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This muslim who was fined 50 quid


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I actually think this person should've been ignored. I realise that's probably not realistic but this is almost certainly exactly what they were hoping for when they did this. I.e. loads of publicity.



Difficult to ignore tho when its such an emotive subject.


Personally I think the £50 fine is an absolute disgrace. If they are so dissatisfied with the 'British' culture and lifestyle then they should fuck off to somewhere more intune with their own personal ideals. (imo)


Btw, does anyone know if these chaps are British born Muslims or immigrants?

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A purposefully provocative action by a handfull of retarded Muslims > outrage and calls for retribution > Muslims bring out the 'unfairly persecuted' card . Or have I missed a trick ?


you only missed off what it is that the retarded muslims are protesting. Like most of the press reports of it did too.


Hardly doing their cause amy good. They should dress as superheros and climb famous attractions.


Regarding the action of the burning of the poppies, are you 'relaxed' about it ?


Nope. Seems to me a total arsehole move. The Wesboro baptist church pull similarly fucked up, headline grabbing, twattish moves when they picket the funerals of returning dead soldiers in the US, I think they're a bunch of vile twats too, and the law in the US is much more lenient on their freedom to be such fucks.


I've a fairly consistent view of how they should be punished though....as public disorder offenses when they go too far.


Is religious sensitivity the same as cultural sensitivity?



Perhaps not. Personally I see them pretty similarly though. As an atheist I see all religious sensitivity as preposterous. They're all deluded fucks who need to grow up and stop believing in fairies. I recognise we have cultural differences....but I'm not jingoistic enough to feel passionately that my culture should trample any others...or vice versa.


I don't see how anyone can be relaxed about Koran burning and apopleptic about poppy burning and insist the law should be enshrined to react more harshly to one than the other.

Edited by Happy Face
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I actually think this person should've been ignored. I realise that's probably not realistic but this is almost certainly exactly what they were hoping for when they did this. I.e. loads of publicity.



Difficult to ignore tho when its such an emotive subject.


Personally I think the £50 fine is an absolute disgrace. If they are so dissatisfied with the 'British' culture and lifestyle then they should fuck off to somewhere more intune with their own personal ideals. (imo)


Btw, does anyone know if these chaps are British born Muslims or immigrants?

Quite, which is precisely why he did it imo.

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I don't see how anyone can be relaxed about Koran burning and apopleptic about poppy burning and insist the law should be enshrined to react more harshly to one than the other.

Agree with that but we do seem to weight religious sensitivity more. Wrongly imo but its probably true.

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I'm not particularly bothered regarding a suitable punishment, as technically its nothing much law-wise to really register. Nor do I think a much publicised minority are necessarily wholly representative and does in fact turn folk against them rather than sympathise. What I do have a major problem with, is their intended sentiment against the very society in which they have chosen to reside . In this instance, said society is actually supporting this individual . Truly sickening hypocrisy in my view .

'A neck for owt but soap' I think the phrase is .

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I'm not particularly bothered regarding a suitable punishment, as technically its nothing much law-wise to really register. Nor do I think a much publicised minority are necessarily wholly representative and does in fact turn folk against them rather than sympathise. What I do have a major problem with, is their intended sentiment against the very society in which they have chosen to reside . In this instance, said society is actually supporting this individual . Truly sickening hypocrisy in my view .

'A neck for owt but soap' I think the phrase is .


I don't agree that collecting benefits means you can't protest war. We collectively as a society pay benefits, 20 rich white people decided to invade middle eastern contries.

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I'm not particularly bothered regarding a suitable punishment, as technically its nothing much law-wise to really register. Nor do I think a much publicised minority are necessarily wholly representative and does in fact turn folk against them rather than sympathise. What I do have a major problem with, is their intended sentiment against the very society in which they have chosen to reside . In this instance, said society is actually supporting this individual . Truly sickening hypocrisy in my view .

'A neck for owt but soap' I think the phrase is .


I don't agree that collecting benefits means you can't protest war. We collectively as a society pay benefits, 20 rich white people decided to invade middle eastern contries.


that's probably not what you were saying, but it's late :D

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I think LM is sort of right about one thing - a lot of Muslims do see themselves as Muslim first, British second which obviously jars with traditional views on patriotism like his. However I've said before perhaps the one thing I admire about Islam in principle is the concept of brotherhood encompassing all of them which obviously leads to some feeling more akin with Afghanis rather than British soldiers. As I've also said before if that principle was extended to all humans and always trumped petty localism, I think the world would be a better place.


The offence itself falls under "doing something stupid to get bites" so I don't see a need for a stupid sentence to glorify it.

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Fair enough, couldn't care less tbh. The fine seems perfectly reasonable, what was the charge exactly? Public disorder or littering? As a matter of principle, I support the rights of freedom of speech and the freedom to protest universally, even for cunts. The country would be a more pleasant place if he fucked off though.


the punishment should fit the crime and his fate should be decided by the relatives of everybody who has lost a son in Afghanistan and Iraq, having been invited to burn a poppy in front of them before they cast judgement.

:D The very definition of the punishment fitting the crime.




Maybe this is a result of your lax attitude to koran burning Leazes...


Isn't burning the koran a bit more of an insult? More worthy of condemnation?


sorry like, but what a load of anti west drivel. Do you seriously think burning a book [however important it is to them] is more "insulting" than flying aeroplanes into buildings ?


Difficult to believe what I'm reading here.


Your false equivalence apart (no-one charged with burning koran's or poppy's has killed anyone have they?) isn't this pretty much the same sort of thing?


How do you fancy Koran burners sentences decided by muslims?


in a muslim country ? At your peril.........


You'd prefer our laws were more muslimesque? :icon_lol:


you go round in circles applying this sort of warped idealistic logic.


Simple fact is that these cunts aren't "British" like you and me, they are racists and don't suit our culture and for that reason should fuck off and live where the culture they wish to abide by sits in comfort with them, rather than insult our heritage and troops. I've said it before, if they disagree with what this country stands for, put on a uniform and fight in the open instead of cowering behind the very laws that they oppose.


Wankers to a man. They would NOT protest like this in front of relatives who have been killed by the bombers who's actions they celebrate.

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"Simple fact is that these cunts aren't "British" like you and me,"



Thank God - i'd take the Muslims anyday over you


you're potty man

Edited by LeazesMag
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I've said it before


...and ignored the reponse. I'll not waste my time again.


Have a canny day mate.


no, I don't consider our laws to be more "muslimesque". I don't get why you think looking after our own is "muslimesque" at all.


They don't fit, it's up to them to adapt to us not the other way round. They have no right to abuse our troops and the memory of millions who have gave their lives for the UK past and present. They are fucking scum HF, scum who celebrate the blowing up of buses and the flying of aeroplanes into buildings.

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I've said it before


...and ignored the reponse. I'll not waste my time again.


Have a canny day mate.


no, I don't consider our laws to be more "muslimesque". I don't get why you think looking after our own is "muslimesque" at all.


They don't fit, it's up to them to adapt to us not the other way round. They have no right to abuse our troops and the memory of millions who have gave their lives for the UK past and present. They are fucking scum HF, scum who celebrate the blowing up of buses and the flying of aeroplanes into buildings.



Think you've missed the point. I'm not saying our laws are 'muslimesque', but that you seem to want to change our laws to be more muslimesque. I don't.


You said a koran burner in a muslim country would do so at their peril.


You also said this mans "fate should be decided by the relatives of everybody who has lost a son in Afghanistan and Iraq"


So you endorse the muslimesque approach of making it perilous to offend people.


Seems to me these people accept our laws and have been punished according to it. You can't accept that's the end of it.

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Seems to me that Leazes has more in common with the poppy burner than he realises:


Poppy burner did so to get a reaction

Leazes posted this thread to get a reaction



and to be fair I've never seen the Poppy Burner in the same room as Leazes at the same time... :D

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I've said it before


...and ignored the reponse. I'll not waste my time again.


Have a canny day mate.


no, I don't consider our laws to be more "muslimesque". I don't get why you think looking after our own is "muslimesque" at all.


They don't fit, it's up to them to adapt to us not the other way round. They have no right to abuse our troops and the memory of millions who have gave their lives for the UK past and present. They are fucking scum HF, scum who celebrate the blowing up of buses and the flying of aeroplanes into buildings.



Think you've missed the point. I'm not saying our laws are 'muslimesque', but that you seem to want to change our laws to be more muslimesque. I don't.


You said a koran burner in a muslim country would do so at their peril.


You also said this mans "fate should be decided by the relatives of everybody who has lost a son in Afghanistan and Iraq"


So you endorse the muslimesque approach of making it perilous to offend people.


Seems to me these people accept our laws and have been punished according to it. You can't accept that's the end of it.


my comment that the relatives should decide on his fate is obviously tongue in cheek, you can see this I suspect, you're not exactly Skidmarks or some other clueless cunt :D


I simply don't agree that having a view on a punishment makes that particular view "muslimesque" in any way, its quite simply stating the obvious which is that these people alienate themselves from our cultures and way of life and bring about their own confrontations through their own actions. They are not suited to life in the west, so they should go and live where their chosen cultures aren't confrontational with the majority and the ways of that state. I find it hard to believe that you, an intelligent bloke who's opinion I respect by the way even if I don't agree with it, can't see what they are doing.


Do you really not see that insulting the memory of men and women who died for the UK to be the despicable and cowardly act that it is ? Or blowing up buses and aeroplanes ? Why do you think that we should adapt to suit them, you do notice that everywhere on this planet that these wankers settle are being forced to adapt to their cultures and ways under the threat of violence and destruction don't you ?


Don't say "its only a minority" because they have a considerable amount of silent supporters too, and even this "minority" are capable of a lot of destruction, and cuts in the security services aren't going to help matters either.

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Seems to me that Leazes has more in common with the poppy burner than he realises:


Poppy burner did so to get a reaction

Leazes posted this thread to get a reaction



and to be fair I've never seen the Poppy Burner in the same room as Leazes at the same time... :D


well, if you are saying that I thought this post would bring out the sandalistas again, then I have been proved right.


Lets just hope they don't bomb the centre of Newcastle and people you know happen to be enjoying a day out shopping etc

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Seems to me that Leazes has more in common with the poppy burner than he realises:


Poppy burner did so to get a reaction

Leazes posted this thread to get a reaction



and to be fair I've never seen the Poppy Burner in the same room as Leazes at the same time... :D


well, if you are saying that I thought this post would bring out the sandalistas again, then I have been proved right.


Lets just hope they don't bomb the centre of Newcastle and people you know happen to be enjoying a day out shopping etc



You're funny

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Seems to me that Leazes has more in common with the poppy burner than he realises:


Poppy burner did so to get a reaction

Leazes posted this thread to get a reaction



and to be fair I've never seen the Poppy Burner in the same room as Leazes at the same time... :D


well, if you are saying that I thought this post would bring out the sandalistas again, then I have been proved right.


Lets just hope they don't bomb the centre of Newcastle and people you know happen to be enjoying a day out shopping etc



You're funny


aye, bombing city centres is hilarious like.

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Seems to me that Leazes has more in common with the poppy burner than he realises:


Poppy burner did so to get a reaction

Leazes posted this thread to get a reaction



and to be fair I've never seen the Poppy Burner in the same room as Leazes at the same time... :icon_lol:


well, if you are saying that I thought this post would bring out the sandalistas again, then I have been proved right.


Lets just hope they don't bomb the centre of Newcastle and people you know happen to be enjoying a day out shopping etc



You're funny


aye, bombing city centres is hilarious like.

:D Why're you bombing cities man? That's muslimesque!


End of the day LM you know fine well people find this kind of protest distasteful, but that's the price you pay for free speech. You also know that nobody advocates the bombing of anywhere, but you persist with this ridiculous argument tac. It's tedious and doesn't paint you or your opinions in any great light.

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I've said it before


...and ignored the reponse. I'll not waste my time again.


Have a canny day mate.


no, I don't consider our laws to be more "muslimesque". I don't get why you think looking after our own is "muslimesque" at all.


They don't fit, it's up to them to adapt to us not the other way round. They have no right to abuse our troops and the memory of millions who have gave their lives for the UK past and present. They are fucking scum HF, scum who celebrate the blowing up of buses and the flying of aeroplanes into buildings.



Think you've missed the point. I'm not saying our laws are 'muslimesque', but that you seem to want to change our laws to be more muslimesque. I don't.


You said a koran burner in a muslim country would do so at their peril.


You also said this mans "fate should be decided by the relatives of everybody who has lost a son in Afghanistan and Iraq"


So you endorse the muslimesque approach of making it perilous to offend people.


Seems to me these people accept our laws and have been punished according to it. You can't accept that's the end of it.


my comment that the relatives should decide on his fate is obviously tongue in cheek, you can see this I suspect, you're not exactly Skidmarks or some other clueless cunt :D


I simply don't agree that having a view on a punishment makes that particular view "muslimesque" in any way, its quite simply stating the obvious which is that these people alienate themselves from our cultures and way of life and bring about their own confrontations through their own actions. They are not suited to life in the west, so they should go and live where their chosen cultures aren't confrontational with the majority and the ways of that state. I find it hard to believe that you, an intelligent bloke who's opinion I respect by the way even if I don't agree with it, can't see what they are doing.


Do you really not see that insulting the memory of men and women who died for the UK to be the despicable and cowardly act that it is ? Or blowing up buses and aeroplanes ? Why do you think that we should adapt to suit them, you do notice that everywhere on this planet that these wankers settle are being forced to adapt to their cultures and ways under the threat of violence and destruction don't you ?


Don't say "its only a minority" because they have a considerable amount of silent supporters too, and even this "minority" are capable of a lot of destruction, and cuts in the security services aren't going to help matters either.


I can see exactly what they're doing. I just choose to embrace the freedom that allows them to do it with an appropriate level of punishment, while agreeing with you that they're cocks. This is not me siding with the muslims, my reaction to the Koran burner story last year was exactly the same....I said on here it shouldn't have even been a story. You're reacting EXACTLY as they're manipulating you to though. You're assuming this is wider spread than it is. You're reacting with intolerance on a par with them, and whether seriously or not....pushing for further retribution against the wider community.


I'm not saying we need to adapt to anything. Do you see you have it the wrong way round, while suggesting we extend punishments to cater to these imbeciles, you accuse me of wanting to adapt to them.


I say show them what makes Britain great....our freedom and our tolerance.

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And linking poppy burning to suicide bombers is wrong too if you ask me.


If this fella has any tendency toward creating widespread carnage, then drawing attention to himself with a pathetic act like this is the worst thing he could possibly do.


Terrorist cells tend to prefer a low profile I think...it allows their evil plans to go undetected.


If you think this dunce is any kind of danger to us you have a low opinion of our security services.

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