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Religion headed toward extinction

Happy Face

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and still you daren't answer the accusations or questions. Surely you cannot expect others to answer anything you put forward if you've neither the character nor courage to do it yourself?


give it a rest you daft cunt.

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and still you daren't answer the accusations or questions. Surely you cannot expect others to answer anything you put forward if you've neither the character nor courage to do it yourself?


give it a rest you daft cunt.

You first :nufc:

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and still you daren't answer the accusations or questions. Surely you cannot expect others to answer anything you put forward if you've neither the character nor courage to do it yourself?


give it a rest you daft cunt.

You first :nufc:


I didn't realise I upset you, I've only been commenting on racist muslims.

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I would expect them to behave like any other neighbour and not be a nuisance, or disrupt the way I want to live MY life in the way I always have, and if that means splattering Mohammed all over my shed, or cooking bacon in the garden, then tough shit we live in a country of supposedly free speech and having a BBQ is a pleasure and not a crime.


See the comment I made about living next door to gangsters or drug runners who have "done their time and haven't done anything yet", well that is a relevant question too and not just to Rob ?


What if they put a poppy on their bbq? Live and let live in free speech utopia?


In an Islamic state, they can do what the fuck they like, fortunately this is not an Islamic state.


Well that's not an answer to the question is it? We're talking about British citizens in the UK.


This is the problem Leazes, you have a VERY childish view of the issues and the solution. You see it as very cut and dry but your solution could NOT be implemented in any democratic society, and I've not heard an actual policy change you suggest we implement in the UK in all seriousness.


We completely agree that anyone bombing trains or hijacking planes should be jailed. So let's leave that one alone. It's resolved. Killers...banged up!! You might think they should be killed (if they didn't manage to kill themselves) but as that's not legal in the UK...we'll leave the debate on capital punishment alone and just agree that they should receive the harshest punishment our system allows for...whatever it may be.


Completely separate to that, you have another crime which you like to lump in with the murder and terrorism whenever it comes up and that's the public disorder offences...the offensive protests like burning 2 foot poppies in front of war memorials. This is where we might not be in total harmony and I'm interested in hearing your solution. I agree that these arseholes are scumbags and would like to see some sort of punishment....but, not being a violent crime you can't really go much further than a fine can you? Now don't say "they should go home and fight against us in a uniform" because that's what an 8 year old would say. These are British citizens, they cannot be deported to a random country that has no responsibility for them. And they're obviously not going to choose to go anywhere or do anything that you want them to. So constructively speaking, what exactly do you propose?


Lastly you have freedom of speech issues, where peaceful protest allows people to say things that you don't like. So you CAN name a teddy Mohammad if you want, and others CAN complain about it. Someone CAN protest the war and you CAN complain about that. What exactly would you change here? You seem to suggest that you do not have the right to complain any more, but you do it regularly on here.

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and still you daren't answer the accusations or questions. Surely you cannot expect others to answer anything you put forward if you've neither the character nor courage to do it yourself?


give it a rest you daft cunt.

You first :nufc:


I didn't realise I upset you, I've only been commenting on racist muslims.

You haven't upset me sweary man, you've just exhibited cowardice and hypocrisy.

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I would expect them to behave like any other neighbour and not be a nuisance, or disrupt the way I want to live MY life in the way I always have, and if that means splattering Mohammed all over my shed, or cooking bacon in the garden, then tough shit we live in a country of supposedly free speech and having a BBQ is a pleasure and not a crime.


See the comment I made about living next door to gangsters or drug runners who have "done their time and haven't done anything yet", well that is a relevant question too and not just to Rob ?


What if they put a poppy on their bbq? Live and let live in free speech utopia?


In an Islamic state, they can do what the fuck they like, fortunately this is not an Islamic state.


Well that's not an answer to the question is it? We're talking about British citizens in the UK.


This is the problem Leazes, you have a VERY childish view of the issues and the solution. You see it as very cut and dry but your solution could NOT be implemented in any democratic society, and I've not heard an actual policy change you suggest we implement in the UK in all seriousness.


We completely agree that anyone bombing trains or hijacking planes should be jailed. So let's leave that one alone. It's resolved. Killers...banged up!! You might think they should be killed (if they didn't manage to kill themselves) but as that's not legal in the UK...we'll leave the debate on capital punishment alone and just agree that they should receive the harshest punishment our system allows for...whatever it may be.


Completely separate to that, you have another crime which you like to lump in with the murder and terrorism whenever it comes up and that's the public disorder offences...the offensive protests like burning 2 foot poppies in front of war memorials. This is where we might not be in total harmony and I'm interested in hearing your solution. I agree that these arseholes are scumbags and would like to see some sort of punishment....but, not being a violent crime you can't really go much further than a fine can you? Now don't say "they should go home and fight against us in a uniform" because that's what an 8 year old would say. These are British citizens, they cannot be deported to a random country that has no responsibility for them. And they're obviously not going to choose to go anywhere or do anything that you want them to. So constructively speaking, what exactly do you propose?


Lastly you have freedom of speech issues, where peaceful protest allows people to say things that you don't like. So you CAN name a teddy Mohammad if you want, and others CAN complain about it. Someone CAN protest the war and you CAN complain about that. What exactly would you change here? You seem to suggest that you do not have the right to complain any more, but you do it regularly on here.


My view is straightforward and effective. If they aren't "british" or call themselves "British", then they don't belong here, if their heart is somewhere else ie what they call "home" either fuck off home or shut the fuck up. If they want to wish death on our soldiers, then put their "courage" where their mouth is.


If they want to cause unruly demonstrations protesting at British Soldiers or others exercising free speech because it "offends" their potty religion, then turn the tear gas on them.


Hijacking planes and bombing shopping centres ? Jail ? I would rather execute them or better still fly them over the North Sea, as its nice and rough and choppy, in a helicopter and throw them out.


You have the right to disagree that we should not be at war, but this is not the same thing as protesting at being at war with "your" country. Get the difference ? It's YOU who is cluelessly childish.


They are abusing their freedom man, and taking the piss out of us, or you, for being so meek, which they see as a sign of weakness and exploit it more each time for their own benefit.

Edited by LeazesMag
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ANOTHER thread where Leazes won't answer questions, not the first time Fish has backed him into a corner he can't get out of either.


Not even a joke any more, just a sad story :crylaughin:


Newcastle Online is that way ........


Nobody has me backed into a corner, I'm right and the softie lefties are wrong.


Do you still think that Mike Ashley will do better than the Halls and Shepherd ? Take your time....


you are almost as obsessed as mancmag, skidders and Toonpack



Edited by LeazesMag
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ANOTHER thread where Leazes won't answer questions, not the first time Fish has backed him into a corner he can't get out of either.


Not even a joke any more, just a sad story :crylaughin:


Newcastle Online is that way ........


Nobody has me backed into a corner, I'm right and the softie lefties are wrong.


Do you still think that Mike Ashley will do better than the Halls and Shepherd ? Take your time....


you are almost as obsessed as mancmag, skidders and Toonpack




Edit: Billionaire.


We have been through this many times, I have NEVER said Mike Ashley would do better AND warned people that just because he was a millionaire it doesn't mean he will spend big.


Now I have answered your question, again, will you answer the Fish's?


I doubt it.

Edited by Gejon
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ANOTHER thread where Leazes won't answer questions, not the first time Fish has backed him into a corner he can't get out of either.


Not even a joke any more, just a sad story :crylaughin:


Newcastle Online is that way ........


Nobody has me backed into a corner, I'm right and the softie lefties are wrong.


Do you still think that Mike Ashley will do better than the Halls and Shepherd ? Take your time....


you are almost as obsessed as mancmag, skidders and Toonpack





We have been through this many times, I have NEVER said Mike Ashley would do better AND warned people that just because he was a millionaire it doesn't mean he will spend big.


Now I have answered your question, again, will you answer the Fish's?


I doubt it.


Fish says I'm a hypocrite, talk shite, and don't answer his questions ?


I say he's a hypocrite, talks shite and doesn't answer questions ?


So where exactly does it go ?


Talk sense man.


The only correct thing, is that I have been right all along about Mike Ashley, as I said almost from the start. What a shame they banned me on NO for sticking to my guns. Which is all it came down to. I don't expect anybody to be big enough to admit it, not that I would see any attraction to posting on there again now anyway. Now, THAT is cowardice, in a message board/internet sort of way, wouldn't you agree ?

Edited by LeazesMag
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It's pathetic, I used to think you were an intelligent bloke who banged on about the same thing and annoyed people but the more and more you post I realised you are actually just thick and ignorant.


You do quite well passing off you old age as being knowledgable though, I have to give you though.


Now you say one of your catchphrases...

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It's pathetic, I used to think you were an intelligent bloke who banged on about the same thing and annoyed people but the more and more you post I realised you are actually just thick and ignorant.


You do quite well passing off you old age as being knowledgable though, I have to give you though.


Now you say one of your catchphrases...


Your first impression was the correct one :nufc: but don't let the fact that you "disagree" blind you to who has been proved to be correct in the long run. The same as I will be correct in the long run ref my views on muslims and their obvious racism.


Edit. In fact the comment made earlier by KAS could well turn out to be the most correct of all, the muslim women when they break away from their cavemen and liberate themselves from their medieval-type chains could drag the men with them, in the long run. In the meantime, the likes of Fish, Rob etc will continue to defend them when they heckle our troops and hide behind women and kids etc spouting their hatred and racism because they have no balls.

Edited by LeazesMag
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It's pathetic, I used to think you were an intelligent bloke who banged on about the same thing and annoyed people but the more and more you post I realised you are actually just thick and ignorant.


You do quite well passing off you old age as being knowledgable though, I have to give you though.


Now you say one of your catchphrases...


Your first impression was the correct one :nufc: but don't let the fact that you "disagree" blind you to who has been proved to be correct in the long run. The same as I will be correct in the long run ref my views on muslims and their obvious racism.



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This is the problem Leazes, you have a VERY childish view of the issues and the solution. You see it as very cut and dry but your solution could NOT be implemented in any democratic society, and I've not heard an actual policy change you suggest we implement in the UK in all seriousness.[/b]


My view is straightforward and effective. If they aren't "british" or call themselves "British", then they don't belong here, if their heart is somewhere else ie what they call "home" either fuck off home or shut the fuck up. If they want to wish death on our soldiers, then put their "courage" where their mouth is.


If they want to cause unruly demonstrations protesting at British Soldiers or others exercising free speech because it "offends" their potty religion, then turn the tear gas on them.


Hijacking planes and bombing shopping centres ? Jail ? I would rather execute them or better still fly them over the North Sea, as its nice and rough and choppy, in a helicopter and throw them out.


You have the right to disagree that we should not be at war, but this is not the same thing as protesting at being at war with "your" country. Get the difference ? It's YOU who is cluelessly childish.


They are abusing their freedom man, and taking the piss out of us, or you, for being so meek, which they see as a sign of weakness and exploit it more each time for their own benefit.



HF is right Leazes, your view isn't straightforward and effective, it's simplistic and is simply unworkable in a democracy.


You say free speech should be protected in the very same sentence you state their protests should be censured.


The capital punishment debate is a tricky one as I believe that for certain dangerous individuals it is better to end their lives. Convicted violent paedophiles? Yup, kill 'em. The problem is I couldn't, in good conscience, kill someone simply suspected of terrorism. What if I was wrong, I've murdered an innocent person because of bad intel.


You're yet again not fully understanding the implications of your choices. nor the nuances involved. For example a British Muslim doesn't agree with the war against Libya and exercises his right to protest by marching, calling British soldiers murderers, Cameron a war-monger etc. Is this man to be ejected from the country? What if he was a white Christian saying exactly the same things? Should he be ejected too? And where to? What if you were to join a protest declaring all muslims should be kicked out of the country? That all Muslims are murderers and so on and so forth


I think everyone agrees that integration was fumbled and this had lead to ghettos and the segregation of societies. Simply booting them all back to whence they came is unworkable, uncivilised and not very British.


Anyway, you're still to answer the accusations levelled at you...

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It's pathetic, I used to think you were an intelligent bloke who banged on about the same thing and annoyed people but the more and more you post I realised you are actually just thick and ignorant.


You do quite well passing off you old age as being knowledgable though, I have to give you though.


Now you say one of your catchphrases...


Your first impression was the correct one :nufc: but don't let the fact that you "disagree" blind you to who has been proved to be correct in the long run. The same as I will be correct in the long run ref my views on muslims and their obvious racism.




indeed, you really are a gullible meek arsehole.

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It's pathetic, I used to think you were an intelligent bloke who banged on about the same thing and annoyed people but the more and more you post I realised you are actually just thick and ignorant.


You do quite well passing off you old age as being knowledgable though, I have to give you though.


Now you say one of your catchphrases...


Your first impression was the correct one :crylaughin: but don't let the fact that you "disagree" blind you to who has been proved to be correct in the long run. The same as I will be correct in the long run ref my views on muslims and their obvious racism.




indeed, you really are a gullible meek arsehole.


Typical Leazeism :nufc:

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This is the problem Leazes, you have a VERY childish view of the issues and the solution. You see it as very cut and dry but your solution could NOT be implemented in any democratic society, and I've not heard an actual policy change you suggest we implement in the UK in all seriousness.[/b]


My view is straightforward and effective. If they aren't "british" or call themselves "British", then they don't belong here, if their heart is somewhere else ie what they call "home" either fuck off home or shut the fuck up. If they want to wish death on our soldiers, then put their "courage" where their mouth is.


If they want to cause unruly demonstrations protesting at British Soldiers or others exercising free speech because it "offends" their potty religion, then turn the tear gas on them.


Hijacking planes and bombing shopping centres ? Jail ? I would rather execute them or better still fly them over the North Sea, as its nice and rough and choppy, in a helicopter and throw them out.


You have the right to disagree that we should not be at war, but this is not the same thing as protesting at being at war with "your" country. Get the difference ? It's YOU who is cluelessly childish.



They are abusing their freedom man, and taking the piss out of us, or you, for being so meek, which they see as a sign of weakness and exploit it more each time for their own benefit.



HF is right Leazes, your view isn't straightforward and effective, it's simplistic and is simply unworkable in a democracy.


You say free speech should be protected in the very same sentence you state their protests should be censured.


The capital punishment debate is a tricky one as I believe that for certain dangerous individuals it is better to end their lives. Convicted violent paedophiles? Yup, kill 'em. The problem is I couldn't, in good conscience, kill someone simply suspected of terrorism. What if I was wrong, I've murdered an innocent person because of bad intel.


You're yet again not fully understanding the implications of your choices. nor the nuances involved. For example a British Muslim doesn't agree with the war against Libya and exercises his right to protest by marching, calling British soldiers murderers, Cameron a war-monger etc. Is this man to be ejected from the country? What if he was a white Christian saying exactly the same things? Should he be ejected too? And where to? What if you were to join a protest declaring all muslims should be kicked out of the country? That all Muslims are murderers and so on and so forth


I think everyone agrees that integration was fumbled and this had lead to ghettos and the segregation of societies. Simply booting them all back to whence they came is unworkable, uncivilised and not very British.


Anyway, you're still to answer the accusations levelled at you...


I'm not, dumbo. I'm saying there is no such thing as absolute free speech. Life brings responsibilites, nobody can go through life saying EXACTLY what they want to anybody, and about anything, whenever they feel like it.


You are defending the most hypcritical bunch of loonies on this planet, when you defend these cunts who are opposing the very freedom afforded them in the west. How stupid are you ?


I await someone to scold you for not "answering my question". Which in itself is also hypocritical.


You're a softie leftie loony man. Give yourself a shake.



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It's pathetic, I used to think you were an intelligent bloke who banged on about the same thing and annoyed people but the more and more you post I realised you are actually just thick and ignorant.


You do quite well passing off you old age as being knowledgable though, I have to give you though.


Now you say one of your catchphrases...


Your first impression was the correct one :crylaughin: but don't let the fact that you "disagree" blind you to who has been proved to be correct in the long run. The same as I will be correct in the long run ref my views on muslims and their obvious racism.




indeed, you really are a gullible meek arsehole.


Typical Leazeism :nufc:


"Leazeism" :lol:

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