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Blew up my boiler and Me


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Alright i may have done something really stupid, but right now doctors trips are not an option (live in arse end of nowhere - no one drives and hospital would probably result in work killing me)


Basically for the past 3 weeks me and the mrs have had no hot water on a regular basis, we have no central heating and a shite immersion heater, and as of 3 weeks ago it kept flaking out, maybe letting us get half a bath of water out of leaving the over ride on for a whole day.


Once the engineers got out of party season and eventually came to fix it, they replaced a few cracked buts and said all should be golden.


Fast forward 3 days and it breaks again.


Engineer says he'll make it out Monday morning and eventually he turns up - mentions that there actually isnt an issue, rather an annoying fail safe built into the thermostat that would trip once a certain temp was reached and prevent it from overheating - via not letting it heat at all.


After being told it happened fairly often and was a simple enough issue to fix i asked him to show me what he did to fix it simples! He peeled back the foam, undid the cover to the thermostat and pointed at a little button cased in plastic! looked kind of like pencil lead.


He got a screwdriver, pushed the button in and went there we go, job done, lo and behold hot water!

fast forward to 9pm tonight and i get home from work, go to run a bath after the missus had one when she got home at 4pm - no hot water despite the heater being on for 2 hours.


"No worries" i'll simply do what the engineer said.


Well, i inserted the screwdriver, there was a bang, big flash, i got locked in place and then everything felt weird, arms and legs felt 'flowey' and i drop sparked

Come to to the mrs on the phone to me father to come take us hospital, hands are a bit singed, cant feel me toes and im barfing!


40 odd minutes later and im feeling a bit better, however the tingling remains, my chest feels like someones gripping me heart and and i cant feel my left shoulder/ arm in general - and one of my fingers is locking up.


Now i cant go to the hospital - i was just out of 2 months of operations for kidney stones and kidney failure and work very nearly lost patience with me (ive only been back since 28th of december) but im really weighing up at what point i should call it quits and call for help - or whether any of this is standard


*post shock* syndrome (never had it before)


Random one i know but has anyone ever been sparked out and felt something similar? could you just wait out the symptoms?!

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Would guess if your well enough to come on here and tell us about it in such detail and with punctuation Deadman would die for...... Then you'll be alreet.


Haha - aye believe me I'm not quite black and smokin' or dropping out of consciousness again or owt, just the mrs was adamant that the fact me left arm is M.I.A and that i'd been vomiting meant i was in some sort of major trouble!


Actually besides the chest aching and left arm i feel pretty standard - if a bit stupid!

Just wanted to see if anyone had a similar kind of response to a shock and whether it led to anything that needed dealing with - primarily so i can shut the mrs up! :lol:

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Signs & Symptoms



Shocking sensations. Numbness or tingling. A change in vision, speech, or in any sensation.

Burns or open wounds. These occur where the electricity enters and exits the body.

Muscle spasms or contractions.

Sudden immobility or fractures. A body part may looked deformed.

Interrupted breathing. Irregular heartbeats or chest pain.








Contact with electricity from a high-voltage wire or being struck by lightning needs emergency medical care. Contact with electricity from a low-voltage current needs emergency medical care if any signs or symptoms listed above are present. A person who does not have any symptoms should still see a doctor to check for possible internal injuries.

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Signs & Symptoms



Shocking sensations. Numbness or tingling. A change in vision, speech, or in any sensation.

Burns or open wounds. These occur where the electricity enters and exits the body.

Muscle spasms or contractions.

Sudden immobility or fractures. A body part may looked deformed.

Interrupted breathing. Irregular heartbeats or chest pain.




Quite a range.

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This is the sort of thing superheros are made from btw. If you can shoot electricity from your fingertips, don't go to hospital cos they'll contact the government who will run tests on you and ruin your life.

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Hospital now, you numpty. Especially with chest tightness. Electric shock can send your heart into an irregular rhythm so you need checking out, despite all your protestations.

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Well i slept through the night no issue and woke up still breathing!


Made it down the doctors before i went to work this afternoon and basically they reckon my chest pain is 'expected and should fade' and that my shoulder pain is either me banging it when i hit the cabinet; Nerve damage that may fade; or in extremely rare cases violent low voltage shocks are known to cause fractures - any swelling or loss of movement would lend to this explanation.


So they sent me away with some pills told me not to do anything strenuous, avoid caffeine and energy drinks - and they were booking me in for a scan to check up on the shoulder, and that i should insta-call if the chest pain gets worse or doesn't lighten up.


Im going for a full body CT scan to check whether they got all my Kidney stones on the 31st of Jan so i wouldnt be surprised if they just tried to lump it all with that.


Regardless cheers for the advice and actually convincing me to go pay them a visit, feel like a bit of a mug for chancing it tbh!


Not gonna lie though, seeing the Tiote appeal being denied pretty much packed me heart in for good i was that mad xD

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