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Bad Actor Accents

Monkeys Fist

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Having just endured Mary Poppins with my 3yr old, I was thinking, is there a worse example of a shit accent than Dick Van Dyke's attempt at Cockernee?

Keanu Reeves' English accent in Dracula is poor, but nowhere near as bad as the Dykester.

Any others?

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I was going to say Sean Connery's Irish accent in The Untouchables, but then i remembered he never even bothered and just used his normal voice ;)


Bit like his Spanish accent in Highlander :lol:




Dont forget his Russian accent in "Hunt for Red October"

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

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lowest common denominator stuff but



obviously there's suspension of disbelief in a connery film. but it starts off with him speaking in subtitled russian so clearly there was an attempt at authenticity.


still, really like the film.



plus, not sure if the fish was serious or not, but laurie's pretty much critically acclaimed for his american accent on house. not heard enough natives from that part of the US to comment myself though

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