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Andy Carroll aftermath(press conf/interviews etc)


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Just read:


Kenny Dalglish at Carroll's opening press conference when asked about AC's injury and when he'll be on the pitch:

"I am desperate to see him because I want to see one hung up in the box, in front of the Kop, and him charging in on a header. I would love to be inside the mind of the defender who is standing underneath it waiting for it to come in, and waiting for Andy to plough over the top of him," he said.


Wow, reading that really hurts ... 'cause you know he's right.

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I'd heard rumblings of this but dismissed it.


Got no issues with Ashley doing the scousers over for an additional £10m but if its true then it clearly shows we had no intention of buying a replacement and yet again the clubs version of events would be shown to be lies.

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Newcastle captain Kevin Nolan has apologised to the club's fans for his upbeat assessment of Andy Carroll's move to Liverpool.


Boyhood Reds fan Nolan told Liverpool TV he was "delighted" for Carroll, who was joining a "fantastic club".


But the comments angered Newcastle fans upset at losing their hometown hero.


"If fans don't like it, I apologise," said Nolan. "I'm getting quite sick of the Andy Carroll saga. I just want to put it to bed and get on with it."


He added: "The last thing I want is to start upsetting our fans because they have been brilliant."


Carroll helped Newcastle win promotion last season, has scored 11 Premier League goals in 19 appearances this season and won his first England cap in November.


He became the most expensive British player in history with his £35m transfer from St James' Park to Anfield on Monday.


"There's no-one more disappointed than me," said Nolan. "Not only have we lost a top player but I've lost a good mate who was very close."


Meanwhile, Carroll - currently out of action with a thigh injury - says he does not feel pressure to replace former Reds favourite Fernando Torres.


Torres was idolised by the Liverpool fans before his sudden and acrimonious £50m departure to Chelsea on Monday.


Carroll was signed from Newcastle for shortly after Torres left, but the 22-year-old says he will focus only on what he can bring to Anfield.


"Torres was a great player but I need to concentrate on my own game and play the way I know I can," said Carroll.


However, the Gateshead-born forward is not fazed by the price tag, which also made him the eighth most expensive player in the history of the game.


"It was a lot of money but I need to do what I have to do to prove the money was worth it," he said at a news conference to introduce himself and fellow striker Luis Suarez, signed from Ajax for £22m.


"I am here to score goals and create chances for the team and that is what I can do.


"I have scored goals at Newcastle and that is what I want to bring here - we'll just have to wait and see [whether the transfer fee was worth it]."


Reds manager Kenny Dalglish added that he had no qualms about the fee he paid for Carroll, who arrived at Anfield carrying a thigh injury.


Dalglish also took the opportunity of the news conference to take a swipe at the media, who he felt had been unfair in their reaction to Carroll's arrival.


"I'd like to reassure Andy we are more upbeat about Andy coming than I think yourselves [the media] are, because every question seems to have negativity in it," said Dalglish.


"We have no reason to be negative about Andy signing for Liverpool. It is a great signing for us, as Luis's is.


"We will look forward to getting him fit, up and ready for work and he'll play when he's good and ready."


Despite claim and counter-claim about his departure from St James' Park, when pressed on Thursday Carroll brushed aside questions over his exit, saying he would prefer to focus on making a fresh start at his new club.


"I have got massive respect for Newcastle, they are my team and my home club and I'm not really going to talk about what happened there," he added.


"It means a lot to me but I am a Liverpool player now and that is what I have to concentrate on."


Carroll, who has one England cap, says he is still unsure of when he will be ready to return. But he adds that when he does, only then will it truly hit home that he is a Liverpool player.


"I'm working hard at the minute in the gym at Melwood," said Carroll.


"I need to get my fitness up and when I finally make my debut with the number nine that's when it will hit home that I'm here and I'm here to stay."


Absurd that he had to apologise. I'd say he did it through gritted teeth. Team spirit will be fucked.

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Am I a £35m pound striker?


-I scored 24 goals for my club helping them gain promotion back to the premier league at the first attempt.


-In my first season in the premier league I scored 15 goals by the end of January including 1 away against Arsenal and one against Liverpool at home.


-My form earned me a call up to the England squad.



-Am I a 35 million pound striker?



No I’m Michael Ricketts Bolton 2002

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I'd heard rumblings of this but dismissed it.


Got no issues with Ashley doing the scousers over for an additional £10m but if its true then it clearly shows we had no intention of buying a replacement and yet again the clubs version of events would be shown to be lies.

Unless we ever want to sign a player off them, then it will be pay back time. Clubs don’t like getting fucked about like this. We’ve already fucked off West Ham (Last minute Dyer price hike), Mallorca (Jonas wrongly citing the Webster ruling), Everton (Gosling breaking a verbal agreement) and Marseille (Ben Arfa going on strike).... we’ll be getting shit reputation in football circles.

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we’ll be getting shit reputation in football circles.

Very very true. I believe that other chairmen have commented on Ashley's unprofesionalism too. Newcastle will become, if not already are a club that people would prefer not to do business with. Lets be honest it looks like players don't care where they play so Ashley's little price hike gambles will not be forgotten.

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we’ll be getting shit reputation in football circles.

Very very true. I believe that other chairmen have commented on Ashley's unprofesionalism too. Newcastle will become, if not already are a club that people would prefer not to do business with. Lets be honest it looks like players don't care where they play so Ashley's little price hike gambles will not be forgotten.



Clubs should bear this in mind when considering bidding for Tiote this summer. :(

Edited by AshleysSkidMark
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we’ll be getting shit reputation in football circles.

Very very true. I believe that other chairmen have commented on Ashley's unprofesionalism too. Newcastle will become, if not already are a club that people would prefer not to do business with. Lets be honest it looks like players don't care where they play so Ashley's little price hike gambles will not be forgotten.

Aye. Whelan (who hates him anyway) had a pop about him wearing a replica strip in the director’s box. Quinn wasn’t over chuffed about him doing the fucking conga either. Neither are crimes but he’s showing a lack of respect to his peers. Basically he doesn’t show anybody any respect.

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Raphael Honigstein on Twitter:


btw. I'm told Mike Ashley brazenly upped Carroll prize by £10m on Monday. Liverpool thought they had understanding for £25m


another source just confirmed Carroll price-hike story, with one small clarification: initial price agreed on Friday was £22m


Mark Douglas (Sunday Sun and Journal sportswriter) in response:


@honigstein Certainly not what the club are saying. #nufc sources say Sun night was the 1st time they contemplated selling


@MsiDouglas well, someone's lying then...


@honigstein I'm honestly not knocking your sources. My head was spinning on Mon: so many claims & counter claims...


@MsiDouglas I didn't take it that way, no worries


@honigstein I was told as soon as anyone went to 30m, all bets were off. If they were selling at 22m... Wow


@MsiDouglas there's more to it. DM me


Then you've got a load of people saying "Put it on a public forum, the fans deserve to know", but there's nowt on either of their timelines other than this from Douglas:


@honigstein Everyones got an agenda! But yeh,#nufc interests best served by saying they wouldn't sell. Your info v.interesting



Honigstein has never struck me as the type to make stuff up.

Interesting quote from Liverpool owner JW Henry, assuming he isn’t talking crap.


"The fee for Torres was dependent on what Newcastle asked for Carroll," Henry told The Guardian, explaining they simply wanted a difference of £15million. "The negotiation for us was simply the difference in prices paid by Chelsea and to Newcastle. Those prices could have been £35million [from Chelsea for Torres] and £20million [to Newcastle for Carroll], 40 and 25 or 50 and 35. It was ultimately up to Newcastle how much this was all going to cost. They [Newcastle] made a hell of a deal. We felt the same way."

Doesn’t sound like the deal for Carroll came out of the blue on Monday morning, and adds credence to the rumour we hiked the price up at the last minute?



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It could come out that Ashley has a Mackem crest tattooed on his arse and lent Carrol his own helicopter to get to Liverpool and 99% of the lemmings would still buy a season ticket next season and add a few more million to his bank balance that the club will never see. He must be pissing himself in Aspers tbh


''Here's another million blown in a night thanks to the clowns in this city!''

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It could come out that Ashley has a Mackem crest tattooed on his arse and lent Carrol his own helicopter to get to Liverpool and 99% of the lemmings would still buy a season ticket next season and add a few more million to his bank balance that the club will never see. He must be pissing himself in Aspers tbh''Here's another million blown in a night thanks to the clowns in this city!''

Most definitely.


I bought myself out of the three year deal after the KK sacking. Left me £50 out of pocket in the short term but I’ve made it back by picking and choosing my games since. I can’t give it up all together but FMA is by far and away the worst thing ever to happen to NUFC and I struggle to understand why people can’t see that as long as we keep blindly putting money in his pocket he’ll just carry on taking the piss.


If we all gave every other home game a miss next season it would completely change the dynamic of the relationship. His master plan for screwing us would take a huge hit. It would also show the world were not a bunch of mugs. Something like this is what I wanted NUST to go for. We’d still be supporting our club but not letting FMA walk all over us. Unfortunately they’ve been too busy sticking their head up their arse to even consider stepping out of their comfort zone.

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Seems as though Liverpool were probably in touch with Ashley about Carroll as soon as they found out about Torres' transfer request and the fat man couldn't resist pocketing himself such a giant sum of money.


One of the greatest shames about the whole thing is that we're not going to see another Shearer, a local hero, someone who could be our number nine and spend his entire career here serving the fans and banging in the goals. Of course Ashley has absolutely no idea of this and even if he did, he wouldn't care one iota.


He's screwing all of us over, for whatever reason (I still can't quite get my head around the idea that he thought he could buy into a football club and treat it as a business to make profit) and we can't make any progress until he leaves the club. Of course, on the plus side, his stinginess will probably mean we're on a better financial footing whenever he does finally get out of our club.

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we’ll be getting shit reputation in football circles.

Very very true. I believe that other chairmen have commented on Ashley's unprofesionalism too. Newcastle will become, if not already are a club that people would prefer not to do business with. Lets be honest it looks like players don't care where they play so Ashley's little price hike gambles will not be forgotten.


Add Bates into the equation as well [re: our belated & insulting offer for Delph], which apparently drew a colorful faxed response from Leeds. But this point is spot on.


It's all well & good to burn bridges in your own business sector, when as the forceful player in the market there are no serious ramifications in the business' future dealings. These day's Ashley/SD are the dictators of the sports retail market, he can piss off & attempt to shaft whomever he pleases. In football circles it's a different story, we're a drop in the ocean by comparison. Much to Contrary Tree's chagrim this is a dominant reason as to why i post some of the details about his SD dealings [and ethics used], because there's a strain of consistency about his ethics in both sectors, and it's unlikely top pay dividends in the football sector, as intimated 'clubs will be wary to do business with us, when we're/Ashley is the purchaser'.


The player buying market [as a product supply line] is a competive market, and forming professional relationships [based on respectul & professional dealings: as the previous regime did, with PSG being a notable example] has it's advantages. The purchases of Ginola & Robert [when both players were being courted by Barca] were due as much to a relatioship of mutual respect between two clubs, not just purely due to our ambition [having top 1st team managers in place: drawcards in their own right, & spending power] at the time.


But in Lendoiro he met his match & mirror image, when buying Collo. It's one time he copped a bit of his own medicine re: transfer market ethics. That saga looked more like a high-noon showdown between two club heavyweights who are similarly known for their lack of professionalism, with Ashley getting his fingers burned slightly.

Edited by Year Zero
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1. So what if Liverpool enquired about Carroll on Friday. It wasn't until late Sunday that Newcastle raised an eyebrow.


2. The 3 year deals are up in the summer so money will be spent and Pardew has form in picking good forwards.


3. Most of the players we sold after relegation were bought via instalment, so we are still due money in.

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1. So what if Liverpool enquired about Carroll on Friday. It wasn't until late Sunday that Newcastle raised an eyebrow.


2. The 3 year deals are up in the summer so money will be spent and Pardew has form in picking good forwards.


3. Most of the players we sold after relegation were bought via instalment, so we are still due money in.

Sounds like we've got nowt to worry about then.

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1. So what if Liverpool enquired about Carroll on Friday. It wasn't until late Sunday that Newcastle raised an eyebrow.

So why no replacement ?


2. The 3 year deals are up in the summer so money will be spent and Pardew has form in picking good forwards.

Do you really believe that people will renew on 3 year deals,


3. Most of the players we sold after relegation were bought via instalment, so we are still due money in.

It's not us that's due the money it's Ashely

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I see pardew has already changed his position from couldn't stand in the way of a transfer request to, couldn't afford to turn down that kind of offer.

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From various sources:

Alan Pardew fears Newcastle United 'will have a problem' if clubs bid for midfielder Cheick Tiote at the end of the season.


Tiote has impressed at St James' Park since joining the Magpies from FC Twente last summer and has already been linked with rival Premier League teams.


Newcastle cashed in on home-grown product Andy Carroll on deadline day after selling the striker to Liverpool for £35million and owner Mike Ashley is keen to put the club on a sound financial footing.


Pardew understands the philosophy of Ashley and Derek Llambias and is hoping he can hang on to Tiote in the long term.

Very talented


"I am hoping there are no bids, ­otherwise we will have a problem," said Pardew.


"Tiote is a very important player, very talented and someone we want to be a big part of our future."


He added: "When I became ­manager, they (Ashley and Llambias) made me aware that they wanted to get the club on a financial footing, which gives them a chance to build it.


"Signing young players and ­hoping they become successful in the ­Premier League is part of the policy of growing as a club.


"Now, ideally, you would like to keep someone like Andy Carroll, a young player who is from the area, but ­financially we could not keep him.


"But we like to think, certainly I have that ambition, that in two or three years' time, if we can sustain our ­status and keep getting the TV ­money invested wisely, that we can hold off that next bid which might be for Cheick in 18 months' time or so.


"We have to get ourselves in a ­position to do that because at the moment we're not and we have to accept that."


Selling club-tastic...

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"But we like to think, certainly I have that ambition, that in two or three years' time, if we can sustain our ­status and keep getting the TV ­money invested wisely, that we can hold off that next bid which might be for Cheick in 18 months' time or so.



Ok what does that tell you ?


Answer on a postacrd to the usual address

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It's nothing to do with ambition or building a team or anything the fans are interested in. We don't really need the money - this years money plus £35m for our best player tells us this - addtional to a few transfer windows resulting in profit. It's asset stripping. Pure and sickening.

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It's nothing to do with ambition or building a team or anything the fans are interested in. We don't really need the money - this years money plus £35m for our best player tells us this - addtional to a few transfer windows resulting in profit. It's asset stripping. Pure and sickening.



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