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Religion headed toward extinction

Happy Face

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well, I've gave you a truthful answer. I would expect them to behave like any other neighbour and not be a nuisance, or disrupt the way I want to live MY life in the way I always have, and if that means splattering Mohammed all over my shed, or cooking bacon in the garden, then tough shit we live in a country of supposedly free speech and having a BBQ is a pleasure and not a crime.


:nufc: Splattering Mohammed on the shed. BBQs are not a crime. Cooking bacon in the garden.


You are fucking certifiable.


But this is what Leazes fears, having the right to splatter Mohammed all over his garden shed taken away from him. :crylaughin:

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Is anyone else trying to keep their laughter in?


Is it like grafiti'ing "Mohammed" on the shed? I've had and hosted plenty barbies in my time, can't remember a bacon BBQ though. The muslims are in lets the bacon oot pmsl :lol: its wor country

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It's not inconceivable that a muslim buys NUFC tbh

I'll tell you now if Al Quaeda bought Newcastle and made us successful I would be thrillied to bits.


same here.


I honestly don't give a toss who owns the football club, so long as they attempt to fulfill its potential.


Racist ? Nah, not me and you Stevie.


So you're tryiing to take the high moral ground by saying you have no problem with terrorists owning a football club actually makes eveything else you say okay?


Fucking hell.


no moral ground at all. Just acknowledging I recognise they are not all terrorists ? You can't have it both ways, I fully understand that if they start bombing shopping centres or behaving like cowardly cunts ie hiding behind women and kids, or heckling troops but don't have the balls to fight them like men, it changes the picture somewhat.


Someone that rich could easily be bankrolling these "freedom fighters" too, that you appear to think have a case.....which also obviously changes the picture.


It's YOU that is pigeon-holing NJS, because you are so narrow minded you instantly smear people as "racist" as left wingers tend to do in their idealistic little world. I go by how they behave, but will also tell you that their is a silent majority who sympathise with the more active element that you don't consider, and that is a fact, because their religion comes first, second and third to them.



Stevie mentioned Al-Quiada not generic Muslims - I think the former have already gone beyond shouting abuse.


I don't support them or think they have a case - though I do think in Afghanistan itself they have the right to oppose an occupying force. Anything they do outside of that context is utterly wrong.


I don't instantly label people as Racists - I've come to that conclusion after your many, many racist comments - how else would I judge you?


Your prejudice comes first, second and third to you so what's the difference?


because you are wrong. I've just told you I take them as I find them by their behaviour with an example. You're a typical left winger, hypocritical and foam at the mouth with indignation if someone doesn't agree with your blind, liberal views

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well, I've gave you a truthful answer. I would expect them to behave like any other neighbour and not be a nuisance, or disrupt the way I want to live MY life in the way I always have, and if that means splattering Mohammed all over my shed, or cooking bacon in the garden, then tough shit we live in a country of supposedly free speech and having a BBQ is a pleasure and not a crime.


:nufc: Splattering Mohammed on the shed. BBQs are not a crime. Cooking bacon in the garden.


You are fucking certifiable.


sure Gem, sure. And this is made up.






and note this site, fittingly for you and the likes of you, called "anorak" :crylaughin:



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well, I've gave you a truthful answer. I would expect them to behave like any other neighbour and not be a nuisance, or disrupt the way I want to live MY life in the way I always have, and if that means splattering Mohammed all over my shed, or cooking bacon in the garden, then tough shit we live in a country of supposedly free speech and having a BBQ is a pleasure and not a crime.


:nufc: Splattering Mohammed on the shed. BBQs are not a crime. Cooking bacon in the garden.


You are fucking certifiable.


sure Gem, sure. And this is made up.






and note this site, fittingly for you and the likes of you, called "anorak" :crylaughin:




That's the same non-story linked to three times. To be fair, I wouldn't want to have a cafe extractor fan next to my house either, and since they didn't apply for plannng permission, it's hardly surprising they were asked to remove it, as this normally happens.


Is this the best you've got to make the case muslims are stopping you from having a barbeque?

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well, I've gave you a truthful answer. I would expect them to behave like any other neighbour and not be a nuisance, or disrupt the way I want to live MY life in the way I always have, and if that means splattering Mohammed all over my shed, or cooking bacon in the garden, then tough shit we live in a country of supposedly free speech and having a BBQ is a pleasure and not a crime.


:nufc: Splattering Mohammed on the shed. BBQs are not a crime. Cooking bacon in the garden.


You are fucking certifiable.


But this is what Leazes fears, having the right to splatter Mohammed all over his garden shed taken away from him. :crylaughin:


hoho. The joke is, Renton, that you have to resort to taking a tongue in cheek comment like that man.....you would shit yourself if some Muslims moved next door to you and started trying to tell you what "offends" them and infringed on how you attempt to live your life.


And who is to say they wouldn't ?


If you don't see that, then you really are blind.

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well, I've gave you a truthful answer. I would expect them to behave like any other neighbour and not be a nuisance, or disrupt the way I want to live MY life in the way I always have, and if that means splattering Mohammed all over my shed, or cooking bacon in the garden, then tough shit we live in a country of supposedly free speech and having a BBQ is a pleasure and not a crime.


:nufc: Splattering Mohammed on the shed. BBQs are not a crime. Cooking bacon in the garden.


You are fucking certifiable.


But this is what Leazes fears, having the right to splatter Mohammed all over his garden shed taken away from him. :crylaughin:


hoho. The joke is, Renton, that you have to resort to taking a tongue in cheek comment like that man.....you would shit yourself if some Muslims moved next door to you and started trying to tell you what "offends" them and infringed on how you attempt to live your life.


And who is to say they wouldn't ?


If you don't see that, then you really are blind.


who is to say they would tbh. I work with plenty of Muslims in the NHS. never had a row over religion with one of them in 10 years

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well, I've gave you a truthful answer. I would expect them to behave like any other neighbour and not be a nuisance, or disrupt the way I want to live MY life in the way I always have, and if that means splattering Mohammed all over my shed, or cooking bacon in the garden, then tough shit we live in a country of supposedly free speech and having a BBQ is a pleasure and not a crime.


:nufc: Splattering Mohammed on the shed. BBQs are not a crime. Cooking bacon in the garden.


You are fucking certifiable.


But this is what Leazes fears, having the right to splatter Mohammed all over his garden shed taken away from him. :lol:


hoho. The joke is, Renton, that you have to resort to taking a tongue in cheek comment like that man.....you would shit yourself if some Muslims moved next door to you and started trying to tell you what "offends" them and infringed on how you attempt to live your life.


And who is to say they wouldn't ?


If you don't see that, then you really are blind.


EH? It was your comment I was referring to. So did you resort to a tongue in cheek comment, or were you actually being serious about splattering Mohammed on your garden shed? :crylaughin:

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and getting back on topic, imo religion is dwindling as the education systems is improving in areas previously short on good learnings




I know it's a "nasty" argument to make as there are intelligent, educated people who still believe but I don't know how anyone can really dispute this.


I think the best weapons we have against it are education and decadence (in the good sense).


Don't get me wrong, education isn't the death of faith, it's just the death of blind faith imo. It's the death of faith born of fear and superstition. A guy growing up in Marseille finds strength and hope in a holy book, so be it... an ignorant* child is indoctrinated into a lop-sided society built on the foundations of prejudice and intolerance then that's when I have a problem.


It's typical of of the world that we see people aghast at some petulant protester burning a poppy, but this story goes relatively un-reported.


23 August 2010 Last updated at 12:35



Rebel LRA attacks in south Sudan 'on the increase'

Southern Sudanese wait for food, shelter, security and medicine at the village of Nzara, along Sudan's border with DR Congo An estimated 25,000 people have been forced from their homes by the LRA this year in Southern Sudan



Attacks in Southern Sudan by rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army are on the increase, officials say.


Deputy governor of Western Equatoria told the BBC that not a week goes by without reports of the group, notorious for its brutality, attacking a village.

More than 25,000 people have been forced from their homes in south Sudan by the LRA since January, the UN says.


The rebels, initially from Uganda, are now mainly in Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of Congo.


The head of the Southern Sudan government's humanitarian agency for Western Equatoria, Lexson Wari Amozai, suggested that the rise in attacks was carefully timed.


He said that they never attacked during the planting season.


"When you are cultivating they will not attack you," he said.


"Once you have cultivated and the harvest is almost coming out, they will chase you out so that they'll get your food."



The BBC's Peter Martell in Nzara, on Western Equatoria's border with DR Congo, says hundreds of people have recently arrived in the village seeking food and medical help.


The villagers said their own vigilante force, known as the Arrow Boys, had failed to fight off the latest series of rebel attacks.


"The LRA came at around 8pm and they started burning the houses and our people," one of the vigilantes, who had gunshot wounds on his arm and back, told the BBC.


"Three of us Arrow Boys were killed, three wounded and we wounded one of them," he said.


Earlier this month, US-based Human Rights Watch accused the rebels of going on a massive recruitment campaign in DR Congo and CAR.


LRA leader Joseph Kony began his rebellion 20 years ago, claiming to want to install a Bible-based theocracy in Uganda.


He is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), and now lives an itinerant life, crossing between Sudan and the CAR.


In 2008, he was about to sign a peace deal, negotiated by Southern Sudan, but at the last minute he refused to lay down his arms.


In May, the US passed legislation promising a comprehensive strategy to protect civilians from LRA attacks.

or this

The Lord’s Resistance Army, or LRA, continues to pose a severe threat to civilians in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.[1] Since the LRA began attacking civilians on Congolese soil in September of 2008 through the end of 2009, it has killed approximately 1,800 civilians, [2] with 300 deaths during December 2009.[3] More than 100 people were killed during January 2010.[4]


There's a decent paper on them here, but I won't go into it now.


I bet Leazes has never even heard of the LRA**,




Genuinely and none of this "If you don't know I'm not telling you" or "You're so stupid I'm not telling.", For once in your life answer a direct question directly. What is funny?

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I was in a Waitrose in Dubai and there is a closed off "Pork" Section where Muslims weren't allowed to go into.


It was like the dirty section in Blockbusters.

Alreet, RobW Jnr.

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I was in a Waitrose in Dubai and there is a closed off "Pork" Section where Muslims weren't allowed to go into.


It was like the dirty section in Blockbusters.

Alreet, RobW Jnr.




I've been to loads of countries but normally refrain from name dropping to avoid that very insult ! :nufc:

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well, I've gave you a truthful answer. I would expect them to behave like any other neighbour and not be a nuisance, or disrupt the way I want to live MY life in the way I always have, and if that means splattering Mohammed all over my shed, or cooking bacon in the garden, then tough shit we live in a country of supposedly free speech and having a BBQ is a pleasure and not a crime.


:nufc: Splattering Mohammed on the shed. BBQs are not a crime. Cooking bacon in the garden.


You are fucking certifiable.


But this is what Leazes fears, having the right to splatter Mohammed all over his garden shed taken away from him. :lol:


hoho. The joke is, Renton, that you have to resort to taking a tongue in cheek comment like that man.....you would shit yourself if some Muslims moved next door to you and started trying to tell you what "offends" them and infringed on how you attempt to live your life.


And who is to say they wouldn't ?


If you don't see that, then you really are blind.


EH? It was your comment I was referring to. So did you resort to a tongue in cheek comment, or were you actually being serious about splattering Mohammed on your garden shed? :crylaughin:


I bet if you go out to a pub with the likes of NJS or Fish, you are a right barrel of laughs like, and talk about things like the evolution of man, green party politics, Atheism and morality, or the philosophies of Aristotle etc. Fantastic.

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well, I've gave you a truthful answer. I would expect them to behave like any other neighbour and not be a nuisance, or disrupt the way I want to live MY life in the way I always have, and if that means splattering Mohammed all over my shed, or cooking bacon in the garden, then tough shit we live in a country of supposedly free speech and having a BBQ is a pleasure and not a crime.


:nufc: Splattering Mohammed on the shed. BBQs are not a crime. Cooking bacon in the garden.


You are fucking certifiable.


But this is what Leazes fears, having the right to splatter Mohammed all over his garden shed taken away from him. :lol:


hoho. The joke is, Renton, that you have to resort to taking a tongue in cheek comment like that man.....you would shit yourself if some Muslims moved next door to you and started trying to tell you what "offends" them and infringed on how you attempt to live your life.


And who is to say they wouldn't ?


If you don't see that, then you really are blind.


EH? It was your comment I was referring to. So did you resort to a tongue in cheek comment, or were you actually being serious about splattering Mohammed on your garden shed? :crylaughin:


I bet if you go out to a pub with the likes of NJS or Fish, you are a right barrel of laughs like, and talk about things like the evolution of man, green party politics, Atheism and morality, or the philosophies of Aristotle etc. Fantastic.


Preferable to talking about Paki's stealing our jobs with you though

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and getting back on topic, imo religion is dwindling as the education systems is improving in areas previously short on good learnings




I know it's a "nasty" argument to make as there are intelligent, educated people who still believe but I don't know how anyone can really dispute this.


I think the best weapons we have against it are education and decadence (in the good sense).


Don't get me wrong, education isn't the death of faith, it's just the death of blind faith imo. It's the death of faith born of fear and superstition. A guy growing up in Marseille finds strength and hope in a holy book, so be it... an ignorant* child is indoctrinated into a lop-sided society built on the foundations of prejudice and intolerance then that's when I have a problem.


It's typical of of the world that we see people aghast at some petulant protester burning a poppy, but this story goes relatively un-reported.


23 August 2010 Last updated at 12:35



Rebel LRA attacks in south Sudan 'on the increase'

Southern Sudanese wait for food, shelter, security and medicine at the village of Nzara, along Sudan's border with DR Congo An estimated 25,000 people have been forced from their homes by the LRA this year in Southern Sudan



Attacks in Southern Sudan by rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army are on the increase, officials say.


Deputy governor of Western Equatoria told the BBC that not a week goes by without reports of the group, notorious for its brutality, attacking a village.

More than 25,000 people have been forced from their homes in south Sudan by the LRA since January, the UN says.


The rebels, initially from Uganda, are now mainly in Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of Congo.


The head of the Southern Sudan government's humanitarian agency for Western Equatoria, Lexson Wari Amozai, suggested that the rise in attacks was carefully timed.


He said that they never attacked during the planting season.


"When you are cultivating they will not attack you," he said.


"Once you have cultivated and the harvest is almost coming out, they will chase you out so that they'll get your food."



The BBC's Peter Martell in Nzara, on Western Equatoria's border with DR Congo, says hundreds of people have recently arrived in the village seeking food and medical help.


The villagers said their own vigilante force, known as the Arrow Boys, had failed to fight off the latest series of rebel attacks.


"The LRA came at around 8pm and they started burning the houses and our people," one of the vigilantes, who had gunshot wounds on his arm and back, told the BBC.


"Three of us Arrow Boys were killed, three wounded and we wounded one of them," he said.


Earlier this month, US-based Human Rights Watch accused the rebels of going on a massive recruitment campaign in DR Congo and CAR.


LRA leader Joseph Kony began his rebellion 20 years ago, claiming to want to install a Bible-based theocracy in Uganda.


He is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), and now lives an itinerant life, crossing between Sudan and the CAR.


In 2008, he was about to sign a peace deal, negotiated by Southern Sudan, but at the last minute he refused to lay down his arms.


In May, the US passed legislation promising a comprehensive strategy to protect civilians from LRA attacks.

or this

The Lord’s Resistance Army, or LRA, continues to pose a severe threat to civilians in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.[1] Since the LRA began attacking civilians on Congolese soil in September of 2008 through the end of 2009, it has killed approximately 1,800 civilians, [2] with 300 deaths during December 2009.[3] More than 100 people were killed during January 2010.[4]


There's a decent paper on them here, but I won't go into it now.


I bet Leazes has never even heard of the LRA**,




Genuinely and none of this "If you don't know I'm not telling you" or "You're so stupid I'm not telling.", For once in your life answer a direct question directly. What is funny?


Genuinely. You know nowt about me. So fuck off. That is funny, as is the presumption you make as you know nothing about me and attempting to be a smartarse accordingly. You're hilarious.



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well, I've gave you a truthful answer. I would expect them to behave like any other neighbour and not be a nuisance, or disrupt the way I want to live MY life in the way I always have, and if that means splattering Mohammed all over my shed, or cooking bacon in the garden, then tough shit we live in a country of supposedly free speech and having a BBQ is a pleasure and not a crime.


:nufc: Splattering Mohammed on the shed. BBQs are not a crime. Cooking bacon in the garden.


You are fucking certifiable.


But this is what Leazes fears, having the right to splatter Mohammed all over his garden shed taken away from him. :lol:


hoho. The joke is, Renton, that you have to resort to taking a tongue in cheek comment like that man.....you would shit yourself if some Muslims moved next door to you and started trying to tell you what "offends" them and infringed on how you attempt to live your life.


And who is to say they wouldn't ?


If you don't see that, then you really are blind.


EH? It was your comment I was referring to. So did you resort to a tongue in cheek comment, or were you actually being serious about splattering Mohammed on your garden shed? :crylaughin:


I bet if you go out to a pub with the likes of NJS or Fish, you are a right barrel of laughs like, and talk about things like the evolution of man, green party politics, Atheism and morality, or the philosophies of Aristotle etc. Fantastic.


Preferable to talking about Paki's stealing our jobs with you though



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