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I know this has been asked before, but I'm planning on going to Australia in late November/December of this year. Never been before. Going for 3 weeks.


We went to Trailfinders last week, really just to get an idea of how much it was gonna cost (a fuckload!). Anyway, not knowing a lot about where to go, the wifey told us where she thought we should go. My lass wants to end up in a beachy type holiday for the last 5 days or so. So anyway, I'm gonna tell you what this wifey had us doing, and I want the good people of Toontastic to help me out and tell me


a) where she's telling us to go that isn't worth it, and


b ) where we should be going instead.


I've modified slightly what the lass in Trailfinders had us doing, cos she has us flying in and out of different airports to get to and from Aus. I've worked out that if we fly in and out of the same airport, we can fly Premium Economy on Qantas and I think it works out cheaper. I can't be doing with 24 hours in the normal economy seat - if you've seen my legs in the embarrassing picture thread, you'll know why.


So the basic set up of the holiday is as follows:


Fly into Sydney, stay 6 nights (is that too long? We'd get out of the city to do vineyards, Blue Mountains etc., but does that still leave us too much time there? Or too little?)


Fly from Sydney to Adelaide, stay 1 night. The Adelaide thing is solely to drive from there to Melbourne, cos the wifey tells us it's an amazing drive, breathtaking scenery blah blah. (Is this true? Is it worth doing? Is there owt to see in/around Adelaide, or is one night enough?)


Stop one night on the drive to Melbourne, not sure where yet. Recommendations?


Get to Melbourne, stay there three nights (too long? too short? Owt to do while we're there?)


Fly to Brisbane. This bit is kind of just to get us on the next leg which is the Whitsundays, but we're planning on two nights in Brisbane (too long? too short? Owt to do, etc?)


Fly to Hamilton Island, stay there 5 nights. Has anyone been here? In Trailfinders it seemed like a toss-up between this place and Port Douglas (anyone been? Is Port Douglas better?) Can you get to the Great Barrier Reef from Hamilton Island or are we too far away?


Fly to Sydney, stay 1 night. This is basically just to get us back into Sydney so we can fly home.




So there you go. Any help would be greatly appreciated. People I've spoken to say we should go to Cairns (which would be possible if we did Port Douglas instead of Hamilton Island). What's the verdict on Cairns? Are there any other cities/towns that are must-sees that are completely passing me by? Or are we trying to do too much?


Basically I'm just a bit worried that, having gone to Trailfinders, we're gonna end up doing a cookie-cutter Aussie holiday and miss out on stuff that we should be doing.


Thanks for the help.

Edited by Gemmill
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When I'm less hungover I'll offer something. Spent 5 years there and seen more of it than most australians. First thought is don't spend 6 days in sydney and surrounds


Nice one, cheers. Will be good to hear your thoughts when you've recovered.

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Buy corks for your hat. Or, take some string to tie the corks you take out of bottles whilst there to attach to your hat.



Don't waste your money on the sunshine/beach shite - take another week (if possible) and do NZ as well, whilst your down there.


ps I've never been, but will go soon, so any Euros you don't spend send to me!!

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Trailfinders are meant to be cushty.


Vietnam is mind blowing compared to Aus, I'd suggest going there instead. Think trailfinders do it as well.


Gemma: Bloke on itnerweb said Nam is better.


*Sound of plates and cups crashing.




Edited by Park Life
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Ha Vietnam isn't gonna happen like. I can eat things that would make a billy goat puke, but my lass can't.


Try and get out the cities as much as poss if it's Aus. Lanscape and vibe is really magical outside the cities. Cuisine in the cities is some of the most intersting in the world however.

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Ex-girlfriend works for Trailfinders, I'll pass on your itinerary to see if that's the best they offer or if your trip advisor is stiffing you at all.


I'm going in April so I'll be able to give you ideas of what to do in Sydney/Melbourne/Perth when I get back?

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I did Cairns a few years back. Full of Irish back-packers and bars aimed at them. Great Barrier Reef was lovely for snorkelling, but that's all I like about the place.


Sorry I can't offer any alternative suggestions. I wouldn't rush back there though.

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I've only been to Sydney but when i go back I plan on getting an internal flight up to the barrier reef for a snorkel and another flight over to New Zealand. About £150 a flight iirc.


Also if you fly with Quantas you can stop in a different continent on the way there and on the way back for an extra £150. Might be nice to do Hong Kong and San Francisco for a few days either side

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I've only been to Sydney but when i go back I plan on getting an internal flight up to the barrier reef for a snorkel and another flight over to New Zealand. About £150 a flight iirc.


Also if you fly with Quantas you can stop in a different continent on the way there and on the way back for an extra £150. Might be nice to do Hong Kong and San Francisco for a few days either side


he's taking his lass this time so I don't think his old flames there would appreciate a fleeting visit from him, could be embarrassing for both parties

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I went to Australia and New Zealand for nearly 4 months between Sept-Dec in 2008, and it was brilliant. Probably wherever you go there will be a great holiday, but here's my view on it (for what its worth).


Port Douglas is much nicer than Cairns and (I think) better for the GBR, but its not particularly big. But Cairns is where more backpackers go, and so it has more of a night life, net cafes, etc (which you dont get a huge amount of in Port). But on the other hand, this means theres a lot of complete twats there, and you get the typical wankers trying to fleece you and tell you their boat is the best blah blah fucking blah. It felt a bit brits abroad, irish theme pubs kinda shite for the admittedly short period of time I was there. Might not be giving it a fair go, but I much prefered Port. Plus the guy who ran the hostel we were at was incredibly helpful and recommended the boat trip we did in the Whits which was brilliant and we hadnt found it online before that.


If you are going to do the GBR from the mainland, do NOT go on a tour to a pontoon type thing. Go on a smaller boat (less than 50 people), cos they will take you to places away from the crowds and you get a much better time of it (at least for snorkelling, no idea about diving). But wear a wet suit, cos you will be face down for fucking hours and you will miss bits with the sun tan cream and end up with some interesting looking burns!


Hamo is meant to be brilliant, but only went there to fly out of the Whits, which are probably one of the nicest places on the planet. If you are going to that part of Oz and don't go to the Whits you want shooting. When I went, didn't stay on the islands, but went on a boat tour type thing in a tallship, which was mint. But I know people who have stayed on Hamo and it is supposed to be excellent. If it is a choice between Whits and Port, Whits win. Although, not sure what you really get staying on Hamo, whether you can get around to the other islands and in particular Whitehaven beach, which is one of those places you think can't be as good in reality, but is.


The Whits are still sorta in the GBR (I think. This was all explained to me when we were on board the boat but I was drunk), but its not quite the same as if you were doing it off the coast further north as you won't be far enough out to sea. We did snorkelling from the boat in the whits as well as from Port, and it was better snorkelling from Port but still pretty good around the Whits.


Blue Mountains definitely worth doing. If you are prepared for a bit of a trek, theres a good walk you can do from the touristy place with the cable car and the train thing along the cliff edge for quite a way (you can give up at several points along and head back to relative civilization). If you get lucky with the weather and its clear blue skies it is incredible.


Sydney is pretty cool, but not that big a city, and quite expensive for Australia, as you'd probably expect. Depends on the pace of your holiday really, 6 days if you are going out to the vineyards and blue mountains could be ok, if you are then going to say go across the harbour to the likes of Manly etc. But you could probably scrape the main Sydney highlights into one organised sightseeing day, just about. Go on trip advisor etc and look up Sydney in rough guide or whatever to see what else appeals, but do the bridge climb even though its quite expensive. Brilliant view. Don't bother with their stupid tower thing, complete rip off.


Don't know anything about Adelaide, but the great ocean road to Melbourne is meant to be spectacular. Parents have done it and their pics/vids do look pretty damn good. Not done myself, but would like to. Again, no idea on Melbourne.


Think Brisbane is (maybe that should be was) meant to be a decent city, but maybe not spectacular. Think thats where Steve Irwin's zoo is. But should be a good enough place to go for a bit.


Might be worth considering whether you can stretch (money and time) to going to the Northern Territories. Uluru and the Olgas are nice, but one of the best things we did was a 5 day tour (there are 3 day tours as well) in Kakadu, Litchfield and Katherine National Parks, which if you are looking for some impressive scenery are hard to beat. Stick Kakadu, jim jim falls, twin falls, florence falls in google images to get the idea. But when you are going it'll be dry and hot (v hot), so don't expect all of the waterfalls to be going, but it will still be awesome. You get to swim in most of these pools in these canyons, under the waterfalls etc. Its brilliant. And if you want to see ozzie wildlife, its fantastic for that too. We got a boat cruise (I say boat, was basically a tin can with seats and an outboard) on the Mary River, and after all of 5 seconds the guide pointed out our first salt water croc, which was nearly as big as the frickin boat. In three hours saw wallabies, jabirus, sea eagles, kites and several big crocs. Really was an awesome few days.


The food is great in the cities as has already been said, a lot of asian influence (and good variety) and some really nice restaurants in nice settings.


People are generally pretty decent, basically happy english people in a warm country.


Basically, whatever you do will probably be great, and your current trip looks pretty great, so have a decent look at a few websites, see what you like the look of and go for it.

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I know this has been asked before, but I'm planning on going to Australia in late November/December of this year. Never been before. Going for 3 weeks.


We went to Trailfinders last week, really just to get an idea of how much it was gonna cost (a fuckload!). Anyway, not knowing a lot about where to go, the wifey told us where she thought we should go. My lass wants to end up in a beachy type holiday for the last 5 days or so. So anyway, I'm gonna tell you what this wifey had us doing, and I want the good people of Toontastic to help me out and tell me


a) where she's telling us to go that isn't worth it, and


b ) where we should be going instead.


a ) Australia

b ) Blackpool

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Great Ocean Road is good - but it's a very long drive in a day


Cairns is only worth visiting as a place to go to the Reef


The big red centre is a must - don't just fly into Ayres Rock and out again - try and spend a day in Alice -


Rural S Australia or Victoria isn't post card pretty but there are some interesting small towns


If you want to do wine the easiest place is immediately south of Adelaide in McLaren Vale


Around Darwin there are some very interesting spots


It's a bloody big country tho' - if you are not careful you can spend your whole trip in airportd

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