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UN staff killed in Afghanistan amid protests over Qur'an burning

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Has the loss of Alex taught us nothing?


Can we not sweep these stories under the mat?


I reckon you should spend the next 12 hours searching those oddball sites that you do, to find somewhere that says these are peaceful people, badly misunderstood, and can't wait to get into the UK and enrich our society with their minority views and the revolutionary methods of educating us on their superior liberal outlook, and patience towards others who differ from them.


The essence of leazes.


it is the view that you and others like you share though isn't it ?

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Has the loss of Alex taught us nothing?


Can we not sweep these stories under the mat?


I reckon you should spend the next 12 hours searching those oddball sites that you do, to find somewhere that says these are peaceful people, badly misunderstood, and can't wait to get into the UK and enrich our society with their minority views and the revolutionary methods of educating us on their superior liberal outlook, and patience towards others who differ from them.


The essence of leazes.


it is the view that you and others like you share though isn't it ?


That murderers are peaceful people?


What planet are you on dipshit?

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Someone should get the CIA to kill those cunts in Florida. Everyone knows that the bearded loonies in that uncivilised shithole will kill innocent people because of this. The blood is as much on the hands of the 'other' Terry Jones as the rioting fuckers.

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Someone should get the CIA to kill those cunts in Florida. Everyone knows that the bearded loonies in that uncivilised shithole will kill innocent people because of this. The blood is as much on the hands of the 'other' Terry Jones as the rioting fuckers.


:razz: It's almost like Plato or something, the level of discourse in this thread. Never again.

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I'm just fucking sick of spam-brained Americans like that Terry Jones happily pouring petrol on a fire, and giving the mental section of Islam a reason to act like the vile, violent mongs they are.

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If you extend that value system to its full conclusion you'll see how absolutely facile it is. Terry Jones has no blood on his hands (that I'm aware of; he may have strangled his wife in the bathtub or something), and if you think he is morally culpable for the murder of UN staff then your morality is extremely skewed, to the point where having a coherent conversation with you is probably impossible. So I won't bother attempting one. Even I'm tired of this shit now.

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For the sake of peace and quiet I shall hereby agree with every statement you say since you are clearly the font of all knowledge.


Your arrogance and self-regard in the last few posts is truely towering oh mighty internet warrior.

Edited by Billy Castell
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You're espousing a view that anyone who does anything to offend someone - even to the point where the offended party murders someone - has as much responsibility for the resulting violence as the perpetrators of the actual violence. I think that's stupid. If you're going to cite someone 'pouring petrol on a fire', why not those who preached hatred at Friday prayers and whipped up this mob into a violent rage? Most of the murderers will probably have only heard of this incident through religious leaders.

Terry Jones judged that the Koran was a book that promoted violence and thus burned a copy in a symbolic gesture. He did not murder anybody (again, to my knowledge).

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For the sake of peace and quiet I shall hereby agree with every statement you say since you are clearly the font of all knowledge.


Your arrogance and self-regard in the last few posts is truely towering oh mighty internet warrior.


what he says is right though Billy, we shouldn't go around and be gagged like that, it isn't as if he murdered someone ?


The actions of those "people" are surely showing they are nothing but uneducated animals. I'm making no apologies for putting asterisks around this for the left wing lunatic, because this is what they are, uneducated animals, not civilised people. This is not racism, its the truth.


Like for like if they don't like what he does. Burn a Bible. Who cares.


If anybody thinks they can be reasoned with like the intelligent people they deludedly think they are, let them go over and explain to them the principles of free speech. Free speech also extends to being allowed to say what they really are, if you also extend that to its logical end conclusion.

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I find myself siding withe great unwashed here


Killing people is wrong - full stop.


The lunatics in Florida are attention seeking nutters without a single brain cell between them and their actions were MEANT to cause a riot but they are not responsible for killing innocent people

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For the sake of peace and quiet I shall hereby agree with every statement you say since you are clearly the font of all knowledge.


Your arrogance and self-regard in the last few posts is truely towering oh mighty internet warrior.


what he says is right though Billy, we shouldn't go around and be gagged like that, it isn't as if he murdered someone ?


The actions of those "people" are surely showing they are nothing but uneducated animals. I'm making no apologies for putting asterisks around this for the left wing lunatic, because this is what they are, uneducated animals, not civilised people. This is not racism, its the truth.


Like for like if they don't like what he does. Burn a Bible. Who cares.


If anybody thinks they can be reasoned with like the intelligent people they deludedly think they are, let them go over and explain to them the principles of free speech. Free speech also extends to being allowed to say what they really are, if you also extend that to its logical end conclusion.


Couldn't agree more leazes, people that did this are animals. Not sure what education they have, but definitely brainwashed.


And this fella is off his mash...


Earlier, the head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (Unama), Staffan de Mistura, said during a visit to Mazar-e Sharif that the only person who could be blamed for the violence was the American pastor. "I don't think we should be blaming any Afghan. We should be blaming the person who produced the news -the one who burned the Koran. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from offending culture, religion, traditions."
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"Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from offending culture, religion, traditions.""


That's EXACTLY what it means


On the other hand sensitivity, common sense and generosity of spirit would suggest you don't HAVE to go out of your way & offend people

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"Man fuck you, you piece of ignorant shit! I am black and I am in college with a four year scholarship with a major in Podiatric medicine. in Saint Francis College in Brooklyn. I guest that just does not compute on your brain that there are some blacs who are just as smart as whites. I guess you think all blacks watch BET.You just love to generalize that all blacks are not equal to white intelligence. Man just shut the fuck up with your hatred of blacks race has nothing to do with this disaster in Japan." :razz:

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I thought that was an article that made some strong points, particularly the first section (perhaps it is a little obvious, but still good to see it spelled out like that). I take issue with this statement though:


"Burning the Koran is despicable"


Really? It doesn't bother me at all; I have eaten part of a Bible with a friend. Is that a despicable act? I think any offence at burning a book is contrived. I would also like to mention that there have been violent riots in Afghanistan before over the rumoured burning of a Koran - it didn't actually happen (the burning of the Koran) in that instance. Just displays the utter absurdity of stating that the Pastor has as much blood on his hands as those who murdered innocents. There have also been more deaths as the protests have continued in the days after the original victims were murdered.

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I thought that was an article that made some strong points, particularly the first section (perhaps it is a little obvious, but still good to see it spelled out like that). I take issue with this statement though:


"Burning the Koran is despicable"


Really? It doesn't bother me at all; I have eaten part of a Bible with a friend. Is that a despicable act? I think any offence at burning a book is contrived. I would also like to mention that there have been violent riots in Afghanistan before over the rumoured burning of a Koran - it didn't actually happen (the burning of the Koran) in that instance. Just displays the utter absurdity of stating that the Pastor has as much blood on his hands as those who murdered innocents. There have also been more deaths as the protests have continued in the days after the original victims were murdered.


quite mad.

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What's Juan Cer saying? And have you seen the video of Assange dancing in a nightclub on youtube? Funny as fuck :lol: Arrest that man



Get him fucking extradited quick before he starts dancing again


I am told that is the Gemmill dance to a tee. :icon_lol:

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I thought that was an article that made some strong points, particularly the first section (perhaps it is a little obvious, but still good to see it spelled out like that). I take issue with this statement though:


"Burning the Koran is despicable"


Really? It doesn't bother me at all; I have eaten part of a Bible with a friend. Is that a despicable act? I think any offence at burning a book is contrived. I would also like to mention that there have been violent riots in Afghanistan before over the rumoured burning of a Koran - it didn't actually happen (the burning of the Koran) in that instance. Just displays the utter absurdity of stating that the Pastor has as much blood on his hands as those who murdered innocents. There have also been more deaths as the protests have continued in the days after the original victims were murdered.

So if free speech should be unlimited as argued in the first part of that article, then freedom itself should be unlimited. This is patently bollocks as freedoms are not unlimited in terms of your actions, even when that action affects no one else. If freedom itself, which is just an idea, has limits in its abstract conception, then freedom of anything is potentially limited and coherent with the 'idea'.


Rules always bang up against other rules, which is why our morality should be consequentialist, not dogmatic (thou shalt say what the fuck you want). If the consequences of you eating a bible are that your diet is a bit weird, then who gives a fuck. If people die because of it, it changes the morality of doing it. You would rightly argue that its the insanity of the reaction to a harmless act that is the moral idiocy, that still doesnt make saying 'go ahead burn the koran' knowing that it will lead to deaths somehow fundamentally right because it relates to an abstract idea of freedom which we have to uphold.

Edited by ChezGiven
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If you're someone who wants to vest the state with the power to punish the expression of certain views on the grounds that the view is so wrong and/or hurtful that its expression should not be permitted -- as European countries and Canada routinely do -- then you're someone who does not believe in free speech, by definition; what you believe is that one is free to express only those viewpoints which the majority of citizens (and the State) allow to be expressed


No, it means your legal system is based around a more developed moral framework than the ones that predominated during the writing of the US constitution.

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What's Juan Cer saying? And have you seen the video of Assange dancing in a nightclub on youtube? Funny as fuck :lol: Arrest that man



Get him fucking extradited quick before he starts dancing again




Outlined the argument in the revolutions thread so this one isn't derailed....



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