no quería irme del Newcastle en absoluto, estoy destruido. Fui empujado por los dirigentes y no tenía otra opción", expresó el delantero británico. Carroll sostiene que su intención era la de renovar por el Newcastle pero fue el club quién le obligó a aceptar la oferta del Liverpool. "Derek Llambias (presidente del Newcastle) me pidió que presentara una solicitud de traspaso, por lo que fui empujado a salir del equipo. Me dejó claro que querían el dinero", manifestó indignado el jugador de 22 años a la publicación Evening Chronicle. "Yo no quería irme en absoluto", afirmó con rotundidad el propio futbolista que reiteró en varias ocasiones su propósito de haber continuado en el club del St' James Park. Asimismo, Carroll mostró su agradecimiento a "los jugadores, al personal y a los aficionados" de su ya ex equipo, a los que catalogó de "fantásticos". English: The new signing from Liverpool, Andy Carroll, has been highly critical of the leaders of Newcastle to ensure that they have forced him leave the team. "I do not want to leave Newcastle at all, I'm destroyed. I was pushed by the leaders and had no other option, "the British front. Carroll maintains that his intention was to renew for Newcastle but it was the club who was forced to accept the offer from Liverpool. "Derek Llamas (Newcastle chairman) asked me to submit an application for transfer, so I was pushed out of the team. I made it clear they wanted the money, " said the indignant 22-year Evening Chronicle publication. "I did not go at all, " said the footballer himself emphatically on several occasions reiterated its intention to have continued in the club's St 'James Park. Also, Carroll expressed his gratitude to "the players, staff and fans" of his now former team, which labeled a "fantastic. " Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diego21 2150 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 More links of spanish newspapper http://el-nacional.com/www/site/p_contenid...se-al-Liverpool Spanish: El nuevo delantero del Liverpool, que fichó anoche por ese club tras un traspaso de 40 millones de euros, reveló hoy que el Newcastle le pidió que presentara una petición de traspaso, según se entiende, para atraer el interés de los "reds". "(El director ejecutivo), Derek (Llambias), me pidió que presentara una petición de traspaso, así que me vi arrinconado y sin otra opción. Ellos no me querían y me dejaron claro que querían el dinero", explicó el futbolista, algo dolido por las formas, en declaraciones al diario "Evening Chronicle". Carroll aseguró que había mantenido conversaciones con el club, el Newcastle, para mejorar su contrato en St. James Park cuando, de repente, le dejaron bien claro que no lo querían más en el equipo, que ascendió esta temporada a la Premier League. El ex defensa del Newcastle, John Anderson, también quiso hoy dar su opinión al respecto y admitió que las "urracas", apodo como se les conoce a los miembros de ese club del norte de Inglaterra, simplemente no se podían permitir dejar pasar la oportunidad de vender al jugador por un precio como el cerrado finalmente con el Liverpool: 35 millones de libras. Éste, además, cuestionó el precio pagado por el delantero, del que recordó: "ha marcado 14 goles en la Premier League y no ha completado todavía una temporada en esa categoría". English: The new Liverpool striker, who joined the club last night after a transfer of 40 million euros, said today that the Newcastle asked to submit a request for transfer, as means to attract the interest of "reds. " "(Executive Director), Derek (Llamas), asked me to submit a transfer request, so I was cornered and with no other option. They did not want me and I made it clear they wanted the money, " said the player, something hurt by the forms, told the newspaper "Evening Chronicle. " Carroll said he had held talks with the club, Newcastle, to improve his contract at St. James Park when suddenly, he made it clear that they wanted more on the team, which came this season in the Premier League. Former Newcastle defender John Anderson, also declined today to give his opinion on the matter and admitted that the "magpies" nickname as they are known members of that club in northern England, just could not afford to miss the opportunity to sell the player for a price as Liverpool finally closed with 35 million pounds. He also questioned the price paid for the striker, which he recalled, "He has scored 14 goals in the Premier League and has not yet completed a season in that category. " Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom 14026 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 Our fans sound class! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snakehips 0 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 Sorry...But in Spain this was in the newspapper. Sorry for the translate...For me, Carroll is a local hero. http://www.elmundo.es/elmundodeporte/2011/...1296579808.html Spanish: El nuevo fichaje del Liverpool FC, Andy Carroll, se ha mostrado muy crítico con los dirigentes del Newcastle al asegurar que éstos le han forzado a salir del equipo. "Yo no quería irme del Newcastle en absoluto, estoy destruido. Fui empujado por los dirigentes y no tenía otra opción", expresó el delantero británico. Carroll sostiene que su intención era la de renovar por el Newcastle pero fue el club quién le obligó a aceptar la oferta del Liverpool. "Derek Llambias (presidente del Newcastle) me pidió que presentara una solicitud de traspaso, por lo que fui empujado a salir del equipo. Me dejó claro que querían el dinero", manifestó indignado el jugador de 22 años a la publicación Evening Chronicle. "Yo no quería irme en absoluto", afirmó con rotundidad el propio futbolista que reiteró en varias ocasiones su propósito de haber continuado en el club del St' James Park. Asimismo, Carroll mostró su agradecimiento a "los jugadores, al personal y a los aficionados" de su ya ex equipo, a los que catalogó de "fantásticos". English: The new signing from Liverpool, Andy Carroll, has been highly critical of the leaders of Newcastle to ensure that they have forced him leave the team. "I do not want to leave Newcastle at all, I'm destroyed. I was pushed by the leaders and had no other option, "the British front. Carroll maintains that his intention was to renew for Newcastle but it was the club who was forced to accept the offer from Liverpool. "Derek Llamas (Newcastle chairman) asked me to submit an application for transfer, so I was pushed out of the team. I made it clear they wanted the money, " said the indignant 22-year Evening Chronicle publication. "I did not go at all, " said the footballer himself emphatically on several occasions reiterated its intention to have continued in the club's St 'James Park. Also, Carroll expressed his gratitude to "the players, staff and fans" of his now former team, which labeled a "fantastic. " Thanks for the article, but it's what we have already heard. However, I have bolded the most appropriate bit of your post i.e. the word 'newspapper'. Such an inadvertant description is so apt, so I thank you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom 14026 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 ''He shoots, He misses, he beats his fucking misses, Andy Carroll, Andy Carroll'' ''Taylor he's shagged your lass, he's shagged your lass , he's shagged your lass, he's shagged her'' ''You've let your city down'' ''There's only one greedy bastard'' ''There's only one Stevie Taylor'' ''Taylor's going to get you'' and if course lots of booing and waving of money. Good to let the judas cunt know exactly where he stands. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 You're lost old man. Rest assured I don't neccessarily disagree with you. I simply think your a fuckwit. You obviously don't know my opinion on Shepherd, Ashley or anyone else. Hence all the questions. So I must put your efforts to build me as your 'anti-Shepherd, pro-Ashley' strawman down to your stupidity. I'm not talking about Shepherd, you stupid immature tosspot. I'm talking about having owners who show ambition for the club rather than ones who do not. If YOU associate that with the Halls and Shepherd [not Shepherd as he never owned the club] then you are answering your own point, whatever it is, but you are too stupid to see it. Now fuck off back to your telescope. Don't tell me anything about this football club. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
angrysockmonster 0 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 Even the people who agree with your viewpoints think you're a tedious cunt mate, why don't you just do one? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ollie Burtons Grandad 0 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 Even the people who agree with your viewpoints think you're a tedious cunt mate, why don't you just do one? Speak for yourself mate, I agree with the vast majority of what LM sez and dont think he is tedious. What I do think is sad and fucking tedious is people deliberately baiting him then whinging like fuck when he actually replies; oh yes and no opinion fucktards who just jump on the "Lets slag LM off bandwagon" We are all entitled to have opinions so just leave it there and fucking well grow up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toonotl 3310 Posted May 1, 2011 Share Posted May 1, 2011 I think it's perfectly reasonable to become sick and tired of hearing the same old shit everyday. And as for not having an opinion. I have one. This conversation isn't about my opinion. It's about an old man with alzheimer's. A difficult accomplishment considering all his mutterings are documented for his safe keeping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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