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Egyptian revolution gathers pace.

Park Life

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There is also an uprising in Kurdistan. Police have shot at people and the Government are stopping doctors from treating people. 5 People have been killed and more than 70 injured.


Whats the world come to?

Hopefully it's senses?


Everyman is born free... or something equally as trite.

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There seems to be a massive uprising movement at the moment and it's not good...

Why isn't it a good thing for the common man to demand liberty?

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There seems to be a massive uprising movement at the moment and it's not good...

Why isn't it a good thing for the common man to demand liberty?


Sorry, you've got me wrong. I'm all for freedom of speech. I meant not good in respect of what the likes of Gaddafi will do in return.

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All kicking off....unconfirmed BBC sources say theres 233 Libyans dead in violence this weekend. Gadaffis son just appeared on national tv trying to scare the public into calling off the revolution and offering compromises, also claims only 84 dead and tanks on the streets are being driven by "drunks"....his old man is reported to have fucked off too....



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Looking at the way the unrest has spread, China must be worried. That is because they need all that lovely oil to power their growth, and has invested a shitload in the region, often by backing these dodgy rulers. There is also the slight risk of unrest within China itself, mainly from the Muslims in the west of the country.

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Looking at the way the unrest has spread, China must be worried. That is because they need all that lovely oil to power their growth, and has invested a shitload in the region, often by backing these dodgy rulers. There is also the slight risk of unrest within China itself, mainly from the Muslims in the west of the country.


Seems the Chinese are more on top of 'social control' than most countries.




Whats your general take on whats happening Billy? .


Where's this all going? Is fundamentalism going to come in and fill the political gap or are a generation of twitter and facebook users intellectually beyond what these groups can offer?


The internet was meant to be the next economic frontier, seems to be that no-one can monetise the fucker properly but its changed the nature of human interaction.

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Who knows what'll happen. Some countries may get an Arab Chavez type of figure, the army will gain power in others, and a couple of them will have democracy. Iran will probably have a bit of internal disruption, but will ultimately be stable enough to gain influence in the region. However, there is always the risk of the bearded loonies taking over somewhere.

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Who knows what'll happen. Some countries may get an Arab Chavez type of figure, the army will gain power in others, and a couple of them will have democracy. Iran will probably have a bit of internal disruption, but will ultimately be stable enough to gain influence in the region. However, there is always the risk of the bearded loonies taking over somewhere.


Nobody gives a fuck about that it seems...The only worry is if any hols might get ruined. :lol:

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My thoughts lead me to think Libya may end up with another tinpot General after Gaddafi finally loses power. The air force has allegedly been bombing protesters, whilst a few pilots are claiming asylum by flying their planes to Malta.

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fascinating to watch what happens next. arab leaders across the middle east will be sweating on today's events. i tip syria to be next to fall.


My tips looking good. Just call me stevie. Psychic man

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Gaddafi currently rambling on about how the US, Britain and other forces egging on teenagers to riot, getting them tanked up on booze and drugs. Other highlights so far has been him saying that local councils can have their own budgets for cleaning parks or something, how Gaddafi and his cohorts beat the USA, Britain and Italy and created a revolution that some people are trying to fuck up.


Basically, he just hasn't got it, or he's trying bullshit his way out of it.

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My mates just told me he's booking a holiday in Tunisia for the end of June. It was cheap, but... :rolleyes:




It'll be a workers paradise by then - no toilet paper or booze but hey..........................

Kicking off in Tunisia again. More protests, the new prime minister forced out.


Trouble in Oman too, which is one of the most liberal and open Arabic states.

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Qaddaffi just been on BBC news, claiming his people love him and all the bother is being stirred up by al Qaeda.

Also says he can't resign, as he holds no official title - wily old bastard :rolleyes:



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