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Charlie Sheen

spongebob toonpants

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:lol: I'm imagining this conversation taking place in a caravan and I can't figure out why.

I was picturing a kind of Father Ted scene on Craggy Island, but that's clearly just my warped mind.

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Sheen comes across as a self obsessed arsehole. I don't feel sorry for him at all, in fact I hope the women whose health he deliberately endangered sue him for everything he's got. Apparently he never told them he was HIV+.

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He's basically killed any chance at sympathy by being an irresponsible dickhead. Basically, I think that Sheen could have managed the situation better, by managing it almost any other way.


I think you're spot on in that he could have turned the whole thing around, in terms of PR, had he been open and honest about it. Especially now where the stigmatisation of those with the disease isn't what it once was. Magic was victimised for having poor morals, and that would probably still happen to Sheen, but people were also scared to play basketball with Magic, because they thought they'd contract the illness. Very little of that shit goes on now. For the most part, people are way better educated.

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