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Ranger urged to knuckle down


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YOU would normally expect a shake of the hand, a smile, possibly even a pat on the back and a ‘job well done’ speech from the manager and his coaches.


But when Nile Ranger walked into the dressing room after scoring a hat-trick for the reserves against Wigan Athletic this week, he got a rather different response.


Newcastle’s coaching staff are impressed with Ranger’s ability, he is quick, a good finisher and dangerous in the air, but they are rather less enamoured with his attitude.


Manager Alan Pardew has already questioned his professionalism after just over a month at St James’ Park and Willie Donachie, the development coach charged with trying to turn the club’s young prospects into established professionals, is concerned. At 19, Ranger has done enough over the last couple of years on Tyneside to give a glimpse of the wonderful player he could become, yet he has also shown enough to suggest he could become yet another wasted talent.


The football scrapheap is littered with them, teenage stars who fizzled out into nothing more than a faint memory and he does not want to be tossed onto that unfulfilled pile.


The fact he was given a five-and-half-year contract this season emphasises the potential he has, but it is ultimately up to him to realise it.


Yet, it is also up to Newcastle’s coaching staff to help him get there and Donachie, who has been assisting Pardew with the first team before John Carver’s appointment as assistant manager yesterday, feels he needs more than a gentle shove to get there.


“Nile Ranger hasn’t made it yet and he has to realise it,” said the former Manchester City full-back, who worked with the late-great Malcolm Allison at Maine Road.


“I said to him the other day after he scored a hat-trick for the reserves, they were good goals, but you need to understand you have a lot to do.


“You have a lot to learn and you have a lot of hard work ahead of you before you become a proper player. He has to take the message on board or he is not going to make it.”


When Pardew replaced the popular Chris Hughton as Newcastle manager last month, Ranger’s progress was a genuine cause of excitement.


Having seen Andy Carroll develop into one of the most talked about young strikers in Europe, Newcastle felt they could have another one on their hands in Ranger.


Although Carroll and Shola Ameobi (pictured left) were the first choice pairing up front, he was next in line, moving ahead of Leon Best and Peter Lovenkrands, as first reserve.


After just four weeks under Pardew, Ranger is arguably back at the back of the queue and Donachie, who will work more closely than anyone with the teenager, knows there is a danger he could end up going backwards.


He said: “At 19 he is still young, playing in the hardest position, up front, sometimes on your own with defenders kicking lumps out of you.


“You have to be mentally strong as well as talented.


“We are trying to create good young men here, and good professionals and Nile has to take that on board.


“There are standards of professionalism.


“It isn’t just what you do on a matchday, that is a common misconception.


“It’s the whole package. People mature at different ages and it might not be until Nile is 24 that he grasps that.


“He might not be ready until he is 24 and that will be frustrating for him. He had moved up the pecking order, but he has fallen back again.


“He is naturally talented and he finds parts of the game easy. He scored three good goals, great goals in fact, but other parts of his game were sloppy, very sloppy.


“In fact, if he played like that at a higher level he wouldn’t get away with it and no way would he have scored three goals.


“He will not survive in the first team with that all round game and he’ll be out again.


“It’s the all-round package Nile needs to work on.”


Ranger would probably describe himself as a flair player, but that is not a description that holds much attraction to the former Scotland international who is trying to groom him into a player Pardew can turn to this season.


The former Southampton prospect, whose troubled past put him in a Young Offenders Institute before moving to Newcastle, is a talented boy, but can he become the sort of man a manager is willing to give a run in the first team?


“There are two words which are vital for footballers,” said Donachie.


“They are not fashionable and they are not going to grab any headlines – they are reliable and consistency.


“They are not what people want to talk about, but without them you will not be a player.


Nobody talks about them, it’s all about skill and goalscorers.


“They will see Lionel Messi beating three players to score, but they will forget about all the hard work and discipline he shows as well.”


He added: “One of the first things Malcolm Allison said to me at Manchester City was savour it, savour every moment you have playing football because it will be over so quickly.


“You have to try and get everything out of it while you can, you have to make the most of it while you can. That was the best bit of advice I ever received.


“The number one thing for me is desire. There are plenty of players who didn’t have the talent, who were told they would never make it, but they did.


“And there are plenty of players who had bags and bags of talent who didn’t make it because they didn’t have desire.”


He must have seriously been acting the arse lately.

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NILE RANGER has revealed he intends to keep on “banging on the manager’s door” in order to realise his Premier League ambitions this season.


The teenager fancies himself as the long-term strike partner for Andy Carroll, and feels he and the big Geordie striker can prove to be the perfect foil up front together.


And he wants to put pressure on Leon Best, Shola Ameobi and Peter Lovenkrands in order to fight his way up the pecking order.


Ranger – who was unlucky not to score a game-sealing goal against Tottenham before late agony struck the Mags on Saturday – did not make the start to 2011 he was hoping for.


First he missed a gilt-edged chance against West Ham with the goal yawning in front of him, and then he was part of the team that was knocked out the FA Cup against Stevenage.

Never one to be down in the dumps, Ranger responded by getting a smiley tattoo inside his bottom lip.


The handful of observers at the recent reserve game with Wigan witnessed the imprint as part of his goal-scoring celebrations when he lashed home a hat-trick against the Latics’ second string.


Yet Ranger is hoping to display it on the Premier League stage soon, and had pleaded with Alan Pardew to continue giving him a chance. With Andy Carroll struggling with at thigh injury, the Londoner told the Chronicle: “The manager has said he doesn’t need to dip into the transfer market and get another striker in.


“As a young player or any player that gives you a bit of encouragement.


“To know you are in his plans gives you a bit of confidence.”


And after firing in a hat-trick last week in front of his watching reserve team boss Peter Beardsley and Toon hero Tino Asprilla, on Tyneside observing life at the club’s Benton HQ, Ranger said: “I was glad to get a hat-trick the other day, it lifted things.


“Stevenage was a nightmare. I’m not being rude but it was like their final.


“They were always going to be at it. We just weren’t on our game as much as they were.


“It is always harder playing in those type of games. And I wanted to just cry after the miss against West Ham.


“Now I just need to keep getting a sniff in the first team and hoping for as many run outs as possible.”


Ranger is also happy to continue proving his worth in the second string if needed.


He said: “I’m so close to the first team, I’d rather not go on loan. I feel like I’m back in form a bit anyway.


“I got a hat-trick in the reserves against Wigan and that got me a chance against Tottenham.


“You’re always happiest when you are scoring goals as a striker.


“It’s really just about getting the chances and opportunities to do that.


“I’m happy to keep getting games in the reserves to prove myself – the gaffer says that it’s good to have a little run-out now and again.


“I’ve got to stay involved because I haven’t been playing much recently.”


Ranger is full of admiration for Beardsley, who is working hard to help the striker polish his goal-scoring abilities.


Ranger said: “Scoring goals in the reserves does you no harm at all.


“I’ve had a few hat-tricks in the Academy and now in the reserves.


“I hope that by doing that there will be a few decent reports getting back to the gaffer.


“That’s all you can hope for.”





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He's a dick. Needs to stop being one.

If Pardew's 'hardline' stance makes him knuckle down then you have to say fair play and commend Pardew for that because the lad's got a bit about him but is nowhere near the finished article.

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He's a dick. Needs to stop being one.

If Pardew's 'hardline' stance makes him knuckle down then you have to say fair play and commend Pardew for that because the lad's got a bit about him but is nowhere near the finished article.


He's obviously a big shot around his mates but he's nothing in football terms yet. He needs to keep better company!

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He should be given a chance to start ahead of shola and best tbh, give him a run out and a "alright then heres your start make it count"


and in all honesty in the brief spells hes came on as a sub he's got a couple of chances and ran balls down and generally been a nuisance, if he gets full games and can do that for 90minutes, hes going bring a lot more to the field than either of the other average strikers.

Jesus i'd be happy if he just chases everything down up front tbh at the minute shola and best never bother (or in sholas case never has)

I actually think Shola offers more until Ranger's finishing improves and I've heard Best is a model pro so you can see why he's behind those two in the manager's eyes. I think he's the best natural partner for Carroll though (potentially anyway) and I'd certainly play him ahead of Lovenkrands (wide right or upfront).

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He should be given a chance to start ahead of shola and best tbh, give him a run out and a "alright then heres your start make it count"


and in all honesty in the brief spells hes came on as a sub he's got a couple of chances and ran balls down and generally been a nuisance, if he gets full games and can do that for 90minutes, hes going bring a lot more to the field than either of the other average strikers.

Jesus i'd be happy if he just chases everything down up front tbh at the minute shola and best never bother (or in sholas case never has)

Ranger has been given a few starts both last season and this season in the carling sup and his impact is completely lost. He is only good as an impact sub at present running at defenders when they are tired. At the start of the game when they are really on the ball he gets dominated and fades away. I also don't see why he would deserve a start, the lad has missed sitter after sitter and whether he creates the chances or not what difference does it make if he is gonna miss them.

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The biggest asset is his age. At only 18 or 19 (the article describes him as a teenager, so I'm guessing he's one of those ages) he should be given an enormous amount of slack imo. However, his age can work for or against him. He's young enough to improve month on month, but if he's too young in mind to realise he has an absolutely gilt-edged chance of showing his stuff at a magnificent football club with some outstanding players to play with he could end up loaned out at a smaller club, playing with inferior players and not getting nearly so many chances as he would get at NUFC to show what he can do. If goes on loan and it doesn't happen for him, his slide down the leagues could be swift.

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He should be given a chance to start ahead of shola and best tbh, give him a run out and a "alright then heres your start make it count"


and in all honesty in the brief spells hes came on as a sub he's got a couple of chances and ran balls down and generally been a nuisance, if he gets full games and can do that for 90minutes, hes going bring a lot more to the field than either of the other average strikers.

Jesus i'd be happy if he just chases everything down up front tbh at the minute shola and best never bother (or in sholas case never has)

Ranger has been given a few starts both last season and this season in the carling sup and his impact is completely lost. He is only good as an impact sub at present running at defenders when they are tired. At the start of the game when they are really on the ball he gets dominated and fades away. I also don't see why he would deserve a start, the lad has missed sitter after sitter and whether he creates the chances or not what difference does it make if he is gonna miss them.

Spot on.

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He should be given a chance to start ahead of shola and best tbh, give him a run out and a "alright then heres your start make it count"


and in all honesty in the brief spells hes came on as a sub he's got a couple of chances and ran balls down and generally been a nuisance, if he gets full games and can do that for 90minutes, hes going bring a lot more to the field than either of the other average strikers.

Jesus i'd be happy if he just chases everything down up front tbh at the minute shola and best never bother (or in sholas case never has)

Ranger has been given a few starts both last season and this season in the carling sup and his impact is completely lost. He is only good as an impact sub at present running at defenders when they are tired. At the start of the game when they are really on the ball he gets dominated and fades away. I also don't see why he would deserve a start, the lad has missed sitter after sitter and whether he creates the chances or not what difference does it make if he is gonna miss them.


Because he's got a chance to improve whereas shola won't, he does fuck all for 90minutes, misses sitters, doesn't bother his arse 90% of the time to even get into position to miss sitters or chase down balls or close down defenders on the ball.


I don't see where the debate here is tbh, week in week out everyone on here slates shola for his lack of effort, inability and falling over.

Even if ranger is far from the finished article he's going to put more effort in at least, which puts him ahead of best/shola.


and Rangers only started 3 games this season, all in the league cup... maybe if he got some consistent starts instead of one here and there with 5pointless minutes at the end of games he'd be a bit better.


Ameobi @29 and still being as useless as always has infuriated me enough over the years that i'd happily let someone who will at least run during a game start.

The debate is Ameobi's goal per starts ratio at newcastle is 0.4 goals per games and he has been on the bench for most of the time without regular starts and regular runs in the team but he has still managed these figures. Ameobi looks poor and lacks effort but you have to admit, for a squad player he puts the ball away better than most. I am not a shola fan, but to claim ranger should be ahead of him without any factual basis is beyond me. Ranger has been given chances, granted few, but he has still never taken them. If he had anything about him games like away at Accrington for example at the start of the season he would have put a shift in and showed what he can do but he was dire.


Furthermore, I feel that Nile Ranger in a starting 11 puts no more effort in than Shola Ameobi. Like I said, for me, Ranger is an impact sub nothing more at present. You can't go around giving people starts in the hope they may surprise you and succeed and leave better players on the bench. We are fighting for every point and that is a gamble which if I was manager I would not be taking.

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It clearly is a matter for debate Ant otherwise you would only have to point towards Ranger being a better player at present, rather than citing the relative age of the players and Ranger's potential. Like GF here I'm not a massive Shola fan by any means. Another thing which GF alludes to is Ranger's worth as an impact player. I'd question whether Ameobi or Best would have the same value as a sub late in the game so you can see why Pardew needs an option like Ranger to bring off the bench.

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I've been quite happy with Shola/Best recently actually.


There's a reason or reasons Ranger isn't starting.

They've done alright and so has the team.

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I've been quite happy with Shola/Best recently actually.


There's a reason or reasons Ranger isn't starting.

They've done alright and so has the team.

I personally thought Best did OK against Tottenham, he brought the ball down very well on more than one occasions and held it up ok. He is not the answer but again a decent squad player and at the end of the day, we only came up last year so we should learn to walk before we run. There is no point thinking players are crap, Shola for me is the second best striker at the club. He may not be great but it is all relative.

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For what its worth I think this is good man management, there is obviously stuff going on with range either on the training ground or his lifestyle that the club aren't overly impressed with, senior figures have spoken to him and with little impact by the looks of it, so by coming out in the press and putting it into the public domain it maybe the kick in the ass he needs

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I'd love to see a compilation of ameobi's misses this season.

I think that they don't want to send Ranger out on loan, particularly to London, as they feel that, in view of his past, he needs close supervision.

He can now go either way; he can knuckle down and fulfill his potential, or he can blow it.

However, I think that, at his age, he looks better than Carrol did at the same age, so his potential is immense.

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