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Shooting on submarine in Southampton


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well, it's a peurile cartoon, so no, not really enlightening, no.


Tell me, oh great and inciteful* sage. What tomes did you pour over to accumulate such a vast knowledge upon all things? Ah wait, forgive me, I forgot. You "experienced" it. How silly of me to forget you've accrued several lifetimes worth of experience, (sufficient to disavow education as pointless) without ever walking a yard in another mans shoes.


in other words, shhhhhhh










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well, it's a peurile cartoon, so no, not really enlightening, no.


Tell me, oh great and inciteful* sage. What tomes did you pour over to accumulate such a vast knowledge upon all things? Ah wait, forgive me, I forgot. You "experienced" it. How silly of me to forget you've accrued several lifetimes worth of experience, (sufficient to disavow education as pointless) without ever walking a yard in another mans shoes.


in other words, shhhhhhh











yes, it is mostly down to what I have seen, and prefer what I see to what a humble scribe perceives from his soft armchair in a study in an ivory tower playing Mr Idealistic with all his home comforts of the modern age including the wild notion that half the world is civilised and is prepared to sit down and share a cup of tea with him while he quotes his words of wisdom from the book he is reading that was written by a wise old idealistic Jesus freak just like himself.


In short.....people may have good knowledge of geography, the sciences, history....anything you care to name, but when it comes to politics and an understanding of the mentality of millions/billions of people in different parts of the world, he knows fuck all and only has an opinion just like anybody else, and it doesn't mean he is right just because he's a self proclaimed "thinker".


Look at Prince Charles, he's supposed to be an "intellectual", what sort of planet does he live in ? He talks to fucking plants.


He probably also thinks everybody in Morocco uses a gold bog seat too,and everywhere he goes is always freshly painted.... :icon_lol:

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What about the people who go and meet people from all over the world and study them and their interactions, write them down, take them back to their comfy chairs and (from their notes) pass on this information to others?

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What about the people who go and meet people from all over the world and study them and their interactions, write them down, take them back to their comfy chairs and (from their notes) pass on this information to others?


such as who ?


Meets who ?

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What about the people who go and meet people from all over the world and study them and their interactions, write them down, take them back to their comfy chairs and (from their notes) pass on this information to others?


such as who ?


Meets who ?





...does not compute...zzzzt zzztt.... :icon_lol:

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What about the people who go and meet people from all over the world and study them and their interactions, write them down, take them back to their comfy chairs and (from their notes) pass on this information to others?


such as who ?


Meets who ?





...does not compute...zzzzt zzztt.... :icon_lol:


ok Mohammed.


The question is quite straightforward btw ........ ie if someone meets YOU, its quite obvious they are listening to a brainwashed pc correct hippy....waste of time.

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What about the people who go and meet people from all over the world and study them and their interactions, write them down, take them back to their comfy chairs and (from their notes) pass on this information to others?


such as who ?


Meets who ?





...does not compute...zzzzt zzztt.... :icon_lol:


ok Mohammed.


The question is quite straightforward btw ........ ie if someone meets YOU, its quite obvious they are listening to a brainwashed pc correct hippy....waste of time.




i do not want this record...it is scratched.

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and fwiw that wasn't the question, the question was......


What about the people who go and meet people from all over the world and study them and their interactions, write them down, take them back to their comfy chairs and (from their notes) pass on this information to others?


....but then why start answering the questions put to you now? might as well keep with the status quo and make no sense what so ever..... or do you really believe that all books have been written in a vacuum, and that no one in the history of publishing has ever gone out and actually done research or interviewed people or written down their own 'real world' experiences ?

Edited by tooner
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What about the people who go and meet people from all over the world and study them and their interactions, write them down, take them back to their comfy chairs and (from their notes) pass on this information to others?


such as who ?


Meets who ?

Ludwig Alberti


the Xhosa nation


Job done, I reckon.

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and fwiw that wasn't the question, the question was......


What about the people who go and meet people from all over the world and study them and their interactions, write them down, take them back to their comfy chairs and (from their notes) pass on this information to others?


....but then why start answering the questions put to you now? might as well keep with the status quo and make no sense what so ever..... or do you really believe that all books have been written in a vacuum, and that no one in the history of publishing has ever gone out and actually done research or interviewed people or written down their own 'real world' experiences ?


you're record is scratched too.


You're an idealistic fool.

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What about the people who go and meet people from all over the world and study them and their interactions, write them down, take them back to their comfy chairs and (from their notes) pass on this information to others?


such as who ?


Meets who ?

Ludwig Alberti


the Xhosa nation


Job done, I reckon.


not really what we were talking about is it ?




Nowt personal if you want to spend your time studying this sort of thing, each to their own, but I really think you could get out a bit more.

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In fact, if I'm not mistaken, Fish is derailing the thread. What has South Africa got to do with the shooting of a Royal Naval Officer on a submarine [ie a ship, according to Rob :icon_lol: ] in Southampton dockyard ?

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What about the people who go and meet people from all over the world and study them and their interactions, write them down, take them back to their comfy chairs and (from their notes) pass on this information to others?


such as who ?


Meets who ?

Ludwig Alberti


the Xhosa nation


Job done, I reckon.

not really what we were talking about is it ?




Nowt personal if you want to spend your time studying this sort of thing, each to their own, but I really think you could get out a bit more.

How is it not what we're talking about? Here's a guy who studied people, came back and wrote a book about them. This is precisely what we're talking about.


And I'd be delighted to hear your explanation in any of the million threads where you declare education to be a waste of time and that your experience holds more weight.


Oh, and with regards to your last point, with respect, I'd wager I "get out" more than you do.

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What about the people who go and meet people from all over the world and study them and their interactions, write them down, take them back to their comfy chairs and (from their notes) pass on this information to others?


such as who ?


Meets who ?

Ludwig Alberti


the Xhosa nation


Job done, I reckon.

not really what we were talking about is it ?




Nowt personal if you want to spend your time studying this sort of thing, each to their own, but I really think you could get out a bit more.

How is it not what we're talking about? Here's a guy who studied people, came back and wrote a book about them. This is precisely what we're talking about.


And I'd be delighted to hear your explanation in any of the million threads where you declare education to be a waste of time and that your experience holds more weight.


Oh, and with regards to your last point, with respect, I'd wager I "get out" more than you do.


we were talking about South Africa were we ?


I've not said education is a waste of time, don't be an idiot all your life. I've said half the world isn't educated yet buffoons like you seem to think that they are.

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we were talking about South Africa were we ?


I've not said education is a waste of time, don't be an idiot all your life. I've said half the world isn't educated yet buffoons like you seem to think that they are.

Actually, you brought up the subject of learning, Leazes


Show me one single post where I've said that. :icon_lol:


You've consistently dismissed education as the purview of woolly liberals who don't know what they're talking about. You've suggested that experience is the only way to learn, that reading about subjects is pointless as the authors "sit in comfortable chairs" and never actually see the world. I've proven in one example that that notion is ridiculous.

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we were talking about South Africa were we ?


I've not said education is a waste of time, don't be an idiot all your life. I've said half the world isn't educated yet buffoons like you seem to think that they are.

Actually, you brought up the subject of learning, Leazes


Show me one single post where I've said that. :icon_lol:


You've consistently dismissed education as the purview of woolly liberals who don't know what they're talking about. You've suggested that experience is the only way to learn, that reading about subjects is pointless as the authors "sit in comfortable chairs" and never actually see the world. I've proven in one example that that notion is ridiculous.


I've not said anything about "education" at all. I've said half the world isn't educated and its a shame that so many supposedly "educated" people don't seem to understand that. You can be as academically educated as you want but it doesn't mean you understand human nature or the realities of the uncivilised world. Someone who teaches Geography or Physics and Chemistry may be clued up on those subjects but it doesn't mean they are clued up on politics, they have opinions, but in my experience the vast majority of schoolteachers are pc correct do-gooders and left wing wankers, and are doing their best to churn out as many kids as possible in their own image.


You can go to a country, any country anyway, and your experiences and the people you meet can be totally different to mine ? How come that someone so self proclaimed "intelligent" as you, doesn't grasp this ?


I can't be arsed to go through this again with ivory tower liberals like you.

Edited by LeazesMag
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where have I (or has anyone else, for that matter) insisted that which you accuse us of? I'd argue there are plenty of people in this country who aren't educated, let alone outer Mongolia.


The point is that, by reading, I get a lot of people's views on a subject and, by reading between the lines and using intellect I can add other people's insight to my own conclusions.


You're doing exactly what it is you're accusing others of; having a narrow mind. You believe that: Your opinion is the only one that matters and people with opinions who differ from yours, are wrong.


The difference between you and me is that I'll try and back my opinions on fact and findings from others. You back your opinions with nothing but intangible "experience", and when pressed to provide further detail about this experience, you state you shouldn't have to.


genuinely, if you'd said that you'd spent the last 30 yrs travelling the globe doing x for the home office or y for a large multinational, your political stance would seem born of interaction rather than intolerance. As it is, you sound like every racist I've ever met; "I don't like them cos they're all different and don't think like I do"




fwiw I don't think I'm liberal, I've got quite a few right wing leanings, I'm just not content with getting my info from some deliberately obtuse anonymous on the internet.

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where have I (or has anyone else, for that matter) insisted that which you accuse us of? I'd argue there are plenty of people in this country who aren't educated, let alone outer Mongolia.


The point is that, by reading, I get a lot of people's views on a subject and, by reading between the lines and using intellect I can add other people's insight to my own conclusions.


You're doing exactly what it is you're accusing others of; having a narrow mind. You believe that: Your opinion is the only one that matters and people with opinions who differ from yours, are wrong.


The difference between you and me is that I'll try and back my opinions on fact and findings from others. You back your opinions with nothing but intangible "experience", and when pressed to provide further detail about this experience, you state you shouldn't have to.


genuinely, if you'd said that you'd spent the last 30 yrs travelling the globe doing x for the home office or y for a large multinational, your political stance would seem born of interaction rather than intolerance. As it is, you sound like every racist I've ever met; "I don't like them cos they're all different and don't think like I do"




fwiw I don't think I'm liberal, I've got quite a few right wing leanings, I'm just not content with getting my info from some deliberately obtuse anonymous on the internet.


what a load of narrow minded crap, and what a pompous arsehole you are.


I've got my opinions, they are based on my own experiences, you have yours based on whatever you want to base them on. If you want to base them on the experiences of others, then fine, that is completely up to you. You don't know where I get my views from or how I get them, so shut the fuck up and stop presuming things you know nothing of.


I look forward to the day you put your learnings into practice, starting with telling people who bomb shopping centres and behead people for nothing how awful it is and how they should let you tell them they are naughty boys and mustn't do it again.

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I look forward to the day you put your learnings into practice, starting with telling people who bomb shopping centres and behead people for nothing how awful it is and how they should let you tell them they are naughty boys and mustn't do it again.


:icon_lol: Throw another rasher on the barbie.

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If you had two submarines, one ran by Freddy Shepherd, the other by Mike Ashley, which would sink first?


They'd both struggle to stay afloat with that much weight on board.


The one with Ashley would sink faster though as Llambias would sneak his way on board and would end up meddling with things he doesn't understand.

Edited by Tecato
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where have I (or has anyone else, for that matter) insisted that which you accuse us of? I'd argue there are plenty of people in this country who aren't educated, let alone outer Mongolia.


The point is that, by reading, I get a lot of people's views on a subject and, by reading between the lines and using intellect I can add other people's insight to my own conclusions.


You're doing exactly what it is you're accusing others of; having a narrow mind. You believe that: Your opinion is the only one that matters and people with opinions who differ from yours, are wrong.


The difference between you and me is that I'll try and back my opinions on fact and findings from others. You back your opinions with nothing but intangible "experience", and when pressed to provide further detail about this experience, you state you shouldn't have to.


genuinely, if you'd said that you'd spent the last 30 yrs travelling the globe doing x for the home office or y for a large multinational, your political stance would seem born of interaction rather than intolerance. As it is, you sound like every racist I've ever met; "I don't like them cos they're all different and don't think like I do"




fwiw I don't think I'm liberal, I've got quite a few right wing leanings, I'm just not content with getting my info from some deliberately obtuse anonymous on the internet.


what a load of narrow minded crap, and what a pompous arsehole you are.


I've got my opinions, they are based on my own experiences, you have yours based on whatever you want to base them on. If you want to base them on the experiences of others, then fine, that is completely up to you. You don't know where I get my views from or how I get them, so shut the fuck up and stop presuming things you know nothing of.


I look forward to the day you put your learnings into practice, starting with telling people who bomb shopping centres and behead people for nothing how awful it is and how they should let you tell them they are naughty boys and mustn't do it again.

:icon_lol: You mong, how is it narrow minded? (I shan't argue about being a pompous arsehole though :D )


One of my points was just that, NOBODY knows from where you get your hair-brained ideas from. So the presumption is that you create them from thin air.


I put my "learnings" into practise everyday, but I'm not sure what your bombers (whom you seem to presume lurk round every corner, like Cato Fong) have got to with owt though...


But you carry on sunshine :D

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where have I (or has anyone else, for that matter) insisted that which you accuse us of? I'd argue there are plenty of people in this country who aren't educated, let alone outer Mongolia.


The point is that, by reading, I get a lot of people's views on a subject and, by reading between the lines and using intellect I can add other people's insight to my own conclusions.


You're doing exactly what it is you're accusing others of; having a narrow mind. You believe that: Your opinion is the only one that matters and people with opinions who differ from yours, are wrong.


The difference between you and me is that I'll try and back my opinions on fact and findings from others. You back your opinions with nothing but intangible "experience", and when pressed to provide further detail about this experience, you state you shouldn't have to.


genuinely, if you'd said that you'd spent the last 30 yrs travelling the globe doing x for the home office or y for a large multinational, your political stance would seem born of interaction rather than intolerance. As it is, you sound like every racist I've ever met; "I don't like them cos they're all different and don't think like I do"




fwiw I don't think I'm liberal, I've got quite a few right wing leanings, I'm just not content with getting my info from some deliberately obtuse anonymous on the internet.


what a load of narrow minded crap, and what a pompous arsehole you are.


I've got my opinions, they are based on my own experiences, you have yours based on whatever you want to base them on. If you want to base them on the experiences of others, then fine, that is completely up to you. You don't know where I get my views from or how I get them, so shut the fuck up and stop presuming things you know nothing of.


I look forward to the day you put your learnings into practice, starting with telling people who bomb shopping centres and behead people for nothing how awful it is and how they should let you tell them they are naughty boys and mustn't do it again.

:icon_lol: You mong, how is it narrow minded? (I shan't argue about being a pompous arsehole though :D )


One of my points was just that, NOBODY knows from where you get your hair-brained ideas from. So the presumption is that you create them from thin air.


I put my "learnings" into practise everyday, but I'm not sure what your bombers (whom you seem to presume lurk round every corner, like Cato Fong) have got to with owt though...


But you carry on sunshine :D


Well....I think your ideas are "half brained", but thats because I'm not a brainwashed pc correct idealistic hippy.


What "learnings" have you put into practice ? Flying a Union Jack in the centre of Baghdad and explaining how allowing free speech is a sign of being civilised and tolerant to others ?


Carry on reading other peoples idealistic theories sunshine.

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