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So England have been accused of 'damaging FIFA's image' due to their conduct during the bid for the 2018 WC. Yet Qatar and Russia have been squeaky clean, despite Russia deleting every email relating to their bid.


Welcome to the wonderful world of FIFA.

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I'm currently reading the report.


They found several people from Qatar who were up to some very dodgy things but as they weren't officially connected to the bid team then FIFA can't do anything about it.

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I'm currently reading the report.


They found several people from Qatar who were up to some very dodgy things but as they weren't officially connected to the bid team then FIFA can't do anything about it.


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I'd love to see all the major international sides refuse to go to Qatar.

It won't happen, but it'd be interesting to see FIFA's reaction.

If just two or three top European sides pull out the competition will be fucked.

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“Today’s decision by the Chairman of the Adjudicatory Chamber contains numerous materially incomplete and erroneous representations of the facts and conclusions detailed in the Investigatory Chamber’s report,” he said. “I intend to appeal this decision to the FIFA Appeal Committee.”


Kinda embarrassing when the guy who did all the leg work is saying that.

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Kinda embarrassing when the guy who did all the leg work is saying that.

Just coming to post that.


Absolutely ludicrous, isn't it? It's not just that it's corrupt (it's a huge system run by rich white men, of course it's corrupt), it's that FIFA is so remarkably incompetent at it's corruption.


As tv, and subsequently club power increases, surely the paradigm will shift away from the current FIFA/UEFA/FA omnishambles?


just saw this as well


In case anyone missed this from earlier in the year, Fifa executive committee members decided to double their pay when the ethics comittee were suggesting that they should not receive bonuses due to unethical behaviour. Their pay jumped from £59k per annum to £118k. Says it all really. I am in the wrong job.
Edited by The Fish
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:lol: Fucking FIFA man, they don't even bother trying to pretend they're not a corrupt joke and come out with some shite like 'we have found some anomalies and will investigate further but it is not a bad as previously thought', they just come out and go ahhhh it's all fine as if anyone will fucking believe that man. The 2018 voting was dodgy but 2022 is just astounding, how the fuck they can expect anyone to believe it wasn't a corrupt bidding process I've no idea.


Then again I'm sure they don't give a flying fuck as according to the quote Ewerk put up the next step in the process is to appeal to the fucking FIFA appeal panel :lol: I wonder what that completely impartial investigation of the investigation will find out.

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Yeah. It's a fucking joke. There was a write up in The Australian newspaper about how rotten FIFA is. Its laughable that the two federations (the FA and the FFA) who have been most vocal in their criticisms of the bidding process are the ones accused of corruption by FIFA. Truly its almost perfect satire. That FIFA refuses to release Garcia's report to the public is proof enough of its contents. Its a despicable organisation run by an autocratic misogynistic fuckwit.

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im surprised that FIFA aren't worthy of a serious police investigation in one or several major european countries. Maybe senior govt officials like free tickets and goody bags too...

I read that the FBI are investigating them over some hotel perks for officials in NYC.
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