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Lance Corporal Kyle Cleet Marshall


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I'm not saying I know more than most. Everyone has an opinion and im sure lads/lasses will be out here who do think it pointless and shit. They like me are entitled to an opinion on it.

Like you say people who sit at a keyboard and work (if they do) in their comfort zone can not have a clear opinion on it. Most are media swayed. Iraq was different to Afghan, the afghan people were trapped by the Taliban and needed our help plus the Taliban attacked one of the biggest nations in the world so the invation was always gonna happen once they boarded them planes. So to say the people that put us here are to blame is wrong too. We had to come in to afghan.


Iraq can be viewed different, as we invaded under blind faith and a lot of people now know it was wrong. It has however help them become a proper country now and in time will be a rich nation.


Before you read this, remember its just my opinion and like you said im just a keyboard typer. I dont know how long youve been there but i was in Lashkar Gah for about 4 months last year, working under Dr Steve Pedley and Michiel Hoffman. We had a chance to meet some troops working in helmand. I have a lot of respect for you guys and the job youre doing. However, whilst working there in the hospital, you see casualties on both sides and you just wish things were avoidable. I think its important that youre out there but I dont think you can ever truly defeat the 'taliban', you can however push them out of afghanistan and into places like pakistan and iran etc, which is what has happened. Taliban isnt just a group of people carrying out terrorist attacks, its a corrupt, evil way of thinking. Since the 'Taliban' is responsible for 9/11, and you said thats why it was inevitable to attack afghanistan, why dont we now attack Iran, Uzbekistan and Pakistan, places where the Taliban admit to having a base. There was this afghani i spoke to at the hospital, who said hes glad that the troops have come but the problem is that out of 50 taliban people that are killed, if two or three inocent civilian are killed, it leads to more hatred. The family of that one innocent individual whether its his father or brother, will have no hesitancy in taking his own life as sucide bomber, if it means a few soldiers die. One innocent person dying will lead to about 20-30 people being pushed towards the ''Taliban''. Ive even heard rumours about taliban people killing afghanis and blaming it on the troops. So basically we're fighting a really tough battle. If the government is adamant on spending more money abroad, spend it on educating people in afghanistan. Thats how the taliban work, through lies and brainswashing, so why dont we counteract it by teaching their kids about Right and Wrong. When our troops leave Afghanistan, if you can honestly say that the taliban is finished and that the possibility of terrorist attacks happening in uk/us has gone or even been diminished, il say this War was justified. Having said that, One positive thing since 9/11 is that the uk has brushed up on its terrorist control. Every other week we read in the paper about how a terrorist plan has been foiled by police.

Most people when talking about war, talk with their hearts and dont see the bigger picture . People see that our troops have died and therefore if any cunt makes any comment about the war not being justified, hes out of order. If Blair and Bush had decided to hold Iran responsible instead of afghanistan, and u were in Iran at the moment, would you really give a fuck about the oppression in afghanistan by the taliban? Like i said all this is just my opinion and im sorry if i offended you by any remarks.

Edited by harrynufc
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1. Since the 'Taliban' is responsible for 9/11


2. why dont we now attack Iran, Uzbekistan and Pakistan, places where the Taliban admit to having a base.


3. if you can honestly say that the taliban is finished and that the possibility of terrorist attacks happening in uk/us has gone or even been diminished, il say this War was justified.


1. That was Al-Quaeda mate


2. Pakistan is in an incredibly volatile state and some form of action to address the situation there may be warranted imo, it seems the drone strategy is not effective and there have been some alarming incidents involving Taliban embedded in the Pakistan government of late. It will be impossible to make a good fist of the Afghan situation if Pakistan isn't sorted out.


3. The possibility of Al-Quaeda launching a terrorist attack on the uk/us from Afghanistan has been diminished and is all but impossible now. Al-Quaeda have tried to relaunch in Iraq and have had some success there stirring up sectarian violence and creating a civil war, as was Zaarqawi's strategy. The taliban isn't finished and has apparently grown over the last 5 years. Their position prior to the invasion, of controlling over 80% of the country and harbouring Al-Quaeda forces, has been decimated.

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I'm not saying I know more than most. Everyone has an opinion and im sure lads/lasses will be out here who do think it pointless and shit. They like me are entitled to an opinion on it.

Like you say people who sit at a keyboard and work (if they do) in their comfort zone can not have a clear opinion on it. Most are media swayed. Iraq was different to Afghan, the afghan people were trapped by the Taliban and needed our help plus the Taliban attacked one of the biggest nations in the world so the invation was always gonna happen once they boarded them planes. So to say the people that put us here are to blame is wrong too. We had to come in to afghan.


Iraq can be viewed different, as we invaded under blind faith and a lot of people now know it was wrong. It has however help them become a proper country now and in time will be a rich nation.


Before you read this, remember its just my opinion and like you said im just a keyboard typer. I dont know how long youve been there but i was in Lashkar Gah for about 4 months last year, working under Dr Steve Pedley and Michiel Hoffman. We had a chance to meet some troops working in helmand. I have a lot of respect for you guys and the job youre doing. However, whilst working there in the hospital, you see casualties on both sides and you just wish things were avoidable. I think its important that youre out there but I dont think you can ever truly defeat the 'taliban', you can however push them out of afghanistan and into places like pakistan and iran etc, which is what has happened. Taliban isnt just a group of people carrying out terrorist attacks, its a corrupt, evil way of thinking. Since the 'Taliban' is responsible for 9/11, and you said thats why it was inevitable to attack afghanistan, why dont we now attack Iran, Uzbekistan and Pakistan, places where the Taliban admit to having a base. There was this afghani i spoke to at the hospital, who said hes glad that the troops have come but the problem is that out of 50 taliban people that are killed, if two or three inocent civilian are killed, it leads to more hatred. The family of that one innocent individual whether its his father or brother, will have no hesitancy in taking his own life as sucide bomber, if it means a few soldiers die. One innocent person dying will lead to about 20-30 people being pushed towards the ''Taliban''. Ive even heard rumours about taliban people killing afghanis and blaming it on the troops. So basically we're fighting a really tough battle. If the government is adamant on spending more money abroad, spend it on educating people in afghanistan. Thats how the taliban work, through lies and brainswashing, so why dont we counteract it by teaching their kids about Right and Wrong. When our troops leave Afghanistan, if you can honestly say that the taliban is finished and that the possibility of terrorist attacks happening in uk/us has gone or even been diminished, il say this War was justified. Having said that, One positive thing since 9/11 is that the uk has brushed up on its terrorist control. Every other week we read in the paper about how a terrorist plan has been foiled by police.

Most people when talking about war, talk with their hearts and dont see the bigger picture . People see that our troops have died and therefore if any cunt makes any comment about the war not being justified, hes out of order. If Blair and Bush had decided to hold Iran responsible instead of afghanistan, and u were in Iran at the moment, would you really give a fuck about the oppression in afghanistan by the taliban? Like i said all this is just my opinion and im sorry if i offended you by any remarks.



Good post mate. Honestly.


Just one point I can pick up on that. Both US and British have a group that go round villages/towns trying to help build schools, dams, Bridges, Wells etc. It's more hearts and minds over brute force. It seems to be working, but like you say it does take one innocent life to ruin a lot of hard work.

We didn't invade afghan we help (try) rid of the Taliban. Now we are helping them to their feet, with education, jobs, Police, armed forces etc.

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Call me a numbnuts but I'm not the one you should be speaking to. If you're going to come out with shit like that, go to Helmand Province and tell the men there that they're doing a pointless job. You absolute fucking cowards.


I disagree. Nobody's criticising the man, the troops on the ground or the armed forces. They're criticisng the people who sent them there in the first place.


Anyway RIP LC Marshall.


Was my original point, thankfully Kitman managed to understand - if KSA had a couple of braincells to rub together he'd be dangerous :lol:

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