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Major Richard Winters


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Not so sure -cometh the time, cometh the man


my Mam - who according to her account was (with Churchill, Stalin & Montgomery) the only person that stood between Hitler and World Domination in 1939-1945 - always said the same "we'll not see their kind again" ...


but when the Falklands War came about she admitted that "just kids" had stepped up just as they had in WW2 and made her proud - which considering she'd spent the last 25 years rubbishing "modern yoof" was quite an admittion

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I think when people make that comment, it's pretty obvious that they're taking about us never seeing a repeat of that situation where an entire generation of young men put themselves on the line, some lying about their age to get the opportunity.


I also understand that given the opportunity to deliver an anecdote or be contrary, Rob and CT will jump at the chance.

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I think when people make that comment, it's pretty obvious that they're taking about us never seeing a repeat of that situation where an entire generation of young men put themselves on the line, some lying about their age to get the opportunity.


I also understand that given the opportunity to deliver an anecdote or be contrary, Rob and CT will jump at the chance.


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I think it'd be reasonable to say that during WW2 the majority of people saw the armed forces as "us" whereas now the majority of people see the armed forces as "them".


I can understand that point, but dont think that has anything to do with the bravery of the individual.


Also worth noting that before the draft (when you had no choice), to the majority of people signing up, war was probably a lot more of an adventure than today, particularly if you think of any of the propoganda films that were going about.


Today we see it first hand from our sofas and are not it any way shielded from the horrors of Iraq or Afghanistan, yet still lots of brave boys and girls still stand up to be counted.


Wild horses wouldnt get me out their and I would a good argument could be put up for the current lot being braver still.

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My dad.


Went over a mine in a half-track full of ammunition in Normandy 1944. They were leading the column - in said half-track and had questioned the sense of this - and his pal who was sitting 1' from my dad was killed whilst the old man got his legs smashed to fuck, his right foot turned 180* round. Prior to joining up, he was captain of the football team, cricket team and tennis team. Fucked. His right leg still has to be dressed three times a week by a nurse - my mother did it every day, but she has long gone - due to the wound.

Hero? I don't think he would consider himself that at all. He never collected his medals and saw fighting the Germans as a necessity.


As has been suggested, there are folk who sign up today and I am proud of them. I think if we had to face what the country faced in 1939 the majority of us would sign up without hesitation.

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True bravery like that shown by Major Winters at various points during WW2 is very rarely someone trying to be brave. It usually comes about by someone just doing what they think is right in conditions most people will hopefully never encounter.

You hear that in the interviews, where none of them will have it that they're heroes.

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