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For Chez, Catmag and CT

Park Life

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My son is obsessed with Countdown and he's 22 months old so I think I've probably already unlocked some serious potential there.


On another note Parky, was it you who advocates not having children immunised? I know there was a debate way back when but I can't quite remember who said what..


I suggest it, but it's your call as a mother. There is some risk either way. I think there are no absolutes with this, just a question of taking time out with your partner and weighing up the pro's and con's.


Parky jnr has the minimum. If you are going for full spectrum imm then do it in shots spread out over a period rather than close together. Keep clear of fluoride. It's too late for the likes of us but with a clean slate it's worth doing.


Don't regulate play, especially creative play. :lol:




Yeah, I remember you saying this now. The bairn has had all of his recommended jabs but last year I decided against letting him have the swine flu vaccine. I did a lot of reading but the fact that I felt like it had been rushed through the system and approved almost on the back of the media hype, mixed with a strong gut-feeling against it meant that declined the invitation from the surgery for him to go and get it.


Inevitably now that it's all flared up in the media again I'm questioning my decision. He's poorly at the moment and last night peaked with a temp of over 39 degrees, hacking cough etc and I've had a horrible couple of days with him being ill. I've just tried to keep my rational head on and treat him with Calpol and fluids and hope it's enough. It's heart-wrenching to see him suffer and wonder if I could have made a wrong decision somewhere down the line.



At the end of the day you can only ever do what you think is best at that time. Sometimes you'll be wrong but usually mostly right.


The swine flu thing is a nightmare, especially after that perfectly healthy 3 year old succumbed at Christmas.


My understanding is they have to be over six months old but I think I would get my little un done when I can ( subject to a bit more research).


I'm also looking to get it myself given the job I do. I don't want to bring it home.


Home your little ones better soon but don't rule out the GP's if your not sure. I only say that as iirc your in nursing??? and nurses are terrible for not wanting to "bother" gps. I say that having a mother and four sisters who are nurses!


Yeah, I think there is a bit of the nursey thing there where I think "I can deal with this" However, I have had to seriously think rationally about his symptoms and my knowledge about the swine flu etc to decide my treatment of it. I won't take any chances though - if his temp went higher or he started with febrile convulsions then I'd be at the mercy of the NHS in a second (Although I'd maybe take him to the hospital I work at rather than the nearest one to where we live!)


As for the swine flu jab - it is no longer being offered to under 5's since the new coalition government came into power, unless they fall into the 'at risk' category.

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Just throw stuff at them (not literally) and they'll pick it up. Smart little bastards. Is your kid bi Chez? I need to get cracking on some languages myself.

Bit personal :lol:


Bit early to tell, n'est-ce-pas? :nah:

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My son is obsessed with Countdown and he's 22 months old so I think I've probably already unlocked some serious potential there.


hmmmmm I thought that with George too, Countdown comes on and hes glued to the box, taking in every minute detail and watching intently


then I realised what it was






he even goes all shy when she looks into the camera :lol:

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My son is obsessed with Countdown and he's 22 months old so I think I've probably already unlocked some serious potential there.


On another note Parky, was it you who advocates not having children immunised? I know there was a debate way back when but I can't quite remember who said what..


Me too! Though I suspect my pleasure in watching is derived from a vastly different reason to your son's.

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Will have enough problems when the other kids clock her dad's trainers tbh.

Tell me about it. Her mother is a classy, intelligent cultured Parisienne from a good background, her dad's from Whitley Bay. Fuck knows how Charlotte will turn out. Well-dressed and mouthy would be my guess.

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Both of ours have now had the MMR jabs. But neither have had the flu jab. Doctor in our street said the same thing as above about the MMR jab. You just DONT want the bairn to get any of that shit, whereas getting flu can help in the long run. It's a bit scary when you hear in the news about some poor bairn dying from it, but equally you dont hear about any kids that get it and are fine after being ill for a week.


I remember the first time our eldest (now 3) had a high fever of around 39. We had straight down A&E and they just whacked him full of calpol and watched him till his temp dropped and sent him home. Now thats what we always do. We also still use Mediced though they changed the recommendation from under 2 to under 5's (or 6?). Was told it was because some parents OD'd their kids on the stuff. But, we still buy it (yes, we have to say the child is old enough....). But we find it works wonders. We'll also use Cuprofen (or whatever its called, Ibuprofen). We dont give all of these at once of course :lol:


Like Cath though, if any of them started having a fit, or their temp wasnt being controlled, Id have them straight down to Durham Hospital. Awful when they are ill like. The youngest scares the shits out of us as he goes all "floppy". We're used to it now though. While at the min he is just full of cold so keeps waking up in the night as cant sleep due to a blocked nose.

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Oh, and first thing our midwife told us for our first was to take any books on kids and bin them :lol:

When we were expecting ours I went out and bought all kinds of books on what to do etc etc. The thing is, like children, when we become a parent we learn all along the way. We make errors, we have sucesses, but ultimately our kids are a subject of what they've encountered within their first 7 years. The books educated me on certain things but actual had and has no bearing on how we raise them.


You ever see a kid shit scared of spiders? That wasn't built into them from birth. That fear comes from a fear they've seen their parents have and has been ingrained into them.

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Oh, and first thing our midwife told us for our first was to take any books on kids and bin them :lol:



Am with you on that one. How to be a parent? Erm, dont be a twat maybe?


Did you know how the mother holds the baby in the first few weeks is key? No I didn't either.

Edited by Park Life
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Oh, and first thing our midwife told us for our first was to take any books on kids and bin them :lol:


Yeah cause extra information is always a bad thing. :o


As long as its actual information, not just polemical pseudo science. Which could be harmful.

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Oh, and first thing our midwife told us for our first was to take any books on kids and bin them :lol:



Am with you on that one. How to be a parent? Erm, dont be a twat maybe?


Did you know how the mother holds the baby in the first few weeks is key? No I didn't either.


Kangaroo method? Very effective with premature babies. Saw that on Grey's Anatomy.

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Oh, and first thing our midwife told us for our first was to take any books on kids and bin them :o



Am with you on that one. How to be a parent? Erm, dont be a twat maybe?


Did you know how the mother holds the baby in the first few weeks is key? No I didn't either.


Kangaroo method? Very effective with premature babies. Saw that on Grey's Anatomy.



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Bill Gates wants to register all new babies on the planet for vaccines

by David Gutierrez, staff writer


(NaturalNews) Bill Gates is promoting a plan to use wireless technology to register every newborn on the planet in a vaccine database.


In a keynote address to the mHealth Summit, which focuses on using mobile technology to improve health care, Gates said that improving survival rates among children under the age of 5 would benefit not just individual families, but societies and the planet as a whole.


"The key thing, the most important fact that people should know and make sure other people know: As you save children under 5, that is the thing that reduces population growth," he said. "That sounds paradoxical. The fact is that within a decade of improving health outcomes, parents decide to have less children."


The number of children who die before their fifth birthday has already dropped from 20 million in 1960 to 8.5 million today, a statistic Gates attributes mostly to vaccination.


"About one-third [of that improvement] is by increasing income," Gates said. "The majority has been through vaccines. Vaccines will be the key. If you could register every birth on a cell phone -- get fingerprints, get a location -- then you could [set up] systems to make sure the immunizations happen."


Gates suggested using cell phones to record each birth and send the information, including biometric identifiers, to a central database. This database would then send reminders to parents' phones when it was time to come in for vaccines or other treatments. He said a prime location to implement such programs would be northern Nigeria or northern India, where vaccination rates are less than 50 percent.


Acknowledging that registering every single birth has never been done before, Gates called for "1,000 new ideas" to "blossom" in order to make it happen.


Such ideas could conceivably involve using the GPS devices inside phones to physically track parents who do not bring their children in for vaccines.


Gates also called for use of mobile technology to implement more continuous monitoring of vaccine supply chains.




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