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NUFC fans who live in Manchester...

seafront magpie

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Manc Mag lives in Manchester but he's a right cunt and also a well known police informant to boot so I suggest you stay clear of him mate, welcome to the board.


Don't listen to this fucking wanksplash mate, I actually live in Trafford.


What part of Manchester have you moved to like?


Its actually Salford but it might as well be fucking Manchester as Deansgate is bout 1min walk from my flat. Can see the wheel and the Cathedral from the window (just to give you an idea where I mean).


From my seafaring days I remember Salford, the docks, and a pub called the Clowes, have a picture of it. It was a watering hole for lots of seamen. Wonder if it's still there.









I remember it still being open in my time but dunno if it's still there to this day.

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Manc Mag lives in Manchester but he's a right cunt and also a well known police informant to boot so I suggest you stay clear of him mate, welcome to the board.


Don't listen to this fucking wanksplash mate, I actually live in Trafford.


What part of Manchester have you moved to like?


Its actually Salford but it might as well be fucking Manchester as Deansgate is bout 1min walk from my flat. Can see the wheel and the Cathedral from the window (just to give you an idea where I mean).




Oh aye, I know where you mean, up near the CIS-it's only Salford cos it's the wrong side of the river but it's slap bang in the city centre to all intents and purposes.


There's loads of places in the town centre to watch the footy but I don't watch toon games there out of choice tbh cos theres always an element that drink in the city centre that want to test. Lass O'Gowrie might be a shout mind you as it's a bit more studenty (and a decent pint). Once you're in the suburbs like most pubs have a decent handful of toon fans in wherever. I'd only recommend South Manchester though tbh as North and East Manchester are both shitholes and Salford (West) is just Salford. So a shithole and red.


Oh the days of the northwestmags and the Sports Cafe :lol:

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Manc Mag lives in Manchester but he's a right cunt and also a well known police informant to boot so I suggest you stay clear of him mate, welcome to the board.


Don't listen to this fucking wanksplash mate, I actually live in Trafford.


What part of Manchester have you moved to like?


Its actually Salford but it might as well be fucking Manchester as Deansgate is bout 1min walk from my flat. Can see the wheel and the Cathedral from the window (just to give you an idea where I mean).




Oh aye, I know where you mean, up near the CIS-it's only Salford cos it's the wrong side of the river but it's slap bang in the city centre to all intents and purposes.


There's loads of places in the town centre to watch the footy but I don't watch toon games there out of choice tbh cos theres always an element that drink in the city centre that want to test. Lass O'Gowrie might be a shout mind you as it's a bit more studenty (and a decent pint). Once you're in the suburbs like most pubs have a decent handful of toon fans in wherever. I'd only recommend South Manchester though tbh as North and East Manchester are both shitholes and Salford (West) is just Salford. So a shithole and red.


Oh the days of the northwestmags and the Sports Cafe :lol:




Happy days!


Gone now that place like. And that did kick off a couple of times for non Manchester games which is what I was on about before.


Did a nice bin bag size bowl of nachos all the same.

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Manc Mag lives in Manchester but he's a right cunt and also a well known police informant to boot so I suggest you stay clear of him mate, welcome to the board.


Don't listen to this fucking wanksplash mate, I actually live in Trafford.


What part of Manchester have you moved to like?


Manchester as Deansgate is bout 1min walk from my flat. Can see the wheel and the Cathedral from the window (just to give you an idea where I mean).


He's also a raving huckle with an insatiable appetite for young men so if you do decide to meet him keep an eye on your drink or your hoop is his whether you like it or not.

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